Feeling Stuck Start Here
Welcome to the UnCloned® insider audio newsletter. My name is Audria Richmond and I am your marketing and launch strategist. I work directly with my clients to show them how to build uncloned brands and launch profitable marketing campaigns. We are the brand that you come to when you want to become or remain the obvious choice of your industry. Hey, y'all.
Audria Richmond®:What's going on? Yes. You are getting this audio newsletter a little bit late than normal. However, I just wanna say thank you for being a part of our community, for listening to these audio newsletters, and just giving us your time. Right?
Audria Richmond®:I really appreciate that. But, we just finished up the uncloned list building challenge day 1. It was amazing. We normally do our challenges midday, but we did tonight, and it's it's actually pretty cool to do it at night. So I'm I'm I'm starting to like that a lot.
Audria Richmond®:But, anyway, I I was sitting here thinking about, like, what I wanted to talk about, and I was going back and forth with Calvin. If you don't know who Calvin is, it's my husband. And we were just talking about, you know, what I wanted to share, and there are so many things I've already said that you just need to revisit because I can sit here all day and give you a new idea, a new thing to think through, a new whatever. It's actually one of the reasons why we created the unclaimed brand assessment so we can reduce the topics we're having and just focus on the primary thing. And if you're if you don't know what our primary goal is for the people who are connected to us, our goal is to make you the obvious choice in your industry and ultimately helping you build an uncloned brand.
Audria Richmond®:And so it first start with, 1, understanding and knowing where you are with your brand. That's why we created the assessment. If you haven't taken the uncloned brand assessment, head over to unclone brand score dot com and take the assessment so you can know where you stand. Because when you know where you stand, then you know what to focus on. After you take the assessment, we already have a prerecorded debrief that you can, watch on demand is available now.
Audria Richmond®:So as soon as you take the assessment, boom, you can watch that video. Because today, we're gonna be talking about if you're feeling stuck and you like, what should I be doing? I'm like, I'm doing a little bit of this. I'm doing a little bit of that. What am I supposed to be focused on?
Audria Richmond®:What is the goal? Right? So because we're at the end of 2024 and we're going into 2025, it is very important at the very least that you know what you're doing for next year. Like, what are those goals that you're going to be focused on? That's the first thing, and it's important to understand what your vision is.
Audria Richmond®:We talk a lot about the book Vivid Vision, and so if you haven't read that book, I highly recommend that. But I really just wanna take a moment today to not necessarily overwhelm you with new content, but to really encourage you to go back and listen to some of the previous audio newsletters. Go back and listen to some of the YouTube videos and then go and come inside of our new community on school and read the post. Like, it's not so much about doing more and receiving more information, it's more so about what have you done with the information that we have given you. Have you read the books?
Audria Richmond®:Have you worked through the systems? Have you watched the courses? Have you done the work that we're teaching? Because, like, we're giving you actionable things to do all the time, and it's easy to be like, okay. What's the latest, greatest new thing that I should be doing and what I should be focused on?
Audria Richmond®:And the truth of the matter is it's like everybody is starting at a different place. Everybody got different goals, different revenue goals, different places that they want to head. And so you gotta know where you're going and then you pick up from there. But if I had to pinpoint where you should be focused at, is to use the unclaimed brand assessment as a guide. Because once you understand that, then you'd be good to go.
Audria Richmond®:So with that being said, I'm gonna make a list. I'm gonna recommend some of the pieces of content that I believe that you should go back and consume. If you're listening to the audio newsletter, from our email, there's a button below the image that say listen to back catalog. So when you click that link, it'll take you to all of the audio newsletters I did for 2024. We did one every single Monday, including today, Monday, even though it's pretty late.
Audria Richmond®:But we have so much content that we've shared with you. So I'm gonna highlight some of my favorite audio newsletters and some of my favorite YouTube videos and then everything I've been posting in school is just fire. You just gotta find it and read it. It's pretty easy to navigate a lot of what I'm saying now. So let me start with the audio newsletter.
Audria Richmond®:The the one of my favorite audios newsletter is how to embrace being the CEO. I think oftentimes as entrepreneurs, we're not embracing the role of being a CEO. We're looking for a savior. We're looking for somebody to save us. And the truth of the matter is no one is gonna tell you how to run your business.
Audria Richmond®:That is your job and your responsibility. So I would say watch how to embrace being the CEO of your brand. That's a great first one to do. The next thing I would say is the top five ways to generate leads at scale. That's a really good one as well.
Audria Richmond®:I would talk I would also listen to the three levels of leverage for multiplying yourself. That's a we talked a lot about that tonight during the, the unclown list building challenge. We talked a lot about leveraging yourself and how do you multiply yourself. That one is a good one. I think people probably saw the title like, oh, really I don't think I really need that one.
Audria Richmond®:But if if I had to be honest, like, that's the most urgent one you wanna listen to. So that one is called 3 levels of leverage, for multiplying yourself. The next thing I would say is let's see. Oh, 10 Speedy Success Habits. Really, really good.
Audria Richmond®:I would totally go and listen to that. I would listen to reimagining your products and services if you haven't already listened to that. What else? Oh, this is good. These 5 types of content, the 5 type of content that attracts and convert buyers fast.
Audria Richmond®:So especially as we get to the end of the year, if you like, hey. I need some clients and customers. You definitely wanna listen to that one. Oh, this one is good. Nine things you can do to market your business daily.
Audria Richmond®:That one is really, really good. Let's see what else we have here. To be honest, all of this is good, but those are the ones that I really will want to see you all focus on. Now let me move over to YouTube. Now YouTube is lit.
Audria Richmond®:There's a I mean, the audio newsletter is great, but we got a lot of good content on YouTube as well. And so let me make some recommendations really quickly. Let's see. There's a, YouTube video that I did where I talk about the different ways that you can, generate $10,000. The name of that one is called, hold on one second because I just did this one.
Audria Richmond®:Five ways to create $10,000 offers. That one is really, really good. The other one that's really good is 10 offers you can create in less than a week. That one is really good. The one that I love the most that I the strategy that I taught a while ago that I'm using the most right now is how to turn your voice notes into captivating social media content.
Audria Richmond®:I've I've posted over 200 times in our new school community, and it's been straight off the dome using that strategy in that YouTube video. That one is really, really good. What else would I say to check out? If you plan on cultivating and creating a community for 2025, I would watch the why we moved our community from Facebook to school. And then well, the name of that one is we're we are moving our community to school.
Audria Richmond®:And then there's another video that I recently did called the future of social media is community. That one is so good. I did that one, like, 3 weeks ago, so I've definitely, watched that one. And then I did I talked about my top marketing lessons of 2024. That one was fired.
Audria Richmond®:That was 5 days ago, so I would totally go back and listen to that. So that's it. I'm not gonna give you new content because we got tons of content, and I'm very certain you have not watched and consumed everything that I have taught. Right? And then when you come and join us inside the school community, make sure you scan and get caught up.
Audria Richmond®:There if you scroll to the bottom excuse me. If you scroll to the bottom, there are different numbers that you can click on. Those are pages of content. So don't be afraid to go back and look at some of the older content or go back and look at some of the recent content. Scan the group, browse the group, and get tapped in.
Audria Richmond®:That's all I have for you. If you feeling stuck, get started with consuming the content, get clear on your goals, work on your vivid vision, and most importantly, know where you stand with your brand by learning your unclone brand score at unclonebrandscore.com. I pray that 2025 is everything you've ever imagined and more, and I would love to know your biggest takeaway from today's audio newsletter on what's what's going to be the the content that you consume first. Out of all of my recommendations, which one are you going to take and run with? Let me know your biggest takeaway on the on the post inside of the uncloned school community, and I cannot wait to see you in our next audio newsletter.
Audria Richmond®:And until next time, let's go live an UnCloned® life and build an UnCloned® brand. Bye y'all.
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