Offline Marketing Ideas for 2025
Welcome to the uncloned insider audio newsletter. My name is Audria Richmond, and I am your marketing and launch strategist. I work directly with my clients to teach them how to build uncloned brands and launch profitable marketing campaigns. We are the brand that you come to when when you want to become or remain the obvious choice of your industry. Hey, y'all.
Audria Richmond®:So last week, we did not send out an audio newsletter mainly because we were coming right off of Uncloned Brand Live, which was our 3 day virtual event that we did that was freaking amazing. Like, if you missed it, you missed a treat. However, we do plan to do it again in July, so make sure you save the dates. It's happening my birthday weekend. And you wanna make sure you get locked in and you save these dates because we will be releasing tickets soon.
Audria Richmond®:So all you gotta do is save July 18th through 20th. July 20th is my birthday. I'll be turning 39. And I'm excited about Unclumb Brand Live in July. We plan to make it bigger, better, and we have so many cool things that we didn't get to do with the winter edition that we'll be able to do with the summer edition.
Audria Richmond®:So if you didn't know, we plan to host this 3 day conference, every 6 months. We're testing it out in 2025. And so if anything changes, we we will definitely let you know. But for the most part, we're good to go, and it's happening on July 18th through 20th, so save the dates. Alright?
Audria Richmond®:Now today, I wanna talk about offline marketing ideas for 2025. So because we've made so many changes recently to our business model, to our sales process, and even on how we plan to market this year, I thought it'd be cool to talk about how we plan to market our business offline, but I'm gonna teach it through the lens of giving you ideas. Hopefully, that makes sense. But, I think oftentimes because we market online and it's so easy to send an email, it's so easy to make a post, it's so easy to go live that we totally forget that there are offline marketing strategies for how we can grow our business and how we could put ourselves out there in a big way. And so I wanna give you some ideas really, just to kinda get you thinking like, oh, man, I could totally do that.
Audria Richmond®:In some of these things that I'm gonna be sharing, you already know you're just not doing it. So, hopefully, this audio newsletter serve as a reminder to really get you excited about taking your business offline and marketing your business offline. Alright? So let's get started. Number 1 is speaking.
Audria Richmond®:And I have 2 different angles for speaking, offline. Number 1, you can speak at your own events. So if you wanna host your own events, for your community or whatever, that's your way of being a speaker at your own event. The second way of utilizing speaking is speaking at other people's events. So who do you know that's having the event, that's in person that you can link up with?
Audria Richmond®:If you have a relationship with, you could pitch them and possibly get on their stage. A lot of people who who produce really, really good events are very picky about who they put on their stage. And, so that's something to think about. It's like, who can I start establishing a relationship with because they have offline events? And I definitely kinda wanna get my name thrown in the hat, to be considered to speak at these events.
Audria Richmond®:So kinda start identifying what stages, do you wanna speak on, and what events you wanna integrate it. Alright? The the third one is really you gotta think big on this one. And this is something that we're gonna be doing this year. I'm actually putting together a I'm putting right here for an example here.
Audria Richmond®:I'm I'm saying speaking team, but really a presenting team. Our presenting team will also be doing things for us, online and offline, but more so in this strategy than I'm teaching you from a offline perspective. How can you develop a speaking team for your company? And so I've seen this with people who are, like, really big. They got really big businesses.
Audria Richmond®:I've seen it with, a lot of big corporate companies. However, I believe as small business owners, we could totally do this. Because think about maybe 3 to 4 people that you can train to be speakers and presenters for your for your brand, and you go and disperse those people at different events offline. Right? And so we also plan to apply this strategy to vending as well, which moves me to the next, offline marketing strategy.
Audria Richmond®:We actually plan to vend offline for lead generation purposes. So we're actually identifying what are some really cool offline events that we can integrate at to lead gen. So if you didn't know, we actually have a free assessment for business owners to teach them what their uncloned brand score is. And so, typically, when people go through this assessment, they get a lot of insight and clarity on where they should be focused. And that's really the whole point of why we created the assessment in the first place.
Audria Richmond®:So we already know how to get people online to take the assessment, but our goal and strategy and idea here is offline, we will go and vend at different events. And the whole purpose of our vending is to get as many people as humanly possible to take that assessment while we're on-site at an offline event. And so just like the speaking team is going to go speak on stages, to to generate leads, we will also have a vending team that operates offline, and and we will have multiple vendors. So we might have maybe 5 or 6 or maybe even 10 team members at any given time that's speaking and vending. Because one of my main goals this year, and this is something that I've been writing down for, like, maybe 2 years at this point, I really want to build a team of team members who know how to present content for us that's client facing and public facing.
Audria Richmond®:A lot of my marketing over the years, especially the past decade, has been me plastered over everything. All the ads, all the marketing, all the everything. And so I wanna diversify that this year by training up a group of people who can go and present and represent the Uncloned brand, whether that's speaking on other people's stages, whether that's vending in person. And so, like I said, this team that I'm building out, they'll be able to do online and offline strategies. However, in this case, for today's audio newsletter, we're more so talking about offline.
Audria Richmond®:Right? And so I'm excited about this because I know that when we do when we do this, it's going to be a game changer because think about it. Who you know got vending teams? Who you know got speaking teams? This is really it's like it's not a new phenomenon, but it's underutilized and or not utilized at all.
Audria Richmond®:And so this is something that we can do as small business owners that really doesn't take a lot other than for you to have a proven framework, a proven way of how you do business, and this may also work for our our more established business owners who have written books, who have frameworks, who actually have established IP. Alright? Okay. So the next way that you can market your business offline is by participating in video podcasts. So there's been a huge rise of video podcast, which is great for people like us because people are always looking for special guests or people that they can bring on to their video podcast.
Audria Richmond®:There's so many platforms. YouTube is a great place to go and research, and don't feel like you need to find video podcast in your local city. So, like, for instance, let's say, if I plan on going to a particular city, so for, like, next year not next year, but next month in February, we plan to go to Funnel Hacking Live. Right? The last one that's happened in Vegas.
Audria Richmond®:And so if I'm proactive and we already gonna be there, like, maybe 3 or 4 days before the actual conference, I can start identifying who has a podcast here that I could go and go be on the podcast? Are there any radio stations that I can pitch myself for? Is it possible for me to get on the new the new since it's Black History Month? So kinda start thinking about, you know, who has a video podcast or really any type of platform where you can go and show up and and be interviewed, and then be able to repurpose that content for social media, but also use it as a way to generate leads. Alright?
Audria Richmond®:The next way that you can market your business offline is through sponsorship. So oftentimes, when people think about sponsorship, you know, we kinda think about traditional sponsorship, us seeking sponsorship. But I wanna flip it and so you can know that you too can be a sponsor. So think about some events that you can sponsor, some projects that you can sponsor that people are doing, some initiatives that people are doing. And then if there's any type of programming with nonprofits that's in alignment with what your business stand for and or what your business does, you could totally use this strategy, to go out and build your list and establish, really cool partnerships.
Audria Richmond®:Now another strategy that you can use is direct mail. Alright? So a lot of times when people think about direct mail, it's it's really old school for sure. But direct mail works perfect if you already have a list. So if you already have a list of buyers where you have their name, phone number, and email, and you want an offline way of contacting them, direct mail works great.
Audria Richmond®:However, if you want to start reaching newer people, you can buy a list, but you wanna make sure that you are going to do you're gonna do it as a campaign. You're not gonna just send 1 postcard and you're done. So most postcard campaigns send 3 postcards for the same single pack I mean, not pockets, but for the same single direct mail piece. And so when you're putting it putting your direct mail out there, think of it like this. The inbox, the, you know, email, all of that is extremely crowded.
Audria Richmond®:Most people inboxes are most people mailboxes are not crowded at all. And so it kinda gives you a really cool high visibility strategy that you could definitely check out. Another way you could do direct mail is called EDDM Marketing. That's Every Door Direct Mail, and it's offered by the United States Postal Service. And one of the things that you will notice about, the EDDM is that your stuff has to kinda come pre resort presorted and all of that.
Audria Richmond®:You can actually go to their website and just look it up. I think they have, like, a mini training or YouTube video series, I believe, on YouTube. So definitely go and check that out. Now the last one I wanna share with you, which I think is really unclown, this is something that we are innovating and pioneering, that I think are really gonna change the game that I'm gonna just share with you all because this is something we're active actively going to do. And so the idea here is how many of you all are, like, familiar with, like, vending machines?
Audria Richmond®:Right? You go to a vending machine, you wanna drink, cookie, whatever. Right? And vending machines has expanded. You can get hair, lashes, makeup, beauty, electronics, all type of shit.
Audria Richmond®:Right? But what I really want you to focus on is when you think about a retractable banner, for an example, it's portable, you can move it up and down, and is you can travel with it. Right? And so one of the things we're going to do is we studied the vending machine business, but I was like, I don't wanna pay for a machine, because I don't know if this concept will work. When we went to Vegas a couple of years ago, they had, like, I think it was, like, the licensing expo, but then we went to another event.
Audria Richmond®:I think it was called the White Label Expo. But anyway, I believe at the White Label Expo, there was someone there, like, selling, like, these computerized, vending machines, and we thought about a strategy back then where it's like, hey, what if we had, like, a machine that we could just generate leads with? Right? People would come to the machine, they could pick, you know, what they want to opt in for, and then either they get an email confirmation and or they would just be you know, we were gonna put physical things in there where you could go and get a free guide. For an example, you could put in your information and it will spit out this guide.
Audria Richmond®:Right? So that was kinda what the idea was a couple years ago. But since then, the idea has evolved. Because I think at the time we were thinking about getting this vending machine, I think it would have cost us, like, $10,000 to get this machine, which is not bad if you think about the investment. But think about it.
Audria Richmond®:If we had this machine, we would have to get, you know, agreements from different people. We would have to find someone that would let us put it there, so on and so forth. So I was just like, okay. Let me table that. Now that was a couple years ago.
Audria Richmond®:So last year, I was talking to my husband, and I was like, man, what if we did something else that's different? Like, I was like, what if we treated retractable banners as vending machines? That was a thought process behind it. Like, you know, when you think about a vending machine, it's in a high traffic location, it's typically people that's something that people want, and it just really really works pretty dope. Right?
Audria Richmond®:And so I was like, man, you know what? I really want to do, I really want to attract people offline passively, meaning we don't have to be there, it kinda work on its own, and we can establish relationships. Right? And so, the thought process here is we will create a retractable banner, and the retractable banner would be kinda like our vending machine. So just kinda keep up with that thought.
Audria Richmond®:And so we would reach out to different, business owners who own businesses where small business owners frequent. So think cafes, lounges, hell, this strategy would even work at a conference. Like, if we know somebody that's hosting, like, a networking event or a conference. But But here's the thing. We're gonna negotiate how we can put this in these businesses.
Audria Richmond®:So if there's a fee, we'll pay the fee. If they're cool letting us do it as a pilot, that's fine. If they wanna do revenue share, that's an option. Well, what we're going to put on this banner is basically promoting our uncloned brand score. And if you don't know, our uncloned brand assessment is at the foundation of all of our marketing.
Audria Richmond®:If someone take their assessment, they're gonna want to improve their uncloned brand score, which means they're most likely will buy the uncloned book bundle. They'll join our new brand, you know, uncloned brand q and a club. They will buy a ticket to, you know, uncloned brand live. And so, really, the assessment kinda kicks off everything else. Right?
Audria Richmond®:And the cool thing about the assessment is a high value asset that we're giving away for free. Right? Like, I don't know anybody that's doing it at that level. Right? And so the thought here is, we would contact these small business owners, they would agree to it or whatnot, and we will put QR codes that pretty much was exclusive to that particular banner.
Audria Richmond®:So you know how you can have, like, tracking software on, like, different things that you put different places? Like, think of, like you know how they have those bikes where you can charge them up, and then people just kinda leave them somewhere random, and then whoever owned the company, they identify those things because they have, like, little GPS systems on it. But anyway, the way we would track the effectiveness of these banners, we would add, like, a QR code to each banner. So each banner will have its own unique QR code. Okay?
Audria Richmond®:Now, once we start doing that, we will also probably even color code it. I'm still thinking about it. Right? It's still in strategy mode. But anyway, once we put the QR code on there, we will have individual landing pages for each banner.
Audria Richmond®:Right? To be able to properly track. I could use, you know, you know, URLs and track that way, but I wanna be very clear that banner a at location 1 brought in a 100 leads in the month of February. Right? I wanna be that, specific.
Audria Richmond®:And so we're gonna test this strategy out. I'm a try to identify maybe 10 businesses that'll let us get started with this, but I believe this will really cook because it's passive, it's easy, it's easy to install, it's easy to move, and it's not gonna take up as much as much space. Right? So, yeah, that's that's the unclone offline marketing strategy that we're gonna be doing. So there you have it, people.
Audria Richmond®:We gave you some really amazing offline marketing, ideas for 2025. You already know the drill, especially if you've been listening to this audio newsletter every single Monday for over a year at this point. And so you already know, I want to know what is your biggest takeaway. Let me know inside the unclown community, and let me know if you're like, hey, what is the unclown community? Click the link in the description section wherever you may be listening to this audio newsletter, and you will see a link to request to join our community.
Audria Richmond®:Now let me say this. Do not join our community if you're not gonna be active. We remove inactive participants within the 1st 14 days. So if you don't get active in 14 days, you get removed. So if you're like, hey, I kinda wanna be a lurker, then just keep listening to the audio newsletter, keep giving value that way, and don't join the the community until you're ready to be active.
Audria Richmond®:However, if you are inside the community, let me know in the comments which marketing strategy are you going to test and try offline, and do 2. Right? Pick 1 that you're comfortable with, and pick 1 you're kinda iffy about, you uncertain if it will or won't work for your business. Let me just say, let me kinda say you had a headache, it will. But pick 2.
Audria Richmond®:Right? Pick 1 you're very confident in, like, oh, okay. I could cook with this, which I believe most of y'all will pick speaking. And and number 2, pick something that you haven't done before that you could really utilize to kinda skyrocket, what you have going on. So anyhoo, I really do hope that you enjoy today's audio newsletter.
Audria Richmond®:And until next time y'all, let's go live an unclown life and build an unclown brand. Bye y'all.
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