Special Guest Calvin Richmond- Stop Getting Distracted & Execute
Welcome to the UnCloned® Insider Audio newsletter. My name is Audria Richmond, and I am your marketing and launch strategist. I work directly with my clients to show them how to build cloned brands and launch profitable marketing campaigns. We are the brand that you come to when you want to become or remain the obvious choice of your industry. Hey, y'all.
Audria Richmond®:Welcome to July. I'm excited about today's episode because we have a special guest, my husband, Calvin Richmond. Y'all know who it is. So I'm gonna let him take over today's episode so he can give you some wisdom today. So tune in, get your notepad, and let's get going.
Calvin Richmond:What up everyone? Today, I am excited to share this audio newsletter with you. Today, our topic is going to be stop getting distracted and execute. Yeah. I said it.
Calvin Richmond:Stop getting distracted and execute. I'm a run through the definition of distraction, an object that directs one's attention away from something else. What is your something right now that that is distracting you? I have a list of things that I'm gonna share with you, but grab a piece of paper and pen or pencil if you haven't had grab a marker if you have it. But what is something distracting you right now?
Calvin Richmond:Give you a few minutes, but what is something distracting you right now from achieving that business goal? I'm a give you a list that I have for you, and maybe you can ask yourself this throughout the day. Are you making the calls? Why are you not making the calls? Why are you not following up with the prospect?
Calvin Richmond:You did the work, follow-up with the people. Why are you not following up with the people? Why you haven't made your offer yet? You got all the ideas in your head, but you haven't made the offer. It's just sitting on paper, or is it still sitting in your mind?
Calvin Richmond:Why haven't you made the offer yet? Why have you made the pitch deck yet? You got the right prospect you wanna pitch. You have the right idea. You have the right thing nailed down, but you haven't created the pitch deck yet.
Calvin Richmond:And you're wondering why things are slow. Create the pitch deck. Stop being distracted. Create the pitch deck. Why haven't you set up the meeting link?
Calvin Richmond:You wanna talk to people? You got something to sell them? Why haven't you set up the meeting link? Set up the meeting link. Or are you making something out of nothing?
Calvin Richmond:Or are you just in your head? Stop being distracted, and you should be executing. Maybe you're saying right now, it isn't the best time. Why is that always to go through? Maybe you think it, I got time.
Calvin Richmond:Maybe you got you got all the time in the world. Ain't nobody thinking about the ideas in your head. Stop being distracted and execute. Some of y'all have had let distractions lure you into a place of comfort. I said it.
Calvin Richmond:I'm being honest. You have been lured into a place of comfort. It it's got you making excuses and not executing. Everybody to blame, but you. Why I haven't got started because it's them.
Calvin Richmond:Why I haven't got started because it's date. No. It's you. Execute. It's the beginning of the month, and this month, you're going to execute.
Calvin Richmond:Stop focusing on stuff that's still in your time. You know what? Friends can wait. Lunch and brunches can wait. Every event that pops up in your city or town or another state that you're excited about, that can wait.
Calvin Richmond:Partying can wait. But you know what can't wait? Your legacy, ideas, and dreams. Stop being distracted and execute. The time is now, not tomorrow.
Calvin Richmond:The time is now. This month, execute. Put all the worries to the side. Life is going to life. But I'm charging you to execute.
Calvin Richmond:Maybe you think I don't have all the tools. Maybe sometimes you're gonna feel like you're not the person to do everything. But guess what? You have everything you need. You are the right person.
Calvin Richmond:As you go, what you need will be provided. So stop being easily distracted. What and execute. That's gonna be the word for the month. You're going to execute.
Calvin Richmond:When you execute, it brings you closer to what you desire. Stop looking at what everybody else have. They have it because they execute it. Maybe you don't like the way they execute it. There's there's still you focusing on someone someone else instead of you.
Calvin Richmond:Focus on you and nail in what you need to do. And what I really need you to do is when you execute, whatever it may be, what is that something that you wrote down that's distracting you, which I really hope that you wrote down. You know what? What's distracting me? And be completely honest with yourself.
Calvin Richmond:That is the only way you're gonna move forward when you identify what's truly distracting you. Write it down. And when you execute, come in a group and say, you know what? I executed on XYXY today, and I feel great. Do something that creates momentum that can't be stopped in case another distraction pops up.
Calvin Richmond:You need that momentum. You haven't got started because you you're waiting on the momentum to come from the outside and that's not going to happen. You are your own momentum. So do what you need to do to get the momentum going to execute so you can have and achieve and feel the way that you desire to feel in life and business. Do what you need to do.
Calvin Richmond:Stop looking at what everybody else is doing and do what you need to do. 1 day, somebody need to read your story, but it'll never get started if you don't do anything. I can never read your story if you never start writing. I can never celebrate you if you don't start doing something. I'm charging you to execute.
Calvin Richmond:Stop putting off what you can do right now. Some of the things that you're putting off will only take you 10, 15, 20 minutes or heck 30, and you keep putting it off. So I'm charging you today to execute and stop being easily distracted. Thanks for listening, everyone.
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