Why Do I Spend So Much Time Crafting an UnCloned® Offer?
Welcome to the UnCloned® Insider audio newsletter. My name is Audria Richmond, and I am your marketing and launch strategist. I work directly with my clients to teach them how to build uncloned brands and launch profitable marketing campaigns. We are the brand that you come to when you want to become or remain the obvious choice of your industry. Welcome back, unclone insiders.
Audria Richmond®:So today, we're gonna be talking about why I spend so much time on creating my offers. I write a I wrote a little blurb about this inside of our community, but I wanted to kinda go a little bit deeper because it's that deep. So let's first talk about what an offer is. An offer is what you sell. Your offer should distinguish you from other people.
Audria Richmond®:So when people are thinking about what they want to buy and when they think about your brand, you, your brand, your offer, how everything is packaged down to how you market, it should be uncloned. That's how you become the obvious choice, right? And so you will not be uncloned if you're just throwing offers together and hoping and praying that people buy and people who who have reached mastery level, such as myself when it comes to offer development because I've done so many different type of offers. I've sold so many different types of offers. I think a lot of the times people don't think about the strategy behind an offer.
Audria Richmond®:It's just like most people think, okay, what can I throw together to say, oh, how many people do I need? Let me go start selling it. And it's a lot more thought that go into it. And so I think taking you behind the scenes on, you know, what we're working on will hopefully give you some insight. So I'm currently in the process of mapping out a new program that we're developing, which is the unclone brand accelerator.
Audria Richmond®:Is basically going to be a accelerator that people get to choose, the time frame in which they want to go through the framework. And so we have different time tracks, but the end goal is the same, which is to build an unclone brand. And I've been, you know, I spent a lot of time thinking about what this offer is going to be. You know, who is it going to be for? How much is it going to be?
Audria Richmond®:And so there were a lot of things that went into it, but it wasn't always that way. When I first got started with developing offers, the reason I can speak to, you know, a lot of the lazy ways of doing it because we all have tried to shortcut in some capacity at some point. Right? And for me, it wasn't even about me shortcutting, you know, when I was doing it this way, but it was more so about me just not even knowing what I didn't know. Like, not knowing what's possible, what's not possible, so on and so forth, especially when it came to offer development.
Audria Richmond®:And so early on when I was starting to create offers, I really didn't put a lot of thought into my offers. I was just like, I wanna make $10,000. Okay. How many people I need? What I'm gonna create?
Audria Richmond®:So on and so forth. Right? And over time, I realized that if I want to attract better clients, I need to create better offers. And I think a lot of the times people don't think about the avatar or the client that they wanna work with as it relates to their offer. And it doesn't matter what you sell.
Audria Richmond®:You could be selling, you know, ecommerce stuff or you could be selling service based stuff or program coaching, speaking courses, licensing, certification. It doesn't matter what you're choosing to sell. Whatever it is that you're trying to sell, you need to make sure that it's a perfect match for your ideal client and customer. So let me give you an example. I have certain offers that are great for solopreneurs.
Audria Richmond®:Right? They don't have a team who will, you know, go through the content and figure it out on their own. And then a good probably 90% of my existing offers, at the time of this recording, you know, it's not ideal for clients who are a little bit more elite, a little bit more established, a little bit more further along. That's one of the reasons why, our our value ladder stops at the uncloned brand accelerator. Because once you get past the accelerator, we're doing, like, deep consulting work.
Audria Richmond®:You know, we're doing advisory. Like, we're we're expanding and growing and and scale in the brand. And that client already have experience with marketing, building teams, so on and so forth. So I had to create new offers for a different avatar that I wanted to work with because if you try to take a generic offer and match it with a 7 figure client, eight figure client, they're gonna laugh at you. Also, the behavior types of someone who hasn't made six figures or seven figures is totally different than those of seven and eight figures.
Audria Richmond®:Right? When you start talking about people that's making seven and eight and nine figures, it's all about speed and they value their time. And what they don't do at that level is wasted. And so typically, on the lower end of the spectrum, people don't have problem wasting time or taking their time or being slow with doing whatever it takes to get to the result that they wanna get at that time. And so there's a huge mindset shift, conscious level shift of those two types of avatars.
Audria Richmond®:And so if you're not careful, you could be crafting a product suite that does not magnetically attract the client that you want to work with. Okay? And so you have to actually slow down and strategically think about, like, okay, who, you know, is this offer going to be for? Right? Like, who am I really trying to attract?
Audria Richmond®:And when you get clear on who you're trying to attract, do you understand them? Do you understand, like, what they do on a daily basis? Do you understand the life they have? Right? Like, when I first got started, I had made a million dollars.
Audria Richmond®:Right? So because of that, I didn't know how millionaires think. I didn't know how millionaires move. I know now because I've generated, you know, over $3,000,000 in my business since inception. Right?
Audria Richmond®:So with that being said, I know how millionaires think versus, you know, people who are just starting and want to make their first ten ks or their first six figures or their first, you know, five figures, so on and so forth is two different ends of the spectrum. And if you don't know how to speak to both of those, you know, type of avatars, then you're going to really struggle with your marketing. And it's very hard to relate to some you haven't experienced. So that moves me to another good point. Right?
Audria Richmond®:Like when we talk about, like, marketing, whatever it is that we have, we have to make sure that not only is the is the marketing like, one, your marketing gotta be good anyway just to attract people and get the attention. But once you capture the attention, can you convert the intention? And that has a lot to do with one. Are you speaking the language in your marketing efforts? Two, once people start engaging with your brand, you know, is there consistency from marketing message to offer?
Audria Richmond®:Because you could have 7 figure messaging and $5 offer development. So you wanna make sure that your offers are in alignment with how you, you know, how you put marketing campaigns together. So that's the first thing. Right? Like, how my early approach to offers, how to start thinking differently when I wanted to attract a different avatar and how how your marketing campaign and the results of your marketing campaign is also still determined by your offer.
Audria Richmond®:Right? So if you don't do a good job with marketing, if you don't do a good job offer, you will not see sales. Okay? That's what happens. So number two, I wanna get into some key elements of things I like to think through when I am creating an offer.
Audria Richmond®:So one, I like to think about who is it for? Not just on some basic level stuff, but, like, what is this person thinking? What type of desire reality do they want? What do they what do they not have now? And how can I speak to that?
Audria Richmond®:Okay. The second thing I like to think through is how does this offer align with my vision? So, yes, in our in our vivid vision, we talk about, like, where we're going, where we're heading, and some of those milestones we want to hit. And so when we start creating new offers, I wanna make sure that it's in alignment with our vision. And if my vision has changed, am I allowing opportunity to inch to change and enhance it?
Audria Richmond®:Right? Okay. The next thing is delivery and fulfillment. This is something that, you know, I've always kinda made myself the bottleneck in. And I'm learning that, like, just because you created an offer doesn't mean you have to be the one that deliver it.
Audria Richmond®:Okay? And that's something that I wish I would have been taught early on. There's some I had to kind of burn out and find out on my own, because a lot of the leaders that I have been learning from, they're the bottleneck in everything they do. So, you know, I don't wanna be that. So I had to start thinking differently and start thinking, you know, creating my my business and my business models from a different perspective because I want to grow my business, a different, type of way.
Audria Richmond®:Okay? And then the next thing is I start thinking about marketing integration. So, like, how would this offer fit into the three types of marketing that we teach? How does this offer, integrate with my daily marketing efforts? How does this offer, integrate with my evergreen marketing efforts?
Audria Richmond®:And how does this offer, integrate with our live launch marketing strategies? Right? So when we talk about like, you know, putting the offer out there, I need to know how do I integrate this offer into my audio newsletter, my YouTube shows, things like that, my podcast, so on and so forth. How do I integrate this offer into my evergreen marketing? Right?
Audria Richmond®:So what type of evergreen marketing system can I have going three sixty five that automatically fill my pipeline with leads appointments and or sales? Right? And then for we're doing a live launch, whether this be like a three day conference or a challenge or webinar or whatever, how do that seamlessly integrate and move people into our offer? So again, I'm always thinking about, okay, this offer, when it's developed, how is it going to be marketed? Again, most people don't think about that.
Audria Richmond®:The next thing I like to think about, and this is something that I'm really going to really stress with my community and clients team. Who is going to support you with this? Yes. You can figure it out and try to do it on you do it on your own. But what I'm learning is that most people don't have the capacity, time, energy, effort, or resources to be juggling 15 things at the same time.
Audria Richmond®:Like, if you know you don't have a team, you really should be focused on one thing at a time. If you know you don't have the capacity, you sure you sure should be focused on one thing at a time. If you know you don't like reading books, listening to courses, doing the actual work, what it takes, then you need to be focused on hiring. Right? And so when I'm thinking about my offers, I also like to look at who can support me, you know, with this offer.
Audria Richmond®:How can this offer work without me? And if I am in great integrated into the offer, how do I not become a bottleneck? Or how do I not stifle the growth of this offer because I'm the only one delivering it. Right? The next thing I like to think about is, how does this offer impact my existing offers?
Audria Richmond®:So will this confuse my audience when I introduce this new offer? Will it, elevate you know, will this offer become, you know, like our flagship offer and the other ones kinda take a backstage? How frequently are we going to market this offer? And will this create confusion with my audience? And if so, what do I need to eliminate?
Audria Richmond®:So I know that's a lot, but those are some again, this is a lot one of the reasons why it takes me so long to create to craft to craft an unclown offer, not just like any old offer. Alright? Now the third thing I like to think about is, when I'm thinking about my offer, I have to understand that I need to scale it. And knowing that I I need to scale it, I have to think about it can't just be good for 10 people. How do I see how do I create a system around this offer where we can have unlimited clients and customers into this?
Audria Richmond®:What type of infrastructure do we need once we get past a certain threshold? Right? So, hopefully, this audio newsletter gave you some insight around, like, why I spent so much time, crafting an offer. And if you're inside the unclone community, let me know in the comments below. When it comes to crafting your offers, do you spend a lot of time?
Audria Richmond®:Do you consider anything that I've discussed here? Or how do you how would you rate yourself when it comes to your offer creation? Thank you all so much for tuning in to this week's audio newsletter. And until next time, y'all, let's go live an unclone life and build an unclone brand. Bye, y'all.
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