How I Became More Consistent in 2024
Welcome to the UnCloned® insider audio newsletter. My name is Audria Richmond, and I am your marketing and launch strategist. I work directly with my clients to show them how to build uncloned brands and launch profitable marketing campaigns. We are the brand that you come to when you want to become or remain the obvious choice of your industry. Hey, y'all.
Audria Richmond®:What's up? We are back with another audio newsletter, and I'm so excited about today's topic because we're gonna be talking about how I became more consistent in 2024. I really do hope that you find value from today's conversation because this is you know, a lot of what we're gonna be talking about is what I struggled with, and I'm still, you know, learning and trying to master this thing. But when we talk about consistency, you know, if you listen to all the gurus online, it's like, you gotta be consistent. You gotta be consistent.
Audria Richmond®:You gotta be consistent. And I feel like I've been so consistent, in certain areas and certain areas I have not been consistent in. And I really had a few things that I wanted to become, consistent with. And so I was like, how is it that I can be consistent with some things and not all things? Right?
Audria Richmond®:And, like, what is that thing? So, I had made a decision this year to really focus on developing consistency in areas and things that I said I wanted to do. Right? And before we dive into this, I think it's important that before you decide to become consistent, you need to know why you wanna be consistent with the thing. Right?
Audria Richmond®:And so as I was thinking about like my why and this and the third, when you do get your why, is it a why that makes you say, you know what, I'm about to make this happen. You know, this has come hell or high water. This has to happen. Do you have a strong affinity to it getting done? Like, how do you feel about it?
Audria Richmond®:Because if you don't feel good about it, you don't really have a reason to be consistent with it. And when I think about all the things that I haven't been consistent with, there it it falls into 2 buckets. Number 1, I thought it was hard and so I just didn't pursue it, or I didn't I was making excuses and not making time to be consistent with it. And then I'm just gonna add another one. I didn't I didn't make a decision.
Audria Richmond®:You know, I I didn't make a decision. I attempted it. I wasn't, like, really serious about trying to fix. You'd fix the thing or be consistent with the thing. And so I wanna go over some of the things that I have been consistent with this year and how what I think, you know, contributed to it.
Audria Richmond®:So hopefully this will help you. So let's dive in. Alright? So the first thing that I wanted to be consistent with this year was to this audio newsletter, what you're listening to right now, you know, and more so a newsletter. Like, I've been wanting to have a consistent newsletter that we send out every single week.
Audria Richmond®:I've attempted at it several years, and I never had a year where I was consistently showing up every single week come hell or high water. And a lot of it had to do with, you know, ways that people said you had to do it. Like, oh, if you're gonna do a newsletter, gotta have this many parts. It gotta be, you know, designed this way, so on and so forth. And so I always felt like my newsletter, all of it had to be written.
Audria Richmond®:And then obviously, you know, we unclown over here. And I was like, what would what would you need what would need to be true in order for you to be consistent? Right? If I just kinda unlearn the rules, right, which is all about being unclown. Right?
Audria Richmond®:And so I was like, well, I could do an audio newsletter. That's right up my speed. And so maybe like a year or so ago, I started doing audio newsletter and I still wasn't consistent. So I found a easier way to show up every single week, with the audio newsletter, but then I would do it every other month or I'll go 2 or 3 months without doing it or I'll be consistent for about a month and then I'll break away from it. And then, you know, eventually, I just stopped doing it.
Audria Richmond®:And then I realized that you gotta prepare to be consistent. You can't just wake up and be like, I'm about to be consistent without a plan, without a strategy, and really not understanding how you're gonna go about doing it. And so I said, okay, What would need to be true to do your audio newsletter every single Monday? Right? And I was like, well, 1, I would need to come up with a framework.
Audria Richmond®:So you will notice every single audio newsletter start with the same exact opening because I have a system. Like, I'm literally reading from a word document right now. Well, not exactly right now, but when I get to my notes part of what I wanna talk about, I'm a get there. But the point I'm making is I created, like, a framework. Okay.
Audria Richmond®:When you do your audio newsletter, you're gonna record it like this. You're gonna say it like this. Okay. And this is how you're gonna, you know, do your intros and outros and like these gonna be your talking points. And so I came up with a system and framework.
Audria Richmond®:1, that allowed me to be more consistent. And 2, I just said, you know what? I'm gonna remove the time parameter. I think when I was saying, oh, I'm a do it every single Monday at 8, that didn't work for me. Okay?
Audria Richmond®:And so I kinda just say, you know what? Every Monday is going out. So come hell or high water whether it's 8 o'clock in the morning, 6 o'clock in the morning, 12 o'clock in the afternoon. You know, if it's 6 o'clock, I've sent them out later in the in the evening, but I was like, come hell or high water, you're gonna get an audio newsletter every Monday. Right?
Audria Richmond®:And so I'm happy to report that in August. Right? Welcome to August, everyone. That in August of 2024, we have consistently sent out a audio newsletter every single Monday. Woo.
Audria Richmond®:I'm so excited about this. Okay. So, anyway, if you have not listened to all the audio newsletters, tap in. They're so good. Even listen to the ones you don't think apply to you.
Audria Richmond®:You will get a lesson. You will get a nugget. Okay? Alright. So that was the first thing.
Audria Richmond®:And so the second thing I said, okay. Starting on May 1st, I'm gonna do a YouTube video every single Wednesday. And so, my reasoning for wanting to do the audio newsletter is I wanted to have a consistent relationship with my audience where I was just not emailing them only when it was time for something to sell. So that was my reasoning for that. My for the me going on YouTube and being, you know, putting a video up every single Wednesday, my reasoning for that was I wanted to diversify my audience and get seen and found and discovered by new people.
Audria Richmond®:And so that was my that's my attempt at, you know, getting found and discovered by new people. So that's why I wanted to be consistent on YouTube. And so starting on May 1st, we we do we either upload a video or we go live every single Wednesday. That's the that's the parameter. Right?
Audria Richmond®:Same thing. No time restraint. We do it every Wednesday. And so I'm happy to report from May 1st to now, we've successfully uploaded or went live every single Wednesday on YouTube. So if you're not subscribed to YouTube channel, head over there, Arjorie Richmond.
Audria Richmond®:You know, shameless plug. But, if you've been coming to our YouTube videos, you know they've been fired. Right? Hey, what can I say? So that was like, you know, another thing I wanted to be consistent with.
Audria Richmond®:The next thing I wanted to be consistent with was working out. Right? And so my reasoning for working out was get healthy, have energy, really get to a place where I'm, you know, I I feel like I wanna go run around and do a marathon. And I just didn't like how I was, 1, looking. 2, I didn't like how I was feeling.
Audria Richmond®:And 3, you know, having my husband tell me right after my birthday, because you know I I just celebrated a birthday. My husband was like, hey. We're gonna start back up this, you know, health routine. You know, you're gonna start working out. We're gonna make sure you work out.
Audria Richmond®:We're gonna work out every day. And he was like, okay. Your birthday is on this Saturday. On Monday, we're going we're going ham. And we have successfully been working out every single day.
Audria Richmond®:I think we had one rest day, which was last Monday. But for the most part, we've been working out nonstop today with Mark day 14. Right? And so, 1, I didn't even I mean, I feel like I didn't know if I would make it this far and the fact that I've been so consistent, I'm just so proud of myself, right? And you know, I feel like having my husband, you know, hold me accountable and like knowing that I got his support.
Audria Richmond®:And not saying he never supported me with my fitness journey, but it became something that we were definite about. Right? And so those are those are the top three things this year that I've been super consistent with so far, and you will notice a system and a routine that I'm kinda doing that helps with that. And so let's get into some of those highlights that I think allowed for this. So number 1, I made a decision.
Audria Richmond®:Right? I decided to stick to it and not lie to myself. Because sometimes it's so easy to lie to yourself. It's like, who's gonna check you, boo? Who's gonna come for you?
Audria Richmond®:Who gonna be like, nah. That ain't how you supposed to do it. You know? And so when you really think about it, it's like, you know what? No.
Audria Richmond®:I made a decision that I am going to do this thing, and I'm not gonna lie to myself, and I'm gonna be committed to what I said I was gonna do. The second thing is I got focused. I removed any distraction that would that wouldn't allow for me to be consistent. Right? Number 3, I layered on one goal at a time.
Audria Richmond®:You notice I didn't start with a bunch of things trying to get them all started at the same time. I got started on my audio newsletter, in January. I got started on the YouTube video champ the YouTube channel in in, May. And then, you know, I'm getting consistent with my fitness starting July. And here we are in August.
Audria Richmond®:So the point I'm making is layer on one thing at a time. If you're trying to be consistent with 10, 15 things like good luck, unless you're a superhuman and you can make it happen, but, you know, give yourself grace and do one thing at a time. And then once you build up momentum, habit, and a routine, it just becomes easy to just stay committed to that. The next thing, I created systems around the goal. Right?
Audria Richmond®:You will notice, like I said, I had created a framework for my audio newsletter. You know, our protocol for YouTube is like we remove the time parameter. It it can be a prerecorded video or a live video, but every Wednesday, there will be a video. I'm gonna work out every single day, no less than 15 minutes. Minimum try to do 30 minutes.
Audria Richmond®:So as you can see, I'm putting these systems in place so I can really, you know, stay committed to the goal. The next thing I would say is accountability. Right? Like having my husband to support me in a lot of these areas has been, like, the most rewarding thing because I think oftentimes when we think about accountability, it's like, well, I don't need nobody tell me what to do. And I feel like that applies to certain areas of your life.
Audria Richmond®:Like, some areas like, for instance, when it come to, like, business stuff, I don't need nobody to tell me what to do. I know how to do that. Like, I I could be consistent with that. I don't really need accountability for that. But when it came to my health and, like, you know, the fitness things, a lot of things on the personal side of my life, I really, really, really deeply needed that accountability.
Audria Richmond®:And so the beauty in my husband supporting me is that, you know, he's gonna support me with everything, but I've really seen him double down and take the lead with my health and that's just been so rewarding. Right? But I also wanna say this before we end this audio newsletter. I wanna be clear that this was not easy. Right?
Audria Richmond®:I had days when I did not wanna do anything. Right? I had Mondays when I came in this room to record, and I was like, man, I really don't wanna do this. Will they even notice if I don't do it? You know, it's it's so funny because every day that I think about it, we're like, oh, I think I could skip a day.
Audria Richmond®:Somebody be like, girl, that last week audio newsletter was fire. I'm like, dang. If people even listening to this. So trust me. I just had someone recently shoot me a DM on, Instagram who is interested in in in joining us inside the Unclown Mastermind if you're listening to this audio newsletter.
Audria Richmond®:Hey. She was like, I listen to every audio newsletter. I watch every YouTube video. So, So, like, you don't know who's watching. You don't know who's listening.
Audria Richmond®:And so it's so important that you stick to whatever routine you create. Right? Because trust me, I always felt, you know, I it would they when I was like, I got a legitimate reason. Like, I don't feel like it. Like, I don't feel like it emotionally.
Audria Richmond®:I'm feeling a little sick, so on and so forth. Right? I'm not in a nice energy space, so on and so forth. And I think that, like, your emotional state is everything. Right?
Audria Richmond®:And being able to navigate the good days and the bad days and still follow through is the ultimate win. Right? So I really do hope that you enjoy today's audio newsletter. Please, please, please let me know your biggest takeaway inside the Unclown Marketing free Facebook group. And if you're not a member, what are you waiting on?
Audria Richmond®:Click the link in the description section of this audio newsletter to join us. And until next time y'all, let's go live an UnCloned® life and build an UnCloned® brand. Bye y'all.
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