Why People Will Pay More to Work with You
Welcome to the UnCloned® Insider audio newsletter. My name is Audria Richmond, and I am your marketing and launch strategist. I work directly with my clients to show them how to build uncloned brands and launch profitable marketing campaigns. We are the brand that you come to when you want to become or remain the obvious choice of your industry. Hey, y'all.
Audria Richmond®:What's going on? Hopefully, you're having an amazing Monday. And I'm excited to talk about today's topic because who don't wanna make more money? Today's topic is called why people will pay more money to work with you. Like, why would people pay more to work with you?
Audria Richmond®:And I believe to illustrate this point, I wanna tell a very quick story, and then we're gonna get into some things that could be blocking you from making more money that you may be conscious or conscious of. And so let's first talk about my experience with the movies. Right? Yes. I'm using the movies as an example.
Audria Richmond®:So, pretty much there's an AMC pretty much everywhere. Right? Majority of cities have an AMC of some kind, at least, you know, the the bigger cities. Right? You know, they have locations pretty much everywhere.
Audria Richmond®:And oftentimes when you go to an AMC theater, you know, they got a cool little concession area. They have the a the a list member club, which I loved at one point. I'm a tell you why. I let my subscription go in a minute. And, you know, my husband and I were avid movie watchers.
Audria Richmond®:Like, that's a big part of how we spend time together, how we bond together. And so, you know, going to the movies is our thing. Right? Even when we're at home, the movies is our thing. And so, you know, whenever we meet people, especially couples and they love watching movies, it's like it's our thing.
Audria Richmond®:Right? And so we love the movies. And so when AMC introduced a a list member club, which at the time was $20 for 3 movies a week, it was like, man, this is a no brainer, like who wouldn't sign up for this? Because I think, the a the Stubs a list came right after MoviePass. And I don't know if y'all remember MoviePass, but there was a black guy who created MoviePass, and then a whole bunch of stuff hit the fan with that.
Audria Richmond®:And then right after that, AMC introduced a list, which essentially you can watch 3 movies every single week. And it just like, well, I don't necessarily need to sign up for the MoviePass. Well, MoviePass was no more at this point, but if it was still around, it was gonna create a challenge for them because they were in partnership with AMC and a lot of movie theaters to let people use the MoviePass. But if the movie company themselves, like the movie theater come out with their own membership, then they don't need anybody's outside systems to incorporate that internally as an organization. Right?
Audria Richmond®:So anyway, we we are a list members. We watch our movies, you know, 3 movies every single week and then obviously the pandemic hit and right after the pandemic, we stopped going to the movies as much. And so when we returned back to going to the movies, you know, people were still coming to the movies. It was slow because, you know, it went from the theaters always being packed till we, like, sprinkled all out with our mask on, like, don't sit next to me, you better not cough, blah blah blah. Right?
Audria Richmond®:But anyway, we get past that and we started to notice that a lot of people started signing up for AM, the the a stub the a list. Right? I don't know why I keep calling the a stubs, but the a list. Right? And I'm thinking to myself, like, okay.
Audria Richmond®:The lines keep getting longer and longer and longer for something that's supposed to be exclusive. Right? It got to the point where the a list list the a list line was longer than the regular movie line. You know, to get your concessions, yes, you supposed to go first, but they also gotta serve the people who didn't sign up for the a list club. And so we found ourselves having to come to the movies very early just to go to the movies.
Audria Richmond®:Right? We got to get there early, we got to park early, we got to hurry up and get in line, we got to wait on our food, we got to rush to our seat to make sure we're there on time before the movie start. Right? And if you are a movie goer like me, you don't play about showing up on time to see your movie and get your scene and get comfortable. Right?
Audria Richmond®:So anyway, it's starting to become a hassle. Right? And so there's a new movie theater that opened up right up the street from our house called Silver Spot Cinema. And I'm thinking to myself, like, this joint look like it's gonna be kinda lit. They had, like, a bar and everything.
Audria Richmond®:Right? But to our surprise, when we first went to that movie theater, there were no, like, popcorn stand anywhere. There would, like it just was a vibe. Like, you didn't see anybody cooking food. Like, you're like, how the hell you'll get your food?
Audria Richmond®:Like, you don't really know how it works. And so we go in, we get our tickets scanned, they tell us to go with to whatever theater, and when we get to our seat, our food, you know, our food is going to be hand delivered to our seat. Like, they don't have the option where you can stand in line at all. Everybody foods get delivered to their seat via the app, and I'm like, this is new. Okay.
Audria Richmond®:So I like that. And it's not that AMC didn't do it, but they were always late or, like, the person who was bringing your food to their chair also had to work the popcorn stand, and so there's a possibility they could be late bringing your stuff. Right? And so it was just becoming hell of annoying. And so when we went to Silverspot Cinema, you know, it was a breeze because they were just like, this is my kind of bougie.
Audria Richmond®:Right? We get there, the seats are comfortable, the theaters are nice, the staff is nice, it's very clean, very elevated, and we get to our seats and our food is arriving. Now this is not just regular old movie food y'all. This food's so goddamn good y'all. Like the food at this movie theater is amazing.
Audria Richmond®:Okay? And so we was like, okay. Because it's one thing to be able to get, you know, your little cheese sticks or whatnot, but to get like a full blown meal at the theaters that's fire and good and they got great beverages, it was just a chef kiss. Okay? But anyway, that sound hungry as hell.
Audria Richmond®:But anyway, that is, you know, our experience with the Silver Spot Cinema. Right? And I wanna be clear, the Silver Spot Cinema, every time my husband and I go to watch one movie, it's a 100 and, like, $10. $100, $110, or something like that. It's like a $100 every time we go to the movies.
Audria Richmond®:Now why would I stop a $20 a month thing where I could watch 3 movies a week for what's that? Let me see. How many movies is that? Let me see. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9.
Audria Richmond®:So 12 movies, right? So 12 movies, you know, a month for $20 and I'm paying a $100 for 1 movie and it's all because the experience is better. It's all because it was stress free. It's all because I feel special and I feel like and I'm not even in a membership at Silver Spot Cinema. This is just how they roll, you know?
Audria Richmond®:And so for me to pay AMC for supposedly an elevated experience that's not so elevated, and then I go to another place where being elevated is their thing, hell yeah. I would pay a $100 per movie, which moves me to the main point of this audio newsletter. People will pay more, but it has to be a better experience. You know, a lot of the times people are always wondering like, I don't know, I don't understand why they working with that person. They charging $30,000.
Audria Richmond®:They charging 50,000. They charging a 100,000. They charging 20,000, and you can't justify it. 1, because you don't believe it. And 2, you can't justify it because you don't you don't you don't even believe that it's possible.
Audria Richmond®:Right? And so it's important to note that when you're putting yourself out there, it's so important to to know what you what value you bring to the world. Right? Why should I pay you more? Because there's a lot of people who'll be charging agency rates with small business services, and I'm not just here for it.
Audria Richmond®:Right? And, you know, people be charging an arm and a leg, and the service don't be great. And I would just tell you firsthand as somebody who spend a shit ton of money across the board, across multiple sectors, across multiple industries. I will tell you I'm a stickler about how I feel when I'm doing business with a company, preferably a brand. Right?
Audria Richmond®:I personally love to do business with brands. Brands brands tend to give a shit about their companies. Right? I don't see that same desire in small businesses sometimes. And so I just wanna share with you all that people will pay more, but it has to be for a better experience.
Audria Richmond®:So I wanna give you some things to think about that could be repelling people that you ideally wanna work with. Right? So the first thing is, what what kind of content are you posting? Are you posting compelling content that makes people be like, okay, this is my person. Now I'm not talking about trendy content.
Audria Richmond®:I'm not talking about content that your friends will think is cute. I'm talking about content that drives prospect to a decision on whether or not you are or you're not their person. That's number 1. Number 2, positioning. Positioning is so important.
Audria Richmond®:Do you wanna be positioned as Walmart or you wanna be positioned as Target? Do you wanna be positioned as Toyota or do you wanna be positioned as Lexus? You get the point. Right? There's always 2 ends to a spectrum.
Audria Richmond®:And so if you want to be the most affordable and most accessible, great, own it. Walmart does. But if you want to be a little bit more elevated and you are looking for a more elevated type of clientele, then be that. Whatever that is for you. And so your positioning is everything.
Audria Richmond®:If you wanna be considered because, you know, a lot of people like to throw around the word luxury. I'm a luxury this. I'm a luxury that. But your website is trash. Your, you know, your social media is not ideal.
Audria Richmond®:You know, nothing about what you say and do is luxury. And so if you want to be perceived as a luxury brand, you have to show up as a luxury brand. You have to show up. You have to make sure your products and services are in line. You have to make sure your content is in alignment with that thought process.
Audria Richmond®:So your positioning is everything. And a lot of the times, your positioning will also determine the level of respect. You will get in the marketplace and the level of respect that you will receive. And so I think it's important to know how do you wanna be positioned in the marketplace. For us in our organization, I want us to be perceived as the best, like the number one superb company to come to when you want to become uncloned, when you want to become the obvious choice in your industry, and when you're serious about building a brand.
Audria Richmond®:Like, that's who we wanna work with. I don't wanna work with people who have this mindset that they, you know, don't wanna be the best. If you don't wanna be the best, you could just go ahead and skip our company and move on with your life. Right? But I only wanna work with the best because we demand the best and we show it with excellence.
Audria Richmond®:So that's our positioning. The next thing you wanna think about is your experience. Right? And you wanna think about experience in 2 ways. You wanna think about the experience you have around your expertise, and you wanna think about the experience behind like, the experience you're actually providing to people.
Audria Richmond®:When people do business with you, do they like the experience? Do people come back? Do they refer you business? Do they send other people to you? What are what's happening on the experience side of things that's making people say, okay.
Audria Richmond®:This is my person. Right? And then on the other side of experience, how long you've been doing this? You know, there's a lot of people who are advocating for people who just got started to start, you know, that don't have experience to start charging for stuff they don't have experience with. And I will tell you firsthand, you will be found out.
Audria Richmond®:You will be found out. It's not hard to go and get the experience even if you're just getting the experience for yourself. Right? Get the experience for yourself first before you start going to sell it and tell everybody else about it. So, again, you wanna think about your experience as it relates to your expertise and then you wanna think about your experience that you're providing to people when they actually do business with you.
Audria Richmond®:Alright? The next thing is customer service. Y'all, our support desk has a 99% success rate and, you know, when it comes to our support desk. Right? We got a 99% rating.
Audria Richmond®:And the reason why we do is because we actually give a shit about our clients and customers. There's a lot of people who are just treating their customers like trash. They're not honoring them. They're not communicating with them. They kinda just throw them to the side.
Audria Richmond®:And despite how nasty people have been to me personally over the years, formal clients and people who just are just nasty in general, despite how nasty people are, we we still provide a superb customer service experience. And so I'm really big on customer service and I promise you if you improve your customer service, you will be light years ahead of the the whole industry, like ahead of everybody because a lot of people just don't prioritize it. And and because I have a service background, right, I worked as a cashier, I worked as a flight attendant, I worked as a sales rep. You know, every job I practically had my entire life, has always been around service and serving people. And so I I'm a really, really, really big advocate for for providing great superb customer service to your people.
Audria Richmond®:The next thing is no proof or no results. What results do you have? What proof do you have? What evidence that do you have that the thing you're selling and or doing actually works? Right?
Audria Richmond®:Like, how do I know that the product you're selling is actually good? How do I know that the service that you do, you actually know how to do it? Are you demonstrating that in your content? Right? That goes back to positioning and content and experience.
Audria Richmond®:Are you showcasing what you're known for and what you know how to do? And are you demonstrating it in a way where people know you are the obvious choice. Alright? The next thing is sales process. Now, can we talk about sales process just for a second?
Audria Richmond®:One of the things that I noticed about the the sales process is that a lot of people are still doing manual things in their business when it comes to the sales process. And I kinda wanna walk you through this so you can think about this at scale and you could think about how to make this easy in your business. Now I know what I'm about to say does not apply to everybody, but this is what I want you to know. I want you to begin to start thinking about from the time someone shows interest in my business to the time that we begin to start serving them as a client, what is the process? And you wanna think about it on a granular level.
Audria Richmond®:Like, okay, Number 1, the first thing they're gonna do is visit my website. The second thing they're gonna do is click this box. Once they click this box, they're gonna put their information in. Once they put their information in, they're gonna go to a thank you page. And on that thank you page, there's gonna be a welcome video.
Audria Richmond®:And the welcome video, I'm gonna tell them this and this and this and this. Like, you need to know your sales process for every single product that you sell. Even if you sell something in the shop, I know it's easy to proceed, like, oh, you know, when you go to this go to the shop, you're just gonna add to the cart and check out. Not so fast. Okay?
Audria Richmond®:Like, is there opportunity for you to add an upsell? Is there an opportunity for you to add a live chat feature for people to ask questions? Is there an opportunity for you to add a coupon code? Like, that's still an experience. Right?
Audria Richmond®:When I shop with certain ecommerce brands, I could tell the ones who actually give a shit about their shop versus the ones who just threw a bunch of shit in the shop and said they got a store. Right? And so you definitely wanna be thinking about your sales process and how you're showing up in the world. Alright? So, again, people will pay more if your content is fired and positioned well.
Audria Richmond®:People will pay more if your positioning in the marketplace is solid. People will pay more if they're doing you know, the experience of doing business with your business is great and you have experience with your expertise. People will pay more if your customer service is fire. People will pay more if you can show proof and evidence and results that you know what the hell you're doing and that the products and services that you sell are great, and people will continue to do business with you if your sales process is fire, and they know what to predict and they know how to feel and they are excited about the idea of doing business with you. So I hope that you enjoy today's audio newsletter.
Audria Richmond®:Please let me know your biggest takeaway inside of our free UnCloned® marketing Facebook group. If you're not a member of the group, you can visit the description section wherever you may be listening to this audio newsletter. And until next time y'all, let's go live an unclone life and build an unclone brand. Bye y'all.
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