Insights & Lessons From the Last FHL
Welcome to the UnCloned® Insider audio newsletter. My name is Audrea Richmond, and I am your marketing and launch strategist. I work directly with my clients to teach them how to build uncloned brands and launch profitable marketing campaigns. We are the brand that you come to when you want to become or remain the obvious choice of your industry. Hey, uncloned insiders.
Audria Richmond®:I wanted to share my lessons and insights from attending the last Funnel Hacking Live. And I was gonna, like, write this, like, super elaborate post,
Audria Richmond®:and I was like, I
Audria Richmond®:think I just wanna say it. Right? And it's time for audio newsletter. You may have noticed that I missed a couple Mondays, and, that was intentional. I've been doing it consistently for a whole year, and I wanted to test out, you know, did it help with our community?
Audria Richmond®:And, you know, do you all like it? And, yes, people download it and people do listen, but I don't know the effectiveness of it just yet. So, you know, going forward, I'm gonna continue to do these audio newsletter when I feel like it. Some Mondays I may not feel like it, and some Mondays I may feel like it. But I do plan to create, more content that's more schedule based.
Audria Richmond®:Meaning, like, for instance, we have a new podcast that we're about to release called Unclown Brand. And so that will have a more, you know, like a schedule in seasons. I also realized that I am a season and project based type person. I'm not a ongoing forever type person. Things have to end for me because I need a break.
Audria Richmond®:And I went nonstop with our YouTube channel, nonstop with our audio newsletter. And some weeks, I don't always feel like doing a audio newsletter because sometimes I feel like I've already kinda said some of these things. And what I really want to see from my community is you all to just not consume so much and just actually do a lot of what I've shared in previous audio newsletters. I mean, they're really good. So if you haven't had an opportunity to listen to our back catalog, I highly recommend it because a lot of what I'm teaching you is how to build a brand, how to market yourself, how to launch.
Audria Richmond®:And if you find yourself often listening to the audio newsletter and you have not taken action on a lot of what I've shared, then, you know, it's one of those things where I don't want you to become just a person that just listen, listen, listen, listen, listen. Like, in this season, especially for me for 2025, I'm being called to work with individuals who take action. And so that's actually one of my insights from attending Funnel Hacking Live. Like, when I when I was at Funnel Hacking Live, I was looking at a lot of things. I was looking at, you know, the amount of money and time, energy, and effort that goes into putting on such a production.
Audria Richmond®:And that's actually one of the things that Russell talked about is like because, because, you know, a lot of people was like like, hey. You know, this conference is huge. Like, why would you end it? And it was simple. His answer was very simple.
Audria Richmond®:He was like, he's tired. He said it's a huge undertaking for his organization. They have to, you know, spend ten months promoting, marketing,
Audria Richmond®:you know, trying
Audria Richmond®:to get people to buy tickets. And then they have, like, I think he said, a twelve week break, and then they back at it again. And so I can't imagine what it was you know, what it takes to do that. And this conference cost this organization millions of dollars to put on. We're not just talking about, like, you know, the venue and and the AV and all of those things.
Audria Richmond®:If you ever put on a conference, you know it's not cheap. And so the since to see, like, all the energy, time, and effort put into this conference only for it to be, like, you know, a few days and then boom, it's over. That that's that's a lot of energy. Right? And so I've I really felt him.
Audria Richmond®:And I also feel like when I was listening to him share and I'm a talk about that in a minute. I'm probably, jumping ahead of myself right now. But one of the things that he talked about was, like, he's tired and that he need a break and he wants to create space. And it kinda moves me to another thought. Like, we don't create enough space in our life.
Audria Richmond®:Right? We're just going, going, going, going, going, going, and we don't have time to breathe and think. Right? And I was reading, well, I was reading this book, called Will Old Operations. I I recommended this book to you all in a previous, audio newsletter.
Audria Richmond®:I'm probably gonna include it in this one as well. But one of the things she talked about is she was at a, I guess, like a mastermind meeting, and Todd Herman basically told her like, hey, you know, you you're doing a lot of tasks, but you don't create you don't have a break. And every professional season has a break. And I feel like entrepreneurship creates this illusion that you gotta always be on twenty four seven, nonstop, come hell or high water, you know, borderline, you know, harming yourself. Right?
Audria Richmond®:Because you neglect yourself, you neglect your health, you neglect a lot of different things, and that may not necessarily be true for a lot of people. Maybe you neglect not spending time with your family or not being emotionally, and physically available to your family because you're, you know, tied up doing so much work, or you haven't had an opportunity to spend time with your family. So it's a lot of things that come into it, but I really felt him when he said he needed a break. And, yes, I'm going to continue to create content, but our content approach is going to evolve. It's going to actually enhance.
Audria Richmond®:And the audio newsletter was always meant to be this this thing that I create to create a community and culture behind it. And, you know, I definitely expect us to have a little bit more downloads considering, my email list size. But I'm a firm believer of not doing anything that's not utilized. Right? Like, I don't create these audio newsletters for sport.
Audria Richmond®:I actually create it for you to consume and listen and apply yourself. Right? And so when he said that he needed a break and that his organization needed a break, I really felt that. So anyway, let me actually dive into, some of my insights. I'm actually gonna come back to that here in a moment.
Audria Richmond®:So I do have an announcement. So I have officially decided that I'm going to write my next book. It's going to be call it's gonna be called, Uncloned Brand, How to Become the Obvious Choice of Your Industry. And it's going to be so good. Like, I can feel it.
Audria Richmond®:Like, I'm still full from the virtual conference that we did in January, which is Uncloned Brand Live. And so if you didn't get a chance to join that one, you definitely wanna join us for July. And all you gotta do is go to to grab your tickets for our next upcoming unclone brand live, which at the time of this recording is July 2025, which is also my birthday weekend. It's my last year, in my thirties, coming up. So that's gonna be pretty cool.
Audria Richmond®:I actually turned 40, in 2026. And so that's another reason why I'm writing the book because I really wanna make that book like a milestone, book. So, anyway, there's that. So I'm really, really excited about this book because I wanna have this branding conversation. I you know, obviously, I'm really, really good at it.
Audria Richmond®:And I feel like, unclean brand live gave me, like, a platform to talk about all things. It's you know? Yes. I love marketing as well, but I'm definitely a brand builder at heart. Right?
Audria Richmond®:Because, you know, when you're building a brand, it's all about being remembered. And, you know, when I hear a lot of people say, oh, brand is not important. Well, a lot of people have a preference of phone, a preference of, you know, soap, a preference of clothes, a preference of stores that you like to shop at, a preference of gas. So don't tell me brand is not important. Right?
Audria Richmond®:So anyway, I'm ready to have that branding conversation in a platform, AKA my next book, that's going to give voice to a lot of things that I wanna share. I also feel like I'm gonna add a different approach to this conversation that I don't see being had, especially across other, you know, branding professionals. A lot of people kinda keep the the the branding conversation a little basic. I wanna go a little bit more elevated. So I'm really excited about, this next book.
Audria Richmond®:So that's that was one of the things that came as a result of attending this event. It's like, I'm ready to write my next book. Right? I had already kinda started talking about it, with my friends, but I made it official at the conference because it just it felt right. It felt perfect.
Audria Richmond®:Right? And so there was a lot of speakers talking about books. Obviously, I have multiple books and books are powerful. Right? And not to make this this audio newsletter, promotional per se, but we do have publishing like a pro live coming up in September.
Audria Richmond®:So if publishing is on your radar, which it should be, definitely come and attend, Publishing Like a Pro Live so we can support you with your next, or next or first publishing project. So there's that. Now I wanted to share, like, some insights and takeaways. So kinda bear with me. I may be bouncing all over the place because I'm just kinda ripping off the top of my head.
Audria Richmond®:I do have, a few notes, but I wanted to share those things first. Okay. So the first thing first is one of the things I noticed as Russell was talking, I don't tell enough stories. Like, I tell stories, but I don't tell enough stories. Like, I don't tell a lot of stories.
Audria Richmond®:I actually have a lot of stories, but I'm one of those people I hate being redundant. And I realized that a lot of people come into my world as new that don't know me, that don't know the stories. They don't know the origin stories. They don't know the old stories. They don't know the timeline of events and things like that.
Audria Richmond®:So I think one of the things I realized as he was speaking at the conference, I need to tell more stories. Like, a lot more stories than I have done in the past. The next thing I realized is that I actually need to slow down when it's time to make my offer and or pitch. And I know some of you all are gonna relate to this. How many times have you ever, like, made the pitch?
Audria Richmond®:And you weren't rushing through it because you were you were intentionally doing you were just like, hey, here's the offer. I feel like I need to spend more time with my offer. I need to break down a lot of what's included because I think sometimes people don't understand the value, and sometimes that make people not really understand that they actually need this. Like, this is something you really, really, really need. Right?
Audria Richmond®:And so I feel like that's going to allow me to really get better at selling. I already think I'm I'm pretty good at selling, but I wanna get great at selling. I wanna be masterful at selling. And so that requires me to get better at making my offer It it you know, making my pitch. You know what I mean?
Audria Richmond®:And so I wanna make sure that I'm making my I'm slowing down, and I'm not worried about the people who leave or gotta go or whatever. And I'm staying focused on the people who do stay, who do wanna hear the offer, and give them the right to listen to the full value of what I'm offering. So I'm definitely going to ramp up, in that regard. I'm gonna tell more stories. So those are the two things.
Audria Richmond®:I think that's three things at this point. So I decided to write a book. I need to tell more stories. I need to slow down, when I'm making my offer and really, really, really showcase the value.
Audria Richmond®:The next thing that I realized is even though a lot
Audria Richmond®:of people know what unclown means on a surface level, I wanna go deep with it. Right? I feel like a lot of people don't really understand what it means to, like, trust yourself and, like, own your individuality. And this is this is a ongoing thing for me. This is not something that I have personally mastered.
Audria Richmond®:This is a mission just like it's a mission for you. It's a mission for me every single day. I'm I'm always, like, thinking about my identity and, like, how I show up in the world and am I being myself and and I'm and am I being true to myself? Like, one of the things I asked my husband today, not today, but, like, Sunday was like, hey, you know, do you feel like I need to dress up more? Do you feel like, you know, sometimes I'm not as, you know, casual.
Audria Richmond®:And he was like, you do dress up when necessary. Right? Like, you're you're never been that type. And I feel like when you when you become successful, you know, I feel like success has some type of success kit. Right?
Audria Richmond®:Like, you gotta wear a certain type of clothes. You gotta carry a certain type of bag. You gotta be around certain people. And to be honest, I don't really subscribe to that shit. And because of that, I find myself kinda conflicted when I'm in such spaces or certain environments that make me feel like, okay.
Audria Richmond®:Well, am I too comfortable to the point of disrespect? You know what I mean? And people do respect me. It's just some it's just a thought that came up. So that was one of the things that we talked about as well.
Audria Richmond®:So I need to be more vocal about what our brand stands for, and I have to become relentless and making sure that people understand it on a visceral soul level, not just on a surface level. Like, oh, unclone is cute. No. No. No.
Audria Richmond®:No. Like, unclone is a state of being. Right? It's about trusting yourself and owning who you are and owning your identity. And I feel like we could do a better job as a organization at really talking about it and and making it a big deal.
Audria Richmond®:Okay? The next thing, I was listening to Russell tell his story. And the way he kinda led up to this was he told this, like, timeline story of, like, you know, when he when he when he did his first presentation, about, you know, how ClickFunnels came to be with the potato gun and all of that stuff, he kinda talked about how that was part one. Right? Because up until that point, he don't have part two.
Audria Richmond®:Right? Time hasn't lapsed. So ten years later, he's on stage telling his story. Right? And one of the things that I that I appreciated about this was you get to see the other side of success.
Audria Richmond®:Like, he's always told his story up until, you know, click funnels two point o. Right? And then I felt like we were able to see two point o to now and, like, all the stuff that has come with that. Right? And not just two point o to now, but, like, let's just say, you know, from when they start offering awards and stuff to now.
Audria Richmond®:Right? Which was about ten years. And to hear him on stage share his story And he wasn't like you know how sometimes when people share their story, they only share the good side. He he took accountability a lot. He took accountability for ClickFunnels two point o not being where it needed to be, and that it eventually became what it needed to be.
Audria Richmond®:He also took accountability for an incident that recently happened, at a wrestling event. He also took accountability for, you know, he just took accountability for a lot of stuff, and you don't see that a lot with successful people. Like, there's so many successful people who who put on a facade. Like, everything is, like, you know, perfect and, you know, I don't have any problems and, like, nothing is wrong with me. And it's straight bullshit.
Audria Richmond®:Right? And so to hear him on stage really, really go deep with what he had been experiencing, it just opened up my heart and it made me respect him even more. Right? It actually made me it's just something that, you know, that I was thinking about. And I was really, really, really, really enjoyed that part of what he shared.
Audria Richmond®:Right? But there was a part in his story that brought tears to my
Audria Richmond®:eyes. And it was like it was actually two parts. The first part was
Audria Richmond®:when they was having those issues with ClickFunnels two point o, they still had ClickFunnels classic. So it wasn't like people were without software. Right? And it wasn't like ClickFunnels two point o couldn't be utilized. But one of the things that he shared was that a lot of the people that he helped make millions of dollars, a lot of people who claimed to be his friend and the people who were like, you know, ClickFunnels till I die.
Audria Richmond®:You know, those type of people, The super fans of the world, they all you know, some of those people that he helped became his competitor. Right? Like, creating software or, you know, going over to his competitor, which is go high level. And, he lost a lot of clients, you know, with with two point o not being what it need to be. But let me go back a little bit to kinda, set the stage.
Audria Richmond®:He up until this point, he was telling a story about how he had an opportunity to walk away from, click funnels. Right? He could have took, I think he said a hundred million dollars. He he could have took, a hundred million dollars. Right?
Audria Richmond®:And him and Todd, which is the cofounder, they would have made, like, you know, close to over a hundred million dollars. Right? They could have just walked away and been done. But he felt called and compelled to keep ClickFunnels because he was all about the mission, and he felt like we weren't done. Right?
Audria Richmond®:And it seemed like as soon as he didn't take the money, the shit hit the fan. ClickFunnels, you know, they launched ClickFunnels two point o. It didn't go as as well as he thought it would. He he experienced a lot of churn, people leaving, going to other platforms. And he talked about how that made him feel.
Audria Richmond®:Right? And he said he got to a point where he didn't want to serve people
Audria Richmond®:anymore. And I felt that I felt it in the pits of my goddamn soul because I was actually having a conversation with my husband on Sunday and I was like,
Audria Richmond®:you know, if you had to critique something about me, you know, what would what would it be? You're like, you know, it I was just like, I was I'm always asking my husband for feedback because he's the closest to me. He gets to see my ups and my downs. He get to see all of me. Right?
Audria Richmond®:That a lot of people just aren't privy to. And he was like, there was a time when you weren't so emotionally attached to people's success. And he said, yeah, you want people to be successful, but not at
Audria Richmond®:the rate of killing yourself. Right? Like, you shouldn't be so, you know, you shouldn't be so attached to one to see people win that you lose yourself in the process.
Audria Richmond®:And so when he said that, I was like,
Audria Richmond®:I had to take a
Audria Richmond®:I had to pause the recording because I
Audria Richmond®:need to drink some water. But, when he said that, I felt it because he's right. I've gotten to the point where I've been so stressed from trying to help people win and people quit on themselves. They cancel our subscriptions. They go work with other people, and they end up in the same place.
Audria Richmond®:I've had people, you know, give me credit in private, but won't give me credit in public, but they'll go work with somebody else and glorify them in public. And I feel I've always felt like I'm people's best kept secret.
Audria Richmond®:I've always felt like people, it's like, oh, you know, I learned this thing from Audrey and, like, they kinda take these insights from me and go teach it
Audria Richmond®:to other people or they just I
Audria Richmond®:I it's I can't really explain it, and I don't wanna get into it without having complete thoughts about it. But when I when he was telling that part of his story, I felt it. I I felt I I have felt like quitting this business so many times because this is probably the most personal type of business I've ever had. You know? My business is prior to this.
Audria Richmond®:I was taking pictures. I didn't get I didn't I didn't need to know you. I didn't need to know what you were struggling with. I didn't need to know why you couldn't do things. I didn't need to know your setbacks.
Audria Richmond®:I didn't need to know your insecurities. I didn't need to know, you know, you intimately. Right? And one thing about coaching when you're coaching people, especially when you care. Because let's be clear, there's a lot of people who don't give a shit about people's success.
Audria Richmond®:Right? Whether they successful or not. And I just I realized that, like, you know, there's a lot of people who just don't care, and I actually care. And when people tell me they wanna do something, I guess you could say I'm foolish enough to believe it. Because if someone come to me and say, hey, Adria.
Audria Richmond®:I wanna make my first ten k or I wanna make a hundred thousand dollars or I wanna build a million dollar brand or I wanna build a multimillion dollar brand or whatever the case may be, I take people words seriously because I take myself seriously. I take my word seriously. And so when people tell me things, I take it for face value when
Audria Richmond®:in actual reality, I shouldn't. Because I've gotten crushed many a times taking people's word, like, as truth. And I've gotten to the place where and I'm being honest.
Audria Richmond®:I don't always trust what people say until they demonstrate and showcase that they're listening. Right? And so when he said that, I felt seen, I felt heard, I felt like he got it. And I and I respect him so much because there's so many other people that I follow online who ain't never been that level of vulnerability. And then there was a point in this presentation where he talked about, one of his good friends who was the CEO of ClickFunnels for quite some time, and he recently passed away.
Audria Richmond®:And he literally just broke down and just cried. Right? Because in the midst of all of these people going to his competitor, a lot of people talking shit about ClickFunnels two point o. If you go on YouTube, it's a shit ton of videos about people telling me they're leaving ClickFunnels and why they switching to go high level and so on and so forth. And you could just feel his heart.
Audria Richmond®:It felt like this it felt like the the stage was his diary. That's what it felt like. And to be honest, it's crazy because this man is on stage. Right? And he's crying his heart out.
Audria Richmond®:He's being the most vulnerable I've ever seen a man be online, especially on stage in front of, you know, almost 5,000 people. And for the life of me, people were behind me talking, carrying on about random shit instead of paying attention. And it pissed me off because I'm just like, who comes to a conference to not actually fucking pay attention? Right? And I was just so pissed off because this man is, like, crying his heart out on stage and people are talking.
Audria Richmond®:People are in the in the hallway, networking, doing whatever the fuck they were doing. And I'm just like, the disrespect.
Audria Richmond®:I felt like even though
Audria Richmond®:it wasn't my event, I I felt like people were just so disrespectful. This man has spent over $5,000,000 to put on
Audria Richmond®:this event and people were
Audria Richmond®:in the back, you know, in the in the hallways networking, kiki ing it up and talking in the background and not listening and not paying attention. It really frustrated me. And so as he goes on to tell his story, he had an incident happen with his son at a school, like at a wrestling match or something. He pushed a little boy, who, I guess, was wrestling with his son. I don't know the full context of the story.
Audria Richmond®:I'm kinda fast paced and a little bit because this story was long as hell that he was telling on sale on stage. Okay? But, one of the things he talked about was how this guy named Elliot, I can't think of this man's last name. Let me pull it up real quick. So is this guy named Elliot, Andy Elliot.
Audria Richmond®:Okay? He calls Russell up one day. He's like, hey, man. You know, come to where he's at. Right?
Audria Richmond®:I forgot the location he said that he was at. He's like, hey. You know, come and come. Just come and hang out or whatever. And Russell, like, hey.
Audria Richmond®:You know, I'm busy. I got this going on. You know what? Let me go ahead and go.
Audria Richmond®:Right? So he goes to hang out with Elliot, and he goes on to tell this story about, you know
Audria Richmond®:and and if you all know this, like, Russell is a, you know, wrestler or whatnot. And so they put together these, like, wrestling rings and, like, all of these cool things. And they they they challenge him to to to, wrestle. And as their wrestling and, you know, so on
Audria Richmond®:and so forth, he goes on to talk talk about what Elliott said to him. And basically, Elliott was like, you need to you need to know who the fuck you are. And I
Audria Richmond®:don't know if you remember this. If you're inside the community, I actually made a whole post about that on Valentine's Day, I think. And it's all about, like, knowing who you are. And it's crazy because my friend, Pam, she hit me up, like, literally when I was like having a moment. And she was she just was like, hey.
Audria Richmond®:You okay? And I was like, not really. And she just was like, you need to remember who you are. Like, remember who the fuck you are. That was her words.
Audria Richmond®:And it resonated because it's crazy that, like, right when she said that, like, he went on to talk about Andy and how Andy had to remind him of who he was, which moves me to my next point. Sometimes you need people in your life that, like, remind you of who you are, who genuinely give a fuck about you. There are so many transactional fake ass motherfuckers on the Internet. And excuse my French. I know I'm cussing a little bit more than normal.
Audria Richmond®:But there are so many fake people on the Internet. If you knew the level of fakeness on the Internet, there would be so many people you wouldn't follow, you wouldn't engage. They're so fake that it's just ridiculous, the level of fakeness. And I think I'm a realist. And so when I'm in these spaces and when I'm interacting with people, the things that people say, the backbiting, the hating, the shade, the elite ism, like, all of this stuff that just happens is gross.
Audria Richmond®:It's utterly gross. But, you know, just hearing him on stage and hearing him say that, I literally, like, stood up in my chair and I clapped my heart out. I clapped my soul out because I know what it's like to have people who genuinely care about you. Right?
Audria Richmond®:Like, I know Pam genuinely care about me. That she not just saying it.
Audria Richmond®:She don't say it all the time. She demonstrate it. And whenever people can demonstrate more than they talk, that's what you need to trust. But anyway, moving on. So that was one of my insights.
Audria Richmond®:The next thing is I had me and Calvin had the opportunity to see Tony Robbins speak in person. Now Tony Robbins been around for forty plus years, you know, top motivational person in the world, you know, selling out stadiums in all types of venues, you know, world with now global recognition. And to see him with to see him in in person, I can't even explain it. This is what I'll say in summary. It was fire.
Audria Richmond®:If you ever get an opportunity to witness him in person, go. Even if you can listen to him virtually do that, I was thoroughly impressed with his presentation. I was thoroughly impressed with how he was able to maintain and keep the energy high the entire time. It's a art and a science, and I know why he's well respected. Like, you gotta be able to witness this more than anything.
Audria Richmond®:And so I definitely enjoy, Tony Robbins speaking in person. The other thing is Russell came back for, like, a part two of his presentation, and he went on to talk about, what the what the future of ClickFunnels is going to be and what's going on with funnel hacking live and so on and so forth. So essentially, what they're gonna be doing is, they're gonna be doing a smaller event. I think it's I'm not gonna say a smaller, but they're gonna be doing another event, which is, two comma club live, which makes sense because everybody wants the award. So they'll they're gonna do an event that's still centered around receiving your your two your two comma club award.
Audria Richmond®:And then, the next thing he talked about is how they're gonna start having meetup groups, which is crazy because this is something I had already start planning last year for what we were gonna be doing with our community. And so to know that he's going to be doing something, you know, very similar, I thought that was pretty dope. And then the last thing is he's going to be creating, like, a library slash event center in Bosey, Idaho Bosey, Idaho. And, he made an offer for people who who wanna be a part of history. And he told the story about how a lot of the people that we hear online, they're really just regurgitating other people's stuff, and how he's collecting a lot of the original, books that all about, you know, being successful and things like that, and how this event center is going to be a place where not only do people get to engage in the present, but they'll be able to engage in the future.
Audria Richmond®:It's a really cool concept. It's very hard to kinda calculate. You know? It's it's very hard for me to kinda summarize here, but it was really, really good. And he made an offer from the stage, a million dollar offer.
Audria Richmond®:Being able to see and witness that live, that was pretty freaking cool. And then he obviously made an offer to his other program. And so that was pretty cool to see the future of ClickFunnels. I really like what he was doing. And then another thing is you have to find a why.
Audria Richmond®:Otherwise, you're gonna quit this. Like, if your why and your purpose is not strong enough, you're gonna you're gonna easily quit. You're gonna quit this. You're gonna go get a nine to five. You're not gonna do this shit no more.
Audria Richmond®:Like, you're just not gonna be built for it. And to be honest, there's a lot of people who just aren't emotionally and spiritually built for entrepreneurship. This is not for the weak at all. And if you are one of those people who's easily feeling hurt, somebody give you one little critique and you just crumble like a cookie, you know, you're not built for this. You're really not.
Audria Richmond®:So you have to and I know for me, I'm one of those people who is extremely, emotional person. And, I worked a lot over the past couple of years on my emotional state and being able to regulate myself and being able to, detach myself from how people show up. You know what I mean? In my world. And really, you know, it's so crazy because there's so many people that I thought were my friends that's not.
Audria Richmond®:And I'm so naive to believe that it was true and real. And I've just witnessed so many people, you know, smile and grin in your face and then turn around and go talk shit about you. It's just people are just so goddamn fake. And if you don't realize that soon and you don't realize what your purpose and your mission and your vision and your why, if that's not strong enough, if it's not good enough, if it's not something that light show ass up, you're not gonna be good at entrepreneurship. And that's the God honest truth.
Audria Richmond®:The last thing I wanted to share was seeing black women on the stage at Funnel Hacking Live. That was amazing. So shout out to Ashley and doctor Sonia. I got two more insights and then we're gonna wrap this up. There was a speaker named mister x, and his information was by far the best in my opinion.
Audria Richmond®:Even though he wasn't the most polished, he didn't need to be because his information was just amazing, which moves me to another point.
Audria Richmond®:I think a lot of the times we think
Audria Richmond®:we need to, like, put on or dress a certain way or carry ourselves a certain way. When when you are really, really, really, really good at what you do, none of that other shit matters. It's all optics. Right? It's all optics and egotistical type shit.
Audria Richmond®:So there's that. I really, really enjoy his his his talk. He talked a lot about how he's able to, you know, get a million people to sign up for a lunch. It is mind boggling to think about that. A million people.
Audria Richmond®:We're talking about spending multiple 6 figures per day, on traffic. And so he gave a lot of advanced strategies. I know it went over a lot of people head, but I appreciate it because I feel like when you go to conferences, they always give you, like, beginner newbie type conference, you know, content. And I'm a little bit more advanced, a little bit more advanced and a little bit more further along in business. And so I appreciate when they have a good mix of people who are a little bit more advanced and some beginner and intermediate.
Audria Richmond®:And I feel like, you know, Funnel Hacking Live has always done a great job of doing that over the years. And the last thing I wanted to share is the insights and the breakthroughs that my husband and I had on Sunday after the conference. So that Sunday morning, Calvin and I got up. We talked. We I like to say we had our little TED talk.
Audria Richmond®:We have our little TED talks in the morning time. And this is where we like have these like really deep, deep, intimate conversations about life, our future. We take the time to critique each other and things like that. And so those those moments recapping, what we have planned is going to be a game changer. And I will say this in closing.
Audria Richmond®:That I needed that event. I needed it for me. Not for the networking, not for the socializing, not for the catching up with friends. I didn't need it for none of that. I needed it for
Audria Richmond®:me. I needed to get recalibrated. I needed to get grounded. I needed to be reminded that I am not crazy and that what I wanna build is amazing. I needed to be reminded of the foundations and some of those things that get overlooked when you're in the trenches working, working, working, working, working.
Audria Richmond®:And so, hopefully, you enjoyed my insights, and takeaways from Funnel Hacking Live. If you are inside of our uncloned community, let me know your biggest takeaway in the comments below. Thank you so so much for taking a time out to listen to this audio newsletter. And until next time, y'all, let's go live an unclone life and build an unclone brand. Bye, y'all.
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