How to Know If Your Content is Working
Welcome to the UnCloned® Insider audio newsletter. My name is Audria Richmond, and I am your marketing and launch strategist. I work directly with my clients to show them how to build uncloned brands and launch profitable marketing campaigns. We are the brand that you come to when you want to become or remain the obvious choice of your industry. What's up y'all?
Audria Richmond®:Welcome back to another episode of our audio newsletter. Today, we're gonna be talking about how to know if your content is working. You know what I mean? You you putting in the reels. You're you're you're putting up your YouTube videos.
Audria Richmond®:You're making your social media posts. You're writing your captions on LinkedIn, and you're doing your thread challenges and your bonuses and all of the things, how do you know if it's working? Okay? That's what we're gonna be talking about. So before we get started with how to know if it's working, we first gotta be clear about why we're creating content in the 1st place.
Audria Richmond®:Right? Have you really gotten clear on why you're creating content? What is the purpose of your content? How does your content strategy play a role in what you're selling and doing? So before you can really think about your content content strategy, let me let me come back a little bit because I'm getting excited.
Audria Richmond®:And whenever I get excited, my brain just be going ahead of my ahead of me. Right? So so the first thing first is you gotta be clear on what do your company do and who and who's delivering on the thing. Right? And so the reason I'm saying that is because when you come online to market it or even if you marketing offline, but because we're talking about content, we're more so talking about online content.
Audria Richmond®:For the sake of this particular audio newsletter. If you're going to be creating content primarily online, 2 things need to be true when someone come across you. Number 1, are you legit? And the way you demonstrate that you are legit is by creating content that builds authority and credibility. If you want some examples of what this looks like, head over to and grab my book on clone marketing because I go into great detail about how to build authority and credibility as it relates to your marketing.
Audria Richmond®:Number 2. After you establish authority and credibility, next thing you need to do is create compelling content that gets people excited about what you sell. So for example, if I wanted to if I wanted to sell some lotion, for example. Number 1, I first need to let the public know that I am a viable company for buying lotion from. Right?
Audria Richmond®:Like, I am a real legit company that you can buy lotion from. Okay. So how do I do that? Did I go and get my lotion, tested? That's a way to build authority and credibility.
Audria Richmond®:Has someone used my lotion and gave feedback? That's a good way of, letting the world know that you have authority and credibility. Did your lotion receive any awards? Was your product featured anywhere? Was it featured at at the Grammys?
Audria Richmond®:Or you get what I'm saying? So how are you gonna build authority and credibility around the thing that you claim you are the best at? Right? So that's like, you know, strategy number 1. You gotta do that in your marketing.
Audria Richmond®:Number 2, now that you have established authority and credibility, now you gotta give me a reason to buy. So now that I trust you. Right? Let's say let's assume I trust you. I trust you.
Audria Richmond®:I think you legit. I think, you know, I can trust you with my money. Now that I'm trusting you, how do I know for how do I know I need it now? And that's where your content should drive people across the line. Right?
Audria Richmond®:So let's use using this lotion analogy. Right? If I'm on your website or if I'm scrolling on my page and I see a reel and it's talking about how awesome the lotion is, what type of content am I being served up? Am I being told how the lotion is made? Am I being told, how we package?
Audria Richmond®:Am I showing that I'm shipping other people's orders? That's a form of content. Can I show you a testimony of somebody who used our lotion? Can I speak to how to use lotion and then proper way to use lotion and not overdo it? All of these are different types of content.
Audria Richmond®:Can I give can I debunk some things that people just get wrong when it comes to applying and utilizing lotion? Can I talk about the different types of lotion and where our lotion goes on that spectrum? Can I do some content around frequently asked question around the lotion? Can I talk about the importance of, you know, do lotion expire? Hell, I don't know.
Audria Richmond®:Do it. And if so, why is that important for me to know? You get where I'm going with this. Right? So your content because I have a different approach around how I feel about content.
Audria Richmond®:I don't think you should just create random as trendy content just for the sake of creating content. I believe that you should create content to build authority and credibility, to establish yourself and or your brand as the obvious choice, and to drive home reasons why people should do business with your company. That's what I think content is about. Everything else is just for play play. Okay?
Audria Richmond®:Some people can afford to not create authority building content or creating content to get people to buy because they're not selling products and services. They probably are affiliates of other products and services. They do not own or sell their own products or services. So when you're getting content advice from content gurus, you wanna make sure that, you know, are they even selling their own products and services? Do they have experience selling the thing that I'm trying to sell?
Audria Richmond®:So now that we have established that, let's talk about how you know if your content is working. So one of the most compelling things you cannot forget when you're creating content is telling people what to do. I don't care if you're getting people to save a post, comment on a post, tag somebody. You need to have a goal and a purpose and a reason. Your post should have a clear call to action.
Audria Richmond®:So one of the indications to know that your content is working in sales. Are you getting sales? How do you track that? Right? Are you tracking with coupon codes?
Audria Richmond®:Are you tracking with having people call a number or text a number? Are you tracking by the the the marketing activity to where you're sending people? Are you tracking down to the URL and and traffic sources and where people are coming from? Are you generating sales? That's a good indication that your marketing is working.
Audria Richmond®:Number 2, are you generating leads? This is a good indication that your marketing is working. Are people getting on your email list? Are they reaching out and wanting to do business with you? All of that is a form of leads.
Audria Richmond®:DMs, are people sending you direct messages and inquiring about what you do? Are people bringing opportunity to you? That's another good indication that your marketing is working. Are you booking calls? Are you getting meetings booked?
Audria Richmond®:That's a good indication that your marketing is working. Like, our marketing lately has been killing it from our YouTube videos because we've been doing a lot of organic marketing, and it's been working like gangbusters. Right? We already did a whole like, we did a YouTube video and an audio newsletter on, like, being monetized and what that experience has been like. So our marketing is working.
Audria Richmond®:Like, for instance, for us, I know doing that video every Wednesday on YouTube is working because we got monetized. People are watching the videos. I'm getting the watch hours. I'm getting the follower requirements. So that's how I know it's working.
Audria Richmond®:Are people tagging you? That's a great indication. So if somebody is ever leaving a post on let's say somebody say, hey. I'm looking for a a really velvet type lotion, and they tag your brand. Right?
Audria Richmond®:So are you coming up in conversations online when people are looking for someone? Are you being referred and tagged? Are people saving your content? That's a good indication that your content is working, that it's fire. Are people mentioning you in their stories?
Audria Richmond®:Are they like, oh, at such and such this dropped the bar. At such and such this did this cool thing. Check out such and such. Like, are people taking time out to mention you in their stories? And then if you're utilizing Instagram or Facebook, are you using something like mini chat and bot automation where people are actually typing in keywords on your post.
Audria Richmond®:So this is how you know if your content is working. I really, really do hope that you enjoyed this audio newsletter. I wanted to be brief. I wanted to give you tips, and I wanted to make sure you got everything that you need. I wanna know your biggest takeaway from this audio newsletter.
Audria Richmond®:You can let us know inside of our free Unclo Marketing Facebook group. If you're not a member of the group, just check the description section or wherever you may be listening to this audio newsletter. And until next time y'all, let's go live an UnCloned® life and build an UnCloned® brand. Bye y'all.
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