How I Got Paid to Beta Test a New Offer
Welcome to the UnCloned® Insider audio newsletter. My name is Audria Richmond, and I am your marketing and launch strategist. I work directly with my clients to show them how to build uncloned brands and launch profitable marketing campaigns. We are the brand that you come to when you want to become or remain the obvious choice of your industry. Hey, y'all.
Audria Richmond®:Happy Monday. I am back with another audio newsletter. I'm excited to talk about today's topic because we all have so many ideas, and sometimes we don't have all the capacity or sometimes we don't know if people would like our idea. And so sometimes we just sit on it and we don't do anything with it. So today, I'm gonna be sharing with you and taking you behind the scenes on how I got paid to beta test a new offer.
Audria Richmond®:I'm excited about this because, you know, this idea that I had was so cool. But, again, you know, I think a lot of the times when people see me, they're like, you you're so successful. You already got this and this and this and this. I have doubt and fear too y'all, but I just process my fear faster, and sometimes I just skip right over and get to the business. And I don't I don't necessarily like to let fear control me or control what I wanna do or control what I wanna put in the world.
Audria Richmond®:And so once I start really learning how to beta test beta test my ideas, that really allowed me to have more confidence in in a lot of my ideas because I'm just like, well, let me put it together. Let me put let me think through what I want it to be. Let me introduce it to some people. If people pay, then I know that people, you know, like the idea. If people don't buy, then I know this is not a viable idea.
Audria Richmond®:So, like, that's how I test my ideas. I test my ideas with money. I don't be calling folks and, girl, you think this would be fire and and this and the third. I used to do that, but no. Like, the cool thing about the beta test process is that it allows you the freedom and the autonomy to think through anything and really test it.
Audria Richmond®:Now inside of our unclown offers, system, the in the course, we actually teach you 5 different ways that you can better test, an offer. Alright? So if you have the system, make sure you check it out. If you don't have the system, I'm a tell you about a free master class that you can go and watch and tap into. So let's get into it.
Audria Richmond®:Before I tell you about the offer that I created, I wanna tell you a little quick story on how I really came to realize that creating offers was like my secret sauce. Right? So I've always personally been like a hustler. I've always had, like, really cool ideas. You know, I used to sell graduation, invitations in high school.
Audria Richmond®:I used to sell sunglasses. Like, I've always been entrepreneurial. Right? And so I didn't really start to have, like, an official business till I started my photography business when I was in Memphis. And so I've always came up with cool ideas.
Audria Richmond®:My biggest issue was I didn't know how to properly market my my business or my ideas or products and services. And so I was pretty much limited to my local ZIP code because all I knew is just, like, make post on social media and ask the people who are connected to me, which are at the time where a lot of people that were local to me in Memphis, hey. You wanna photo shoot blah blah blah. Right? And so when I decided to create the uncloned launch system, which is our system that takes you step by step on how to create an uncloned launch, when I was creating that system, I started to talk to clients and one of the things that kept coming up for people was like, what do I sell?
Audria Richmond®:You know, what can I offer? What can I offer? Like, that's what a lot of people were asking and I was thinking to myself like, people don't know what to sell. And I think for me, the reason why I was kinda thrown off is because a lot of the times when people say they're gonna get in business, I never known for people to get in business and not have an idea or a general idea of what they would like to sell or what they would like to do. And so when people would come to me and they didn't know how to put together offers, I was kinda thrown thrown off to be honest because I was just like, oh, I thought everybody knew how to put together something to sell.
Audria Richmond®:Right? And so that's how we that's how the unclown offer system was birthed. It was really just supposed to be the launch system. That's it. And then once I started talking to my clients and really seeing where they were struggling, I was like, oh, people really don't know how to package what they do.
Audria Richmond®:Right? So that's when we created the uncloned offer system. So that's how we that's how I really realized that, like, okay, I'm on to some because when I'm working with my clients, I can create offers on the fly. Like, it's it's nothing for me. Like, I could just rattle it off with, like and it's crazy because I can make an offer in, like, 10, 15 minutes.
Audria Richmond®:Like, if I know a little bit about your business, what you wanna do, where you wanna go, like, I can make you an offer in about 15 minutes and boom, you're done. Right? So after the offer system is out there in the world, people are working through the offer system, people are still overthinking it, to be honest. It's like, well, I could offer this or I could not offer this, and I'm just like, girl, pick something. So in the in the back of the unclown offers planner, we give you, like, 70 70 ready made offers.
Audria Richmond®:We give you 45 passive product ideas, and people were still like, I don't know what to sell. I don't want to sell. I said, okay. I'm sick of this. Because for me, I'm a marketer and so I'm trying to get my clients as close to launch as humanly possible and you can't launch if you don't know what you're selling or what you wanna sell.
Audria Richmond®:Right? So you having an offer is crucial to you even can can lunch. Y'all get this? I hope y'all get this, all right? And so I wanna tell you about the idea for the offer.
Audria Richmond®:So I was like, okay, I can do this stuff with my eyes closed. I wanna know, I was talking to my husband about this. I was like, I wanna create offers for people. Right? I don't know if, if people will be open to me creating offers for them.
Audria Richmond®:I do know that people just don't wanna think through the offer. They want someone to kinda collaborate with them and, like, think through it. So I was like, how cool would it be if I had a service that would create your offer for you and it would come with the 5 key components that we talk about all the time. We would brainstorm names. We would brainstorm product descriptions.
Audria Richmond®:We would brainstorm what's included. We would brainstorm pricing, which is the investment, and then we would talk about the strategy for how people can sign up for the offer. So I was like, okay. And so all I did was had a I had a Word document. I outlined what I thought the offer would be using the name, product description, what's included, the price, and how to sign up.
Audria Richmond®:I literally just wrote it out in a Word document, and I sent an email out to my email list. And so if you've listened to this audio newsletter, and that sounds outstanding on my email list. If you go back a few weeks when I had an email that I sent out called special invitation, I wanna help a few people, think through their offers. My husband and I love creating offers. If you're interested, click here to book a call, and that's literally what we did.
Audria Richmond®:We only sent out one email. We had several calls, that were booked and came through, and then we validated the idea because we had a client who signed up for the service. So after that, I got that sign up for the service, I didn't really wanna keep taking on a lot of people to to do the offer for because a lot of the calls that I was talking to, they had really good offers. They just needed to market. And then I did talk to a few people who wanted to create an a brand new offer, for their product suite because they already had an existing product suite.
Audria Richmond®:So I was like, okay. I have this person, so let's go. Right? And so I, got the money obviously. And then after I was paid, I went on to put together a proposal, sent it over, client signed a proposal, submitted the payment, and we opted to raises.
Audria Richmond®:Right? So we had several we had, like, a, the way the way the process work was we had a initial consultation. The client signed up. We had a kickoff call so I could get gather more information. I went off to actually create the offer, and then we had another session where I presented the draft version of the offer.
Audria Richmond®:And then after that, the client is going to receive an unclown offer report. And, basically, in that port report is gonna come with all the offer details, recommendations, everything. Right? And so I'm super excited about that. Now, after that and as I send it to the client, so I I recently presented it to the client and she loved it y'all.
Audria Richmond®:And when I say loved it, loved it. So she loved it so much that it's pretty much done. I just gotta, finalize the report and send it over to the client. And so the reason I'm sharing this story with you or idea with you is because you never know who wants your offer. Right?
Audria Richmond®:And I think that a lot of the times when people are thinking about offers, they overcomplicate it. Like, what is something that you can create and give people that's of value? And if you're really struggling with, like, what to sell or you're like, man, I have something to sell, but people ain't buying it. Maybe it's missing something, or maybe you have a successful product suite and people buying your stuff off the shelves and you can't keep up, and you wanna continue to add to your product suite, I can help you too. Right?
Audria Richmond®:Because it's all about making sure you have offers in the marketplace that are the obvious choice. Right? And so I wanna invite you all to a free masterclass that we just launched. It's called what to sell, how to create uncloned offers that no competitor can copy, and I really want you all to check it out. You can head over to uncloned offers
Audria Richmond®:That's uncloned offers, o f Head over there, pick a time that's convenient for you. It is on demand. Watch that master class and go nail your offer so you can get paid. As we gear up for Black Friday, we're coming into that season.
Audria Richmond®:We're coming into those holiday sales and holiday seasons. It is so crucial and so important that you really understand the power in having an offer and feeling confident about it and getting paid handsomely for your ideas. I really do hope that you enjoy today's audio newsletter. Let me know your biggest takeaway inside the unclone marketing free Facebook group. If you're not a member yet, please visit the description section of this audio newsletter to join our free Facebook group.
Audria Richmond®:And until next time y'all, let's go live an UnCloned® Life and build an UnCloned® Brand Bye y'all.
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