How Soon Should You Ask for the Sale?
Welcome to the UnCloned® Insider Audio newsletter. My name is Audria Richmond, and I am your marketing
Audria Richmond®:and launch strategist. I work directly with my clients to show them how to build uncloned brands and launch profitable marketing campaigns. We are the brand that you come to when you want to become or remain the obvious choice of your industry. Hey, y'all.
Audria Richmond®:What's going on? Happy New Year. This is our very first audio newsletter for 2025. Can you believe it? It is a whole new year.
Audria Richmond®:Okay? Now we're coming in hot this year because we're on a mission. Okay? In my gorilla voice. Okay?
Audria Richmond®:We're on a mission. And so because we're on a mission, I wanna start off the year strong asking you, how soon should you ask for the sale? That's that's literally one of the questions that came up inside the uncloned community. And I saw it on a thread and I said, we need to dive deep into this this concept of, like, what's too soon to ask for the sale. Because that's what the conversation was about.
Audria Richmond®:It was like, hey, you know, I don't wanna ask for the sale too soon. That was pretty much the narrative of the conversation. And I was like, we're about to we're about to address this because we're not going into a whole another year being afraid to ask for money, being afraid to ask for the sale, being afraid to ask and generate revenue. We're just not doing that. You know, last year we talked a lot about owning the role of being a CEO, and if you're not familiar with what I'm talking about, make sure you go back and look at our back catalog and look at the how to embrace the role of being a CEO.
Audria Richmond®:Like, it's a audio newsletter that we did talking about being the CEO. And this the thing, you're gonna have to make a a really hard decision on whether or not you're ready to be a CEO, like, you're ready to be a business owner because you cannot be a timid, you know, shy, scared business owners who is afraid to ask for the money, to ask for the sale, to to generate revenue. Right? Like, you you you started this business for a reason. Why did you get in business?
Audria Richmond®:What's your reason? What's your mission? What's your why? Why do you get up every single day to contribute to this business if you have no intentions on generating money? Right?
Audria Richmond®:And so we need to talk about this because one of the reasons you may not be generating sales is because you're just simply not asking for the money. Right? And so I wanna dive a little bit deep today around how soon, you know, should you wait before, like, how soon should you wait before you ask for the sale? Like, how soon can you start asking for the sale? Okay.
Audria Richmond®:So look at it like this. Oftentimes, when entrepreneurs think about selling, there's this fear around it. It's like this dirty, attachment to it. Right? Like, it's like, oh, I don't really wanna ask for money.
Audria Richmond®:And it's important to separate your personal relationship with money from your business relationship with money. That's a big difference. Like, if you if you personally experiencing, you know, bad credit or not having the money you need or not having the resources or maybe you're not in a financial position to do some of the things that you wanna do, then 9 times out of 10, you're barring that situation and taking it into your business. And you making it seem like your business don't know how to make money. Your business don't have good credit.
Audria Richmond®:Your business is like, you gotta understand there's 2 separate entities. It's you, the CEO, the founder, the person who created the business, and then it's the business. Right? Like, UnClone Media is its own, I I, you know, entity. Right?
Audria Richmond®:Same thing with me. I'm my own entity, Ardrey Richmond. Right? So, like, these are 2 entities. And so when you look at your business separate from you, you should be able to treat it like, you know, like it's his own thing.
Audria Richmond®:And if you work a 9 to 5, you're very familiar with this. You have a role within an organization and that organization is an entity. And so when you're thinking about money in your business, you cannot make it personal. It's not about you. It's it's not it's not some personal attack on you.
Audria Richmond®:You really gotta think about, man, what's my relationship with money? Because I know for me when, you know, early on in my business, I know Jack dilly squat about money. I know how to make money, but I didn't know a lot about, you know, business credit and all of that stuff. So now that I have business credit, personal credit, I just got approved for another card. Like, it feels good to know that, like, when you have good credit, you can go out and get things.
Audria Richmond®:You can go out and buy things. But again, I worked on my personal relationship with money, which in essence helped me focus on my business relationship with money. Because, you know, when you're running a business, you have to be you have to find a way to fall in love with the financial aspect of your business. And it's something that we don't talk a lot about it because it's kinda like, you know, you handle your thing and I'm a handle my thing when it comes to the money part of our businesses. But we definitely need to have accountants and people who can support us with our business.
Audria Richmond®:I know for a fact my accountant and her team, they do a really good job with managing my books and I don't necessarily have to worry about it. Right? And I love that they hold me accountable. Like, hey, what are we canceling? What's going on with this?
Audria Richmond®:What products do you sell? Okay. What's the profit margin on each one of those products that you sell? Like, you gotta come up you have to become obsessed with the thing that brings you the most discomfort. And for me, it's always been, like, my books and my accountant.
Audria Richmond®:I love making the money. But when it comes to managing it and looking at the p and l statements and all of those things, like, it's something that's, you know, something I had to fall in love with and get familiar with and not run away from it. This is why I said, like, your personal relationship with money will show up in your business relationship with money. And so if you're not if you're not asking for the sale, that's a it's it's deeper than just I don't feel like it or I don't wanna sound too salesy. It's way deeper than that.
Audria Richmond®:I know to me that's like level 1. Like, when you start going super deep, it could be, you know, maybe you're not good with it now. Right? And you need to get good with it now. Or maybe you are good with it, but you just terrified about asking for money because you have this theory that you don't wanna ask for help.
Audria Richmond®:Right? That's another thing that people do is like, oh, I don't wanna I don't wanna be a bothersome. Like, I don't wanna I don't wanna, like, you know what I mean? Like, just just do your thing. Right?
Audria Richmond®:So just know that, you know, a business is in business to make money. That's it. That's why the business exists. Obviously, it's gonna make impact, but it cannot continue to exist unless it's generating revenue. When your business is not making money, you can go out of business.
Audria Richmond®:You may have to file bankruptcy with your company. So making money is not some it's not some optional thing you do with a business. It is something that is required in order for the business to operate. So you gotta fall in love with the you know, with making the money. Now I will say this, if you don't like selling, you probably won't like being in business because the big part of business is selling and marketing and putting yourself out there in a big way, which, you know, you have to ask yourself, okay, how do I feel about myself personally?
Audria Richmond®:When I look at myself in the mirror, how do I feel about myself? If I feel good about myself, why don't I not feel this good in my business? You get what I'm saying? Like, a lot of this stuff is really personal that we carry into our business. But again, the business is just there to exist to make money.
Audria Richmond®:It's not thinking about your personal past and your personal traumas and the things that have set you back in life. It's not thinking about that. It's thinking about the fact that we are a business and we need to generate money. Okay? Now I do want you to take a moment and write down why are you afraid to ask for money if that's something that you're personally struggling with.
Audria Richmond®:Why is that the thing? Like, what is it about asking for money that creates such fear and anxiety to get you to the point where it just cripples you from asking for the sale. Right? Because again, before we get into, like, how soon you should ask for the sale and all of that, like, we first need to get clear on why you're not asking in the first place. Right?
Audria Richmond®:That's the whole point of this this first part, of this conversation. Alright? So let's say you get past asking for the sale. Right? You're like, okay, I'm ready to ask for the sale.
Audria Richmond®:Some of the questions you wanna ask yourself is, do you know how to sell your products and services? Like, do you actually know how to sell it? Have you ever had to present your products and services to a person verbally or with slides, a webinar, an event? Like, how often do you present your products and services, and how confident do you feel about presenting your products and services? Do you know how to articulate the value of your products and services?
Audria Richmond®:You know, do you ask for the sale frequently? These are all questions you want to be asking yourself. Alright? Now at some point, you gotta get to the place where you like, you know what, come hell and high water. I'm tracking my sales every single day.
Audria Richmond®:Every single day, we actually give you a tracker inside the uncloned community. If you visit the classroom, it's a part of the welcome to the, uncloned family welcome bundle. If you go down, there's a ask for the sale tracker. It's beautiful. It's full color.
Audria Richmond®:All you gotta do is print it out, put it on your desk, and track your sales every single day. It's pretty cool how it works because when you open up the worksheet, it's like a 30 day challenge. And inside the worksheet, it asks you, like, what's today's date? Did you ask for the sale? And it asks you to put in a dollar amount.
Audria Richmond®:And and the beauty in you have in this worksheet, you will be able to see at a glance how often you make sales. So let's say you start tracking us for 7 days, and you only made one sale throughout those 7 days, then you need to be able to track down to the penny. Okay. Why did I make a sale? Like, what what triggered that sale?
Audria Richmond®:Like, oh, I sent an email. That's why I got sales. Well, hell, how many how do I send emails? Or if you say, if you made a sale today and you like, oh, well, what happened today? Oh, oh, my podcast.
Audria Richmond®:My podcast went live that I did with Sally. Okay. Great. Like, I need to do more interviews. So again, when you begin to track and measure the success of asking for the sale, then you will know for a fact which marketing activities work for you and which marketing activities that you should prioritize.
Audria Richmond®:And so just keep that in mind. Now if you're like, okay, I'm gonna ask for the sale, Audria. I feel confident in presenting my products and services. I'm ready to go. When should I be asking for the sale?
Audria Richmond®:The answer is actually quite simple. You should be asking for the sale immediately. As soon as someone opt in to your lead magnet, you can provide your value and then ask for the sale. If someone takes your assessment, show them what your assessment mean, show them how to read it, show them how to break it down, ask for the sale. If you have the opportunity to be interviewed, ask the person that's interviewing you.
Audria Richmond®:If you can't ask for the sale, can you offer your lead magnet? Because remember, we just coming off of the uncloned list building challenge. So if you did not get a chance to attend that, you can grab the replays inside of our shop at unclonedot shop, where you can grab the uncloned list building challenge replays. If you're if you still don't have a lead magnet, you don't know how to grow your list, this is a great, it's a great, great, great challenge that we did that you will absolutely love. And so inside of that challenge, we talked a lot about lead magnets and creating lead magnets and, you know, giving you ideas and, like, what should that look like.
Audria Richmond®:And so you should have a lead magnet. So when you go and get interviewed on these platforms, you just ask them straight up like, hey, I'm here, to, you know, talk about whatever I'm talking about. But, you know, when you when you live, you tell them like, hey, by the way, I have this free workbook or this free checklist or this free audio program or this free whatever, head over to www.whatever the website Right? So, again, that's another great opportunity to ask for the sale.
Audria Richmond®:If you get an opportunity to speak on someone's stage, make sure you speak to the organizer and ask them, can you provide a lead magnet to the audience, so you can collect leads, and then ultimately follow-up with those people to get them engaged with some type of sales event. So again, don't be afraid to ask for the sale. So the next time that question come up for you, when you should ask for the sale, you should ask for the sale immediately in every single day, in every single way. So hopefully, you enjoyed today's audio newsletter. I do wanna know what you think.
Audria Richmond®:I do wanna know what your biggest takeaway is. Let me know inside of our uncloned community what your biggest takeaway was. What's, you know, share with me what your relationship with money is, share with me what you're going to be doing differently, and, you know, bonus points, print off that ask for the sale tracker inside the uncloned community, print that bad boy out, and let me know that you printed it out. And, you know, bonus points, take a picture with it. I wanna see you actually doing the work.
Audria Richmond®:Okay? So don't be afraid to let us know your biggest takeaway inside the uncloned community. Until next time y'all, let's go live an uncloned life and build an uncloned brand. Bye y'all.
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