What Does It Take to Win in 2025?
Welcome to the UnClone Insider audio newsletter. My name is Audrea Richmond, and I am your marketing and launch strategist. I work directly with my clients to teach them how to build uncloned brands and launch profitable marketing campaigns. We are the brand that you come to when you want to become or remain the obvious choice of your industry. Hey, uncloned insiders.
Audria Richmond®:So today, I'm just gonna talk from the heart just off of, like, what I've been seeing, in the marketplace as it relates to what does it take what does it actually take to win in 2025. Right? And this may be short or long. I don't know. I'm just going just follow my heart.
Audria Richmond®:Like, I don't have any notes today, like I normally do. I just wanna talk. And so I work with a lot of people privately, publicly, throughout our community in a lot of capacities. And as someone who has been in business a very long time, what it took a decade ago to, like, win and be awesome in the world was was not a lot of energy and effort. Right?
Audria Richmond®:Like, it was effort, but it's not like what it is today. The amount of stuff that you have to emotionally work through just to muster up the the desire to wanna put yourself out there is just different now. Right? Like, you know, it used to be easy to be on social media. And when I say easy, I'm more so speaking to the emotional part of being on social media.
Audria Richmond®:It used to be easy to be on social media. You didn't have to worry about people trolling you. You didn't have to worry about people doing subliminal messages. You didn't have to worry about, people throwing shade or, trolling you. Like, you just didn't have to think about this stuff.
Audria Richmond®:And did it exist a decade ago? Absolutely. But not like it is today. And I feel like what it took to what it took back in the day to sell people into something, like, multiply that times 10. Because not only do you have to talk about what you what you sell and what you offer, you also have to think about all the experience of the people you're trying to work with.
Audria Richmond®:Like, what is their experience? And right now, we're living in some very uncertain times. Right? Like, I try to be more on the positive side of things. I try to make sure that I'm not overly consuming social media.
Audria Richmond®:It's one of the reasons why I enjoy our community because it's not on Facebook. It's not on like, it's it's not on Facebook anymore. I absolutely love that because we have a dedicated space for us to be positive. Because I feel like whenever you whenever I come on Instagram threads, reels, whatever, it's some debate. It's somebody going off.
Audria Richmond®:It's some stupid going on. And I have to make sure that I'm mentally calibrated when I go participate in public social media. Right? And so I just need you all to know that, like, what it takes to win in 2025 is one, you have to find a way to stay positive. I know it's a lot going on, but you have to find a way to stay positive.
Audria Richmond®:Number two, how you talk to yourself. This is something that I feel like I I I'm somewhat good at at sometimes. Like, some some moments of my life and even seasons of my life, I've been, like, extra hard on myself. And then some seasons, I'm very, you know, careful in how I how I talk about myself and how I communicate with myself. And so you wanna make sure that, like, how you talk to yourself is very positive, and you're not, like, beating yourself up about stuff that you can't control.
Audria Richmond®:Right? Like, let's be careful that it's let's be careful to know that, like, okay, you're thinking about some you might be thinking about something negative and then that turns into you saying something negative about yourself. And, like, if you're destroying yourself internally with your words and with your emotions, how you think that's gonna show up in your work. Right? You're gonna get to a place where you don't wanna create content.
Audria Richmond®:You don't wanna make videos. You don't wanna do anything. You not wanna put yourself out there. And I will tell you that, you know, sleeping the day away ain't gonna help. You know, hiding ain't gonna help shutting down and not showing up.
Audria Richmond®:That's not gonna help. You have to find a way to make your efforts, your time, like, safe. Right? Like, you gotta find a way to make your time, energy, and effort safe for yourself. It it takes a lot to show up in the world.
Audria Richmond®:Right? And I'll just I'll be as someone who actually know how to do a lot of stuff. You know, it's been frustrating, like, lately to have to, you know, put myself out there consistently in these toxic environments on social media. And so trust me. I understand.
Audria Richmond®:I understand. I understand. The other thing I would say about, like, what it takes is you have to believe. And I mean, like, believe believe. If it takes someone telling you you know one thing or giving you a little bit of feedback and you don't like it and then you just shut down you quit you don't want to do it no more you want to close the business and come on We have to be emotionally regulated a lot more than that.
Audria Richmond®:And you have to be okay with being told no. You gotta be okay with being told that doesn't work. That doesn't work for me. You have to be okay with not allowing yourself to be so distraught every time something doesn't go your way. Right?
Audria Richmond®:And you wanna make sure that when you're communicating with your people, you know, like your friends, your associates, your community and all of that, that you're not putting that energy into your community, your space, your friendships, like, all of those things. Like, make sure you check-in with yourself first. Right? And so the other thing I would say about, like, what it takes to win a twenty twenty five is you have to have it. I'm gonna do it anyway.
Audria Richmond®:I made a post. It didn't get that much engagement. I'm a do it anyway. I posted a video. It didn't get traction.
Audria Richmond®:I'm a do it anyway. I made, you know, I I paid this person to do something. It didn't go as planned. Do it anyway. Find somebody else.
Audria Richmond®:Like, there's so many let me just say this. It's way more we more reasons to quit than it is to go. And you have to make sure that you ground yourself in something that's really strong. So for me lately, that's been my mission, my vision. It's been, the people who actively show up, in our communities, who show up to our uncloned experiences.
Audria Richmond®:Like, those are the people that I focus on because and full transparency, I used to spend so much time worried about people who don't show up for themselves. And I used to think that I could save people. Like, oh, I can save this person. I can help them get out the rut. I got it.
Audria Richmond®:I did that for myself. I can do it for other people. And one thing I'm crystal clear about, I'm not a savior. I'm not a savior. I'm not Jesus.
Audria Richmond®:I'm not any other religious, you know, deity. Like, I don't have the power to save people. Like, people have to have their own personal drive. Something that's driving them forward. Right?
Audria Richmond®:You have to have something that you can anchor yourself in when, you know, the boat is rocking and is about to flip over and, you know, people disrespecting you and things are happening. You gotta know how to, like, regulate yourself and not be so quick to, like, snap and pop off. Right? Like, one of the things I've been doing really, really well, if I don't have nothing to say that's really, really nice, I don't say anything at all. If I let's say that, you know, it's time to post on social media.
Audria Richmond®:If I'm not emotionally feeling it, I just don't post. Because you will be surprised how your content show up when you are in a negative state. All you gotta do is look at your feed on social media. You could tell who's having a bad day and who's having a great day just by what they're saying. Right?
Audria Richmond®:And I try to be very guarded about that, especially when it comes to talking on the phone, communicating with people. Like, if you got negative energy, stay away from me. I got enough going on in my life. I do not need added pressure. Okay?
Audria Richmond®:So I would say, one more thing. I need you all to believe in yourself. I know I said that already, but I need you to really hear my heart. Why are you doing this work? Why do you show up every single day putting your time, energy, money, and resources into what you're doing?
Audria Richmond®:Why are you doing it? Why are you doing it? Because if you're doing it because you believe that it's going to help somebody, then be okay with the people that you're helping. Even if it's just a few people, don't get caught up in the numbers. It's having a big number is cool, but sometimes big numbers come with big problems.
Audria Richmond®:Ask some of the people who didn't went who didn't went viral for some crazy stuff that they, you know, oh, I didn't really my brother wasn't trying to say that. That was taken out of context. Blah blah blah. Sometimes you really need to enjoy the journey of when things are small, when they are being cultivated. That way you can, like, do all the healing work that you need to do and, like, work on yourself and, get yourself to a place so when you do get big, you're already ready and grounded for success.
Audria Richmond®:So, hopefully, these this was helpful to you. You were able to take something away from this. And if you're inside of the unclone community, let let me know your biggest takeaway, in the comments. And, I look forward to continue to support you in building an uncloned brand and living an uncloned life. Bye, y'all.
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