How to Turn 1 Framework Into Multiple Revenue Streams
Welcome to the Unclown Insider audio newsletter. My name is Audria Richmond, and I am your marketing and launch strategist. I work directly with my clients to teach them how to build unclown brands and launch profitable marketing campaigns. We are the brand that you come to when you want to become or remain the obvious choice of your industry. Welcome back, Uncloned Insiders.
Audria Richmond®:I'm excited about today's audio newsletter because we're gonna be talking about how to turn one framework into multiple revenue stream. Now before we get into those revenue streams, I do wanna talk about the importance of having a framework. And so if you don't have a framework or a way that you give someone a result or you get someone a result, this is probably one of the reasons why you may be confused on what to talk about on social media, what what to create as a product or service. Because if you are an expert with a level of expertise, you may not have sat down and created a framework for how you do what you do. But if you if you get a client a result, you indeed have a framework even if you have not documented it.
Audria Richmond®:Okay? Now for those who are in the ecom space, you may be thinking, well, I sell ecommerce products. So clearly I cannot have, you know, a framework. And you do have a framework. Right?
Audria Richmond®:Like, look at Apple. When you think about Apple and we talk a lot about this, especially when we talk about the uncloned brand framework. As a part of the uncloned brand brand framework, we go into great detail about, your offers. And one thing that's very important about offers that you have to understand is that your offer should create some type of ecosystem. Meaning, if I buy this product, I most likely will need this next product, so on and so forth.
Audria Richmond®:So the way to look about look at it if you're, like, in the fashion industry, if I buy this top, what are the pants that most likely go with this? And and, essentially, when I create an outfit, I'm you know, you're frameworking me to a certain extent because in order for me in order for you as a ecom brand to get more out of that transaction, you need to buy more. But that also means that your product should complement each other. Now for those who like, I only sell one product, I'm gonna get back to our service based, entrepreneurs here in a moment. But I think a lot of times, ecom think they're like, oh, the only way we can sell is through our online shop and email marketing.
Audria Richmond®:That's not the only way. And so the other thing I was gonna say as it relates to ecom brands, if you sell a, what do you call it? Like a product. Like, let's so for instance, I I bought these, like, really super healthy gummies recently. I've been really liking them a lot.
Audria Richmond®:And they don't have multiple products. They only have this one gummy that they sell. But the way they get me to buy more is by showing me how eating a pack a day will help with, you know, my health, and they're wanting me to get in the habit of eating the gummies as a supplement. Right? So you have to think about, as far as the framework is concerned, the ritual and the consistency with even the gummies is the framework.
Audria Richmond®:But again, if you just put stuff on your site without giving your clients a roadmap or journey, and that's essentially that's all a framework is. It's like, hey, we're here, and by the time you get here, you know, by the time you get to this destination, we're done. Right? It's like eat these gummies and then the result is you're going to be able to have a healthy gut. You're gonna be able to, you know, lose weight, not retain water, blah blah blah.
Audria Richmond®:Right? And if it's in the service based industry, your framework is all about giving me a result. So, like, I'm a go through some of my frameworks. So I have, like, the uncloned brand framework, which is all about helping you build an uncloned brand. Then we have the uncloned marketing method, which is all about how to put together a marketing campaign.
Audria Richmond®:So you can have multiple frameworks and multiple processes for how you get someone a result, whether it's documented or not. Now once you have those steps, you wanna be able to take those steps and give it a name. Right? So you notice how I just say, hey, I got the uncloned brand framework. And then I also went on to say, hey, I got the, you know, the uncloned marketing method.
Audria Richmond®:I also have the 7 phases framework, which is all about personal branding. We have one for the yes board when we was doing in that one. So we have a lot of frameworks. Right? And so you may have multiple frameworks for different outcomes.
Audria Richmond®:You don't wanna overwhelm people, but what's going to be that main framework that you promote and advocate all the time? When you think about the 5 love languages, that is indeed a framework. When you think about traction, like the EOS operating system from Gino Wickman, you know that that is a framework. People love having an a to z process for how to get something done. And the more clear you are as the person that's creating the product service event experience, you make it easier for people to see themselves in the journey, in the process, and ultimately at the conclusion of the result.
Audria Richmond®:So, now that we got that out the way on the importance of having a framework and, like, giving you some different ideas to think about, especially if you haven't thought about, creating one yet. It's it's super crucial. It's super urgent, and you will see here in a moment why. So now let's get into the different, revenue streams. Now I'm a go through this list.
Audria Richmond®:It's pretty exhaustive, but it's it's there are some other ways, but I feel like they all are kinda the same. They kinda overlap, to a certain extent. So I'm just going to go over them and kinda group them together if they sound like they go together. Right? So the first one is coaching and consulting.
Audria Richmond®:That's probably the the first way you're going to actually discover your framework is through coaching and helping other people 1 on 1. So whether it is is on a 1 on 1 format or even in a group format. Right? You're proving your framework by coaching and consulting people. So that's one revenue stream.
Audria Richmond®:The second revenue stream is, intensives and workshops. I think a lot of the times when people think about workshops or intensives, you know, sometimes people kind of confuse the 2 and sometimes people use them interchangeably. But when I think about an intensive, it's like, hey, we're taking a topic and we're going super deep. And then when I think about a workshop, we're coming together to work and get something done. That's not to say that that too can't happen at an intensive, but people come into the notion that, like, a workshop is gonna be a little light and an intensive is going to be intense.
Audria Richmond®:So hopefully, that helps kinda break up how you could think about that. The next way you could use a framework is by producing a conference that's centered around the entire framework. So for us, we have the uncloned brand live framework. Right? We we turned it into, a conference that we just hosted at the top of this month in January.
Audria Richmond®:We're doing it again in July. So save the dates, July 18th through 20th is my birthday weekend. So you definitely want to save it and make sure you join us for the hottest virtual conference of the year, you definitely wanna be there. You can head over to to get on the wait list. Alright?
Audria Richmond®:But you could take your framework and create an entire conference that hinges on the framework. You mastering and teaching the framework, to your people. Another way to leverage your framework is through memberships and masterminds. I've done both and we still do both. So for instance, and this is another angle too, you can always take a part of your framework.
Audria Richmond®:So for instance, when I think of the the uncloned brand framework, it has 7 phases. Right? Like 7 steps. Right? Uncloned CEO, uncloned offers, marketing and launches, content opportunity, hour, and publishing.
Audria Richmond®:So let me go back over that again. It's uncloned CEO, uncloned offers, uncloned launches and marketing, uncloned content, opportunity hour, and publishing. So, yeah, it's like 6 or 7, but nevertheless, that's the framework. And so when we did our virtual conference at the top of the month, we had sessions for each part of that framework. But let me go a little bit deeper.
Audria Richmond®:Let's say I wanna take a segment of my framework and build a whole asset to go with it. So for instance, we have the unclown launch circle. Well, that is the marketing and launches part or segment of the unclown brand framework where we go deep. Remember earlier when I said, like, an intensive is, like, you go deep on a topic. So, like, we go super, super deep with launches because they're so technical, they're so robust, there's a lot of moving parts, and people need to be coached through that.
Audria Richmond®:So we have the uncloned lunch circle. But on the flip side, I have the mastermind where we where we have worked with clients for multiple years to help them build an uncloned brand. Still based on the framework. So again, you could take part of your framework and like build out an entire, you know, product or service, event, or experience, or you could take your whole framework and create an event product service or the experience. And so a membership can focus on one segment of your framework or membership could focus on your entire framework.
Audria Richmond®:And just keep in mind, there's so many modalities on how you could do this. You got memberships, you got masterminds, you have accelerators, all of that kind of fall into that same, same framework. Right? As far as what you can do. Now, the next thing is, books.
Audria Richmond®:So typically, your framework will appear in a book first sometimes depending on, you know, like for me, I start coaching people on my frameworks first before I put them in books. I don't put them in books and then teach it backwards, because you don't really you haven't proven it. So it's kinda it's kinda weird to create a book on a framework you haven't proven yet. So, that's one of the reasons why before I published uncloned marketing, it was a course first. Right?
Audria Richmond®:And people went through it. I coach clients through it. I did VIP days with it, so on and so forth. So all of that was a part of me mastering the framework before I felt confident in putting it in a book. Right?
Audria Richmond®:So you got and then when we talk about books, it could be anything. You could turn your framework into a planner. Right? I even thought about, like, oh, it'd be cool if we created, like, the UnClone brand, planner. Right?
Audria Richmond®:I think that would be super cool, but I feel like it would be too big. Because you already know how big the UGGLO lunch platter is, so it's like, sis, that'll be team too much. But anyway, so you got books. The next way that you can turn your framework into a revenue stream is by speaking. You can actually go and present and speak on stage, with your framework.
Audria Richmond®:And if you wanna take it a layer deep, you could build out a speaking team who can go out around the country speaking and teaching on your framework. Alright? The other way you can make money from your framework is by licensing it. Right? So you can license your framework to either other experts and or organizations.
Audria Richmond®:You can also create a certification program. So we have a certification programs. We actually got multiple certification programs because we're working on our second one, which is publishing like a pro. That's gonna be our certification where people can become uncloned publishing consultants. It's gonna be pretty freaking cool.
Audria Richmond®:I can't wait because we launched that in June. But nevertheless, when we talk about the publishing certification or just certifications in general, certifications is kinda like it's up there. Like, when you create a certification program, you kinda enter into a market all by yourself. And what I'm finding is the more advanced and more robust the systems we create, the more and more people are not even I don't really have a lot of competition. Right?
Audria Richmond®:There's not a lot of people creating certification programs. There's not a lot of people who wanna, franchise and license and stuff like that, real big boss moves. And so that's something to kinda think about too when you start exploring these different revenue streams and start putting you in your own category. Right? And so we talk about certification.
Audria Richmond®:The next one is, franchising. So you could take your framework and like franchise it to other people. It's a little bit different than certification. So let me break it down, and I'm not an attorney by the way. So certification is where you take someone through, your curriculum and you test and you have them do tests and quizzes and things like that to ensure that they know how to master the framework that's being taught or whatever the certification is in versus franchising is, I created a system and you gotta run and operate as this system all the way, like, all the time.
Audria Richmond®:So another another good way to kinda look at this is, when you think about, McDonald's for an example, you're buying a system. Right? You when you buy McDonald's, you can't change. You can't say, oh, I'm a buy this at McDonald's, but my McDonald's gonna be hot pink. No.
Audria Richmond®:Because that's not how it works. Right? Franchising is very regulated. It's very you gotta follow it down to the penny versus with certification. For us, for an example, for for our uncloned certification, we have an uncloned marketing pro who can use our tools and resources that they're certified in as a part of their business, which means they can still operate as their business.
Audria Richmond®:But when they are utilizing what they've been certified on, we do have a certain protocol on how they have to operate while they're using our certification within their business. And that's that ties into licensing a little bit too. But again, I don't wanna get into the complexities of that because it can get a little deep. But the last revenue stream is software. You know, a lot of the times when people are, you know, thinking about their business, they forget about software, and I know software can appear to be extremely expensive, and I have, 2 people now that I know personally who is creating software or has created software.
Audria Richmond®:And it can get pricey depending on the complexity, but it could be super simple. Right? I have a client, and good friend who has a, who who has a software that she's creating that was built off the back of a spreadsheet she had been working with and utilizing with clients that she turned into software. And then my homegirl, April Beverly, she has her tool. Right?
Audria Richmond®:Which is all about taking her, you know, 20 plus years of copywriting experience and turn it into, a copywriting assistant and tool and AI tool where it can help you write your sales emails, your sales pages and all of those things. And you gotta keep in mind, it was initially like an agency service. You still offer agency services, but when we talk about the software, she can service infinite amount of people. There's no limit. Right?
Audria Richmond®:So that's the beauty about when you have a framework, when you have a proven way of how you get someone a result. So just a recap, we have coaching and consulting, coaching and consulting. We got intensive and workshops, conferences, memberships and masterminds, books, speaking courses, licensing, certification, franchising and software. So when you're thinking about how can I package my expertise into an asset? 1st, start with the framework Because once you have the framework, you can go crazy on all the cool stuff that you could do when it comes to doing that.
Audria Richmond®:So I hope you enjoyed today's audio newsletter. As always, you already know what to do. Leave your biggest takeaway in the comments below if you're inside of the uncloned community. We would love to know your biggest takeaway. I cannot wait to read what you all have to say about today's audio newsletter.
Audria Richmond®:I feel like it's it's pretty lit. So make sure you leave your biggest takeaway in the group. I love to read all the comments on all the newsletters, and thank you to everybody who has been, sharing their takeaways. I greatly appreciate it. So until next time y'all, let's go live an unclone life and build an unclone brand.
Audria Richmond®:Bye y'all.
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