What to Do When You Don’t Hit Your Launch Goals
Welcome to the UnCloned® Insider Audio newsletter. My name is Audra Richmond®, and I am your marketing and launch strategist. I work directly with my clients to show them how to build uncloned brands and launch profitable marketing campaigns. We are the brand that you come to when you want to become or remain the obvious choice of your industry. Hey.
Audria Richmond®:Hey. Hey, everyone. Thank you so much for tuning in to this audio newsletter. Today, we're gonna be talking about what to do when you don't hit your launch goals. Why am I talking about this is because this is so, so close to home right now.
Audria Richmond®:If you don't know, we are currently at the time of this recording, we are currently in the launch of our uncloned certification program. And let me just be honest with you. I've been working on this certification program for over 5 years. We have spent over $300,000 to create, all the assets required for this particular program from coaching and curriculum all the way down to the printing of planners, all the way down to trademarks and copyrights and contracts. So we have a lot invested when it comes to the Unfone certification program.
Audria Richmond®:And one of the reasons why I wanted to create the certification program was to create duplicates of myself, if that makes sense. Like, oftentimes, when people come to me, they're always asking me like, hey, can you can you do my launch campaign? Can you can you write my marketing campaign? Can you, teach my team? Can you help my team member learn how to launch?
Audria Richmond®:And I was like, I need a way to multiply myself because at the time when we published unclone marketing in 2020, we had crazy demand. I'm talking about like crazy, crazy, crazy demand for the book. And so I realized after 2020, like, hey, I need a way to multiply what we taught in the book because clearly people want to do uncloned marketing campaigns and I want to make sure that there we have a replicatable way, but I wanna do it right. Right? So after the book, we then created the Uncloned launch system, which is the planner that walks you through how to launch step by step.
Audria Richmond®:But then I realized, okay, that's not enough. So even though people have the planner, they can walk through the planner, we we then ended up creating the uncloned launch circle. In the uncloned launch circle, every single month, we taught a different launch style for a total of 16 launch styles. So now we have everything ready now. We got the books.
Audria Richmond®:We got the planners. We got the courses. We have the the launch styles. I spent 16 months creating that. So after all of this money spent and after we created the certification program, created the quizzes, organized everything, I'm now like, okay, I'm ready to launch the certification program.
Audria Richmond®:Okay? So I get the certification program out there and I start marketing it. And y'all wanna know what I did. And look, I can take full accountability when I'm wrong too. Right?
Audria Richmond®:One of the things that I did that was absolutely a no no, especially around here when we talk about launching unclone, I made an announcement. Yep. I did what I tell y'all to not do. I did not launch my certification program. I announced my certification program.
Audria Richmond®:And what does what's the difference between announcement and launching? Well, announcing is just me taking a flyer and posting it on social media and saying, hey, y'all. I got this thing. You interested? Let me know.
Audria Richmond®:That's an announcement. I sent an email. Hey, y'all. I got this certification program. You interested?
Audria Richmond®:Go apply. And how many of you all know that when you launch, it's a lot of work. Okay? I know. I know.
Audria Richmond®:I'm liter I've done so many lunches. I'm literally, like, on my 83rd lunch. So trust me, I understand what it takes when it comes to launching. However, I was like, you know what, Audrey? You gonna have to do this right.
Audria Richmond®:You gonna have to do this right. You cannot make an announcement. You're not gonna get the people you need to join if you if you just treat me like an announcement. So guess what I did? I went and did what I told my clients to do.
Audria Richmond®:I went inside the launch circle and I looked at everything and I was like, you know what? I need to do a webinar. I talked to my I and and one of the reason why I didn't do the webinar at first is because I really wanted to do it the other way around. I really wanted to I really wanted people to apply first, and then they could come to this private webinar. And then after talking to my certification mentor, she was like, no.
Audria Richmond®:You need to launch the webinar because then people can learn about the program and then they can decide if they wanna apply. She was totally right because as soon as we did the webinar, we ended up getting, like, 4 applications post webinar, which is great. Right? Now I do understand that this launch is not for everybody. We're talking about a small segment of my audience who want to acquire a skill that they can leverage through our IP and tools.
Audria Richmond®:Right? So I understand that. So I was like, okay. Cool. So I do the webinar.
Audria Richmond®:We have the applications, coming in. And, today, I'd actually did a a sales call with 1 of the applicants and she's signing up on Friday for the uncloned launch certification. So, yes, we got a sale. Right? So we got someone who's going to be signing up for the uncloned launch certification on Friday.
Audria Richmond®:We start on April 15, 2024 at the time of this recording. And so for the 1st cohort. Right? So I'm like, okay, but can I be honest? I I I just wanna be fully transparent with you all.
Audria Richmond®:I had wrote a goal that I wanted to have 25 people become uncloned, uncloned marketing pros. Like I have it plastered everywhere. I want 25 uncloned marketing pros. I want 25 uncloned marketing pros. And based on the launch numbers, I'm not gonna hit that goal, and I know I'm not.
Audria Richmond®:Right? And so even though I had the goal of hitting 25 people and even though I already have someone who's committed to become a Unclown Marketing pro, I'm still beating up on myself just a little bit because I'd I know for a fact based on my launch numbers, I'm not gonna get the 25 people that I want to sign up for the program. So why am I saying this? I'm saying this because I I felt like this would be the perfect time to record this audio newsletter while I'm in the middle of my lunch. We're gonna be talking about how to deal with those those emotions that come up in the middle of your lunch, but I wanted to set the stage before we talk about, like, what to do when you don't hit your launch goals.
Audria Richmond®:Alright? So when you don't hit your launch goals, the first thing you wanna do is be kind. Right? Remember I just told you, based on my launch numbers, I know I'm not gonna get my 25 uncloned marketing pros, but guess what? Someone saw the vision.
Audria Richmond®:Someone said yes. Someone's gonna be committed to going through the testing process to become an uncloned marketing pro. So guess what I have to do? I have to be kind to myself and I have to pat myself on the back for launching because that's all that matters. I actually launched.
Audria Richmond®:I followed through. I did what I said I was going to do. I said I was gonna do a webinar. I created the webinar. I launched the webinar.
Audria Richmond®:I said I was gonna send out the replay. I sent out the replay. We got applications. I said I wanted to sell the the certification. I sold someone into the certification.
Audria Richmond®:So even though I did not hit my goals, I have to be kind to myself because I did do the work. And so whenever you don't hit your lunch goals, the first thing to do is, 1, be kind to yourself and know that you launched, and that's all that matters. The second thing you wanna do is document your learning lessons and what you could have done better. I know for me, I could've had a longer runway. I think I underestimated the runway required to sell a certification program.
Audria Richmond®:The other thing that I learned I thought about later on was I have 2 avatars who can join our certification program. I have the consultant and coach who want to learn how to become a unclone marketing pro, and then I have the the CEO who wants to send their social media manager, marketing manager, or marketing person that's in their company through the certification so they could be their person that's a uncloned marketing pro who know how to launch unclown marketing campaigns. So I didn't have that in mind when I was creating the webinar. I was like, man, I shoulda had 2 webinars. I shoulda had a webinar for the coaching consultant and I shoulda had a webinar for the CEO.
Audria Richmond®:Lesson learned. I know what to do next time. And then the next thing you wanna do so number 1 was be kind to yourself. Number 2 is document your learning lessons and what you could have done better. And then number 3, let's talk about how to deal with those middle of the launch emotions.
Audria Richmond®:I know you're like, what the hell is middle of the launch emotions? Middle of the launch emotions is that that middle time not necessarily middle time, but that middle yes. The middle time. The middle time between your lunch date and your cart close date. It's that it's those dates in the middle.
Audria Richmond®:Right? So our cart close on, the last day to sign up to become a unclown marketing pro is April 8th. Right? So that means that we still gotta talk to people, get them to apply, and get on the call so we can make sure they understand what they're signing up for, the requirements, the, you know, installment options, so on and so forth. Right?
Audria Richmond®:And so as a result of that, I said, you know what? You still got time, Audria. You're saying you haven't hit this 25 uncloned marketing pros goal, but you must forgot, ma'am, you still got to Monday, April 8, 2024. So you still got 7 days to make it shake. Right?
Audria Richmond®:During those 7 days, guess what I could do? I could be resourceful. I could say, you know what? Let me go ahead and create that second webinar that I know I could've created for the CEOs. Let me, send more emails.
Audria Richmond®:Let me run some ads. Let me reach out to some people that I know have marketing people who aren't as good when it comes to marketing. Right? So when you are in the middle of your lunch, you're gonna be feeling like things ain't going as planned. You're gonna be feeling doubtful.
Audria Richmond®:You're gonna be feeling like, man, I coulda did more. You're gonna be feeling like, man, I'm a loser. Man, I coulda did this. I coulda did that. But guess what?
Audria Richmond®:What you don't do when we talk about this, like, heavenly, do not quit in the middle of your lunch. I'm not quitting. When April 8th get here, this story may be different. It may be, get all guess what? I did hit my 25 people.
Audria Richmond®:Or it may be you know what? Based on the numbers, it don't look like we don't look like we trading upward. And I'm not being negative. I'm just looking at the numbers. Like, I know based on the numbers, this is what it's gonna be.
Audria Richmond®:Right? But you never know. God can make anything happen in the middle of your lunch. So if you quit in the middle of your lunch when you're feeling sad, depressed, angry, mad, then you have no idea what's gonna happen. Miracles can happen in the next 7 days.
Audria Richmond®:So God may supersede my goal. Man, give me 50 uncloned marketing pros. It doesn't matter because I've already dealt with those emotions. But the reason I'm saying this is because you gonna have to know how to deal with yourself when you don't hit your launch goals. And then the last tip here is to launch again.
Audria Richmond®:Now is not the time to quit. Is now is not the time to say launching doesn't work. I hear people do that all the time. Launching don't work, so I ain't gonna launch no more. You have one bad lunch, and now you think all lunches are trash.
Audria Richmond®:You think the person who taught you lunch is trash. You thought reading a book was trash. I went through the course, oh, it didn't work. I made opt in pages. It didn't work.
Audria Richmond®:I didn't get nobody sign up for my emails. It didn't work. Let me tell you something. I've done 83 launches, and I could tell you some of them were flops, some of them were spectacular, but whatever happens, I never stop lunching. Okay?
Audria Richmond®:My goal is to get to a 100 launches this year in 2024. So launch again and launch again and launch again. Now is not the time to quit quit. Now let me give you a quick recap. Number 1, you wanna be kind to yourself.
Audria Richmond®:Number 2, you wanna document your learning lessons and what you could do better. Number 3, you wanna you want to know how to deal with your middle of the launch emotions. And then number 4, you want to launch again. Now is not the time to quit. Now I wanna know what is your biggest takeaway?
Audria Richmond®:Let us know inside of the uncloned marketing free Facebook group. If you are not a member, please visit the description section of this audio newsletter to join our free Facebook group and let me know your biggest takeaway. Until next time y'all. Let's go live an UnCloned® life and build an UnCloned® brand. Bye y'all.