Why It’s Urgent That You Focus on 1 Thing at a Time
Welcome to the UnCloned® Insider Audio newsletter. My name is Audria Richmond, and I am your marketing and launch strategist. I work directly with my clients to show them how to build uncloned brands and launch profitable marketing campaigns. We are the brand that you come to when you want to become or remain the obvious choice of your industry. Hey, y'all.
Audria Richmond®:So I'm so excited to talk to you all, my beautiful uncloned insiders. We have been having a blast in our brand new community, and I'm so happy that I moved our community from Facebook to school. So if this is your first time hearing this, that means that you haven't been tapped into the community. And this is another thing too. The one of the reasons we moved to school because people don't see our content.
Audria Richmond®:So you probably just didn't even see the announcement. You probably haven't seen we made we sent some emails, obviously, but unless you're tapped in and you're paying attention, you probably didn't know we made the move to school. So make sure you come over to school and join us, and you can, visit us at unclonedot group. That's uncl0ned.group, and come and join us on school. I promise you it is cool, and you're gonna have a good time networking, connecting.
Audria Richmond®:We have plenty of opportunities for you to introduce yourself, promote your brand. You know, just be a good community member. Get active in the first 14 days because we strictly remove people who are who aren't engaging. This is not the this the culture we're creating on school is not the same culture we've had with previous Facebook groups. So if you're used to joining groups and just not engaging, this is not the community you wanna be a part of.
Audria Richmond®:However, if you're ready to show up, get known, network, connect with other dope people, people who are really, really cool, then you definitely wanna be a part of our school community. And like I said before, you can visit us at unclone.group to come and join us. Alright? So today, I wanna talk about why it is urgent that you focus on one thing at a time. And I've had a similar conversation, as an audio newsletter before, but I wanted to give a different angle.
Audria Richmond®:And I also wanted to give some tips, in this conversation that I didn't do in the other one. And so as you all know and I and I and I'm speaking for myself. I obviously can't speak for you all, but, you know, attention is for sale and everybody wants your attention, and it's becoming harder and harder and harder to pierce through the noise. And so, you know, running ads is becoming a challenge. Right?
Audria Richmond®:It doesn't mean that it's, like, hard, if you will. It just means it's becoming a challenge. It's costing more to spend money on ads. It's taking more time and energy to create original, organic content. It's costing more to send out emails.
Audria Richmond®:And people are are inundated with information. They're inundated with event invites. They're inundated with, like, so many different things. Right? And so as a result of that, a lot of people just don't know what to focus on, and that's keeping people all over the place.
Audria Richmond®:And so if you don't know what you're gonna do today and you're trying to figure out what you're doing tomorrow, you're like, man, what the hell? Right? And so as the world is becoming more and more distracted, it is important that you become hyper focused because everybody wants your attention. And so I wanna give you some tips and some ideas for how you can really approach this thing. But before I give you the tips that I use to really get myself hyper focused, I wanna get into why it's important for you to sacrifice in this season.
Audria Richmond®:I think oftentimes when people want success, they wanna be able to maintain the current lifestyle that they have while they're transforming and reinventing themselves for their next level. And I'm here to tell you that the Archer Richmond that you all get to experience on a daily basis was built up from the ground up for the past 10 years. And so that I've invested a lot of money in different programs. I bought a lot of products and services. I have read hundreds of books, in this past decade, and a lot of sacrifice has been made.
Audria Richmond®:Right? You know, when I could have probably bought my dream house, I spent a $150,000 on a project, and I do I came in my dream house for a 150,000. I mean, I probably could have got, like, a really decent sized house in Memphis, but, I could at least put a deposit on a nice ass house. Right? But instead of spending that $150,000 on a a deposit for a crib, I spent that money on creating, you know, creating and developing a product line of systems to help my clients become the better version of themselves.
Audria Richmond®:And so you have to ask yourself, what are you willing to sacrifice? I was willing to sacrifice getting my hair done. I was willing to sacrifice getting my nails done. I was willing to sacrifice outings with friends and not going to parties and, you know, really staying hyper focused. And so it's important that you get into environments and communities where what you're focused on is being nurtured and conversate no, having conversations about.
Audria Richmond®:And so when I'm talking to entrepreneurs, they'd be all over the place, and that's one of the reasons why we created the uncloned brand assessment. So entrepreneurs can become more and more focused on the right things instead of being unfocused on a bunch of stuff. And when you're not focusing, you're not getting the outcomes you want, you start to feel overwhelmed. Like, I feel so overwhelmed by, you know, trying to put myself out there. I'm overwhelmed by all the stuff I need to learn.
Audria Richmond®:I'm overwhelmed by all the notifications. I'm overwhelmed by all the things. And the truth is, sometimes we're overwhelmed because we're trying to do too much. And even though I am the queen of doing the most, I do the most focused. I do the most one at a time, and it's not like I'm trying to do 50,000,000 things at one time.
Audria Richmond®:I get that you might want to put on a conference, create a group coaching program, launch a membership site, become an author, publish 15 books, whatever the case may be, but you cannot do it in 10 days. Okay? You cannot do it in a day, and oftentimes if you're feeling overwhelmed, it's because you're juggling all of those things instead of project managing those ideas, which moves me to the next thing that I wanna talk about, which is it is okay to have multiple ideas, but you have to give yourself time to take that idea out of your head, create a plan for that idea, create the assets required to present that idea to the world, and then launch it and market that idea. Right? But when you're trying to do 10 things, you're like, which one do I do and which one should I focus on?
Audria Richmond®:Focus on the one that's easier to get to market so you can get some type of return and on your time. Right? If you got to choose between 2 projects, one project is gonna take you 2 years and another project gonna take you, you know, 30 days. Do the one that's 30 days. That's the one you could bring to the market the fastest and the easiest.
Audria Richmond®:Do that. Right? And so it's not about having too many ideas, it's about organizing your ideas in a way that makes sense based on your capacity, based on your budget, based on your goals, and most importantly based on your vision as the CEO of your company. And so one of the best things you can do when you have a lot of ideas is 1, get it out of your head. That's number 1.
Audria Richmond®:Number 2, once you get the ideas out of your head, organize the ideas based on when you want to launch them. And it's important for you to know how long does it take to launch certain ideas. So, like, when we created our planners, it took us a year just to develop the thing. Before we could even sell it to people, it took us 12 months just to create it. And so you also have to think about whatever the idea you have, how long does it take to actually get the asset developed to be in the marketplace to be sold and for you to get clients from it.
Audria Richmond®:And so if you you gotta look at your ideas from that perspective of, like, it's not about do you wanna do it, you've already, you know, gotten clear on that. What you really need to be thinking about is what is this going to cost me? What need to be true in order for this to happen? Do I even have the information that I need to actually make this happen? So for an example, when I wanted to do my certification program, I didn't know how to do a certification program.
Audria Richmond®:I went straight to Google and I started researching, researching, researching, and then I couldn't find anybody. Then I took a break from it. Then I went back and started researching, researching, researching, and I came across someone to support me with the creation of my certification program. And if it wasn't for her creating a course and a program and a process for me to be able to learn that, I wouldn't have my certification. You get what I'm saying?
Audria Richmond®:It's like I had an idea for a certification, but I didn't know how to create a certification. And so I went to go find someone who been there, done that, got the experience, and can show me how to do it step by step. And this is why some people struggle so long because they're too busy trying to figure out what they don't know instead of just paying somebody being done with it. You know? I feel like the reason that I suffered and and wasn't successful in those first 5 years of business was because I was too busy trying to figure it out on my own.
Audria Richmond®:And we gotta get out of this habit of being on an island by ourselves. We have to get out of the habit of not asking for help and support. You know? So for instance, I was talking to one of my best friends last night, and we were talking about, some of the things I wanted to do with the planners, which is our unclean marketing systems. And, you know, unclean marketing system comes with the course and the planner.
Audria Richmond®:And we were talking about it and she was like, hey. I have a connect at x y z school. I think we can get this get this and turn it into a program for this college. Right? This Ivy League school.
Audria Richmond®:And I'm just like, what? And it's and the only reason we even had the conversation is because I'm a part of her school group. She asked a question in the school group. I told her what I needed help with, AKA asking for help, and she was able to get me in connection, and now I'm in position to ship this person my product suite so they can see if I'm a good candidate and a good fit to be a professor or educator or or temporary educator at this school. And so when you when you don't ask for help, when you don't ask for support, when you don't pay for help, when you don't pay for support, you are delaying your success.
Audria Richmond®:You are delaying and wasting time. I think when I got the time lesson, when it really clicked for me when was when my mama died, when I looked at my mother's casket and I noticed that at the end of her life, my mother didn't get a lot of the things that she said she wanted to do. My mother wanted to travel. She didn't get to travel. My mother wanted to buy a home.
Audria Richmond®:She never got to buying a home. I don't know what your desires are or what your dreams are, but you gotta stop playing in this season, like stop playing. I don't know who need to hear this because if you're listening to this, I need you to, like, really pay attention, stop playing. You don't have as much time as you think you do. We all don't.
Audria Richmond®:This is why I don't waste my time, I don't let people play with my time, and I invest in reducing the time it takes to learn something, so I can get things done and I can be progressive in my life. And so hopefully, that gives you some insight about how you can approach when you have multiple ideas and how to not waste time. So I want to pivot into giving you some tips around how I get so much done. Right? People ask me all the time, how do you get so much done?
Audria Richmond®:I mean, girl, like, by the time I'm I'm I'm done with something, somebody else is still trying to figure out, like, why is that taking so long and then what you gotta do to get this and what does it take to do that? So I think a lot of the times when people are, you know, looking at me, they're not looking at the fact that I have sacrificed. They're not looking at the fact that I read a book pretty much every other day for sport. They don't they don't really under they really don't understand that, like, I'm always learning. I'm always investing.
Audria Richmond®:I literally recently just spent $6,000 to be a part of a program that's centered around building authentic relationships. And so I think oftentimes when people are trying to copy or lurk and look at what somebody's doing, the simplest thing to do is just pay them. Just pay them, and trust me, they will give you all the answers, but you can't look on the outside and know what's going on on the inside. And so I just wanted to share that with you all. So with that being said, I wanna I wanna talk about how am I able to get so much done.
Audria Richmond®:Number 1, I know what I want. Oftentimes, if you're not getting things done, it's because you're not crystal clear around what you want. Get clear around what you want. The next thing, I don't sit in my head with my ideas, instead, I go out and test and launch my ideas. If I have an idea for something, I'm gonna go test it.
Audria Richmond®:I'm gonna go launch it and I'm gonna go put it out there, and I'm gonna let the market to tell tell me if this is trash or not. Oftentimes, when I put things out, I'd be like, okay. We're gonna see, and then boom, it it takes off. And then sometimes I put my ideas out there and I'd be like, that didn't go how I thought it was gonna go. But either way, I got what I needed, which is data.
Audria Richmond®:Oftentimes, you all are making decisions with no true data. You know, people say stuff like, oh, no one is going to buy this. Did you try to sell it? No. I didn't try to sell it.
Audria Richmond®:Well, how the hell you know nobody wants to buy it? So oftentimes you all are making decisions without hardcore proof and or data. And so you wanna make sure that when you're putting your ideas out that you're utilizing data to make your decisions. Alright? The next thing, I only consume content that's related to what I'm focused on at the moment.
Audria Richmond®:So I don't try to over consume or overlearn things that that's irrelevant to what I'm focused on. Right now in this season, I'm focused on cultivating community. So guess what? Everything I'm buying is all about community. I'm finding books on community.
Audria Richmond®:I'm watching YouTube videos on community. I'm listening to podcast interviews on on community. I'm looking for groups to be a part of on community. I'm looking for programs that talk about how to build community. I'm on that my community thing.
Audria Richmond®:Right? And so when I'm in these seasons of learning something, I go super deep with that thing. I don't just read one book. I might read 10. I don't want I don't watch just one video.
Audria Richmond®:I might watch 20. I don't just, look at a course and be like, oh, I don't think I need that figured out. No. I take the time and I invest in the course. So, again, like I said earlier, you could super you could literally multiply your success if you just quit trying to figure it out on your own.
Audria Richmond®:Okay? The next thing, I put my phone on do not disturb a lot. That's something I started doing a couple years ago, and I do I did even more this year in 2024. And so putting your phone on do not disturb allows you to, 1, cancel out all the distractions. Again, remember early when I said people always want your time?
Audria Richmond®:You're gonna always have someone texting you, calling you, asking you for stuff. You wanna make sure you create a space where you can thrive for you. You're not being bombarded with phone calls all day every day, so don't be afraid to put your phone on do not disturb. The next thing, I try to avoid toxic people and toxic conversations. If I'm talking to someone and I feel like this conversation is getting hella negative or I feel like this conversation is not useful for my mindset, I try my best to get out of that conversation as quickly and swiftly as possible.
Audria Richmond®:Okay? The next thing, I guard my heart and I regulate my emotions. This is something that I spent a ton of time on this year, and I feel really confident when I'm interacting with people and I'm monitoring my soul and I'm monitoring my emotions. And when some people say things that I don't like, I'm learning to not be quickly offended or quickly to to wanna respond. Instead, I spend time studying why did that trigger me?
Audria Richmond®:Why did that piss me off? What can I do to avoid that next time? How do I not allow that to even turn into a thought so it don't even process in my heart? So those are some of the things that I really been working on this year is regulating my emotions. Then the next thing, I believe in myself.
Audria Richmond®:I believe in myself. When no one else believes in you, do you believe in yourself? Alex Hermozzi says something very recently in one of his videos, and he said that if you need accountability, you will never win. And I never thought about it like that, but he's absolutely correct. He said, I don't know 1 millionaire that is super successful or billionaire that's super successful is because they had a army of accountability buddies.
Audria Richmond®:And so you have to really it's not that accountability is bad, but when you can't get things done without that, that is a problem because you gotta ask yourself, what are you driven by? What are your goals? What are your what is your vision? What do you what do you desire? What is moving you?
Audria Richmond®:What is your purpose? Why are you doing this work? Those are some of the things you really wanna start to think about. Okay? Do you believe in yourself?
Audria Richmond®:The next thing, I trust myself. There was a period in my time, there was a period in time in my life where I always seek validation. I was always calling people and asking them, what do you think? What do you think? Do you think I should do this?
Audria Richmond®:Do you think I should do that? Every time it turned around, I was asking folks what the hell they think. Now I don't I don't ask for validation. I just go. And let the data tell me what it need to tell me, and I do it again, and I do it again, and I do it again.
Audria Richmond®:And if you don't know how to trust yourself, you need to read Unclown Life, which is my second book. It's called 7 it's Unclown Life, 7 Epic Unrules for Owning Your Shit. Read the book. It's gonna help you rewire your brain so you can really start to begin to trust yourself. And another book to recommend is Outwitting the Devil.
Audria Richmond®:That would allow you to really understand how the world works, what's going on, and how you how society is forcing you to not trust yourself and believe in yourself. Alright? And then the last thing I'll say here is, I am willing to take risk and be okay with the outcome, especially when the outcome isn't favorable. Sometimes we this one is a little bit deep because sometimes people make investments with people and they're looking for people to be their savior. It's like, oh, I spent my last $1,000 and it didn't do what it needed to do.
Audria Richmond®:Did you trust yourself? Check. Did you believe at at the time you made the investment that this could be the thing that helped you? Check. Did you did you consume all the content and do everything that was required?
Audria Richmond®:This is where people don't wanna take accountability. You know, people say people always be like, oh, I I signed up for this course and it wasn't that good. Well, did you watch it? Did you actually apply and do what what was told in the course? Or you didn't like the fact that you had to sit down to watch the course to learn?
Audria Richmond®:Which one? And so you need to be willing to take risk regardless of the outcome. Sometimes you're gonna invest, and it ain't gonna be what you thought it was going to be. Sometimes you're gonna invest, and it's gonna be exactly what you thought it was going to be. That is what's happening with any company, any CEO, any business.
Audria Richmond®:No one there's no company in the history of running a business where every decision that was made by our organization was perfect. It was a shelf kits. It was out the gate, everything they imagine. So if you don't think that you ain't gonna take some l's on investments, if you don't think you ain't gonna take some l's on things not working out, you really probably should quit entrepreneurship. And I'm saying that from the pits of my soul because I see so many people so afraid to spend the $100, the $200, the $500, the $1,000, to $10,000 to 30,000, but they wanna make 1,000,000 of dollars.
Audria Richmond®:It's insane to me. If you want what you want, you have to be willing to invest what it takes. I tell my community this all the time. I tell my community all the time. It takes what it takes, period.
Audria Richmond®:So hopefully, you enjoy today's conversation and now you understand why it's so urgent and so important for you to focus on one thing at a time. So if you are inside of our uncloned school community, please comment on the post where you see this audio newsletter, and let's continue this conversation because it's so important and so urgent that we focus on one thing at a time. And until next time y'all, let's go live an UnCloned® life and build an UnCloned® brand. Bye y'all.
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