9 Things You Can Do To Market Your Business Daily
Welcome to the uncloned insider audio newsletter. My name is Audria Richmond, and I am your marketing and launch strategist. I work directly with my clients to show them how to build uncloned brands and launch profitable marketing campaigns. We are the brand that you come to when you want to become or remain the obvious choice of your industry. Hey, y'all.
Audria Richmond®:What's going on? I hope you had an amazing weekend. I'm excited today because we kick off the uncloned certification program. So I'm excited about our very first cohort. So we have some really cool unclo marketing pros who are in the making to becoming unclo marketing pros, so I'm super excited about that.
Audria Richmond®:But today, I wanna talk to you about 9 things you can do to market your business daily. So this was pulled from a, master class that we did last year, and I really see the need to talk about this today. Mainly because, you know, when when it's time to market, people just don't have a good relationship with marketing. I think that when we're looking at our business and things aren't going to plan, 9 times out of 10, we can directly tie to your marketing efforts. And everything doesn't have to be content, and I think that's what you're going to love, from this list.
Audria Richmond®:When we taught it last year, as I go through this list today, I'm quite sure you're gonna find a lot of value from it. So let's dive in. So the first thing that you can do to market your business daily is to send daily, weekly emails. Ideally, a newsletter, Very similar to what you're getting today. So today, you're getting my audio newsletter, that we send out every single audio newsletter, you know, like today.
Audria Richmond®:And and this is the thing about when you're doing something weekly, you may not feel like doing it, but be but because you have made a commitment, it's important to honor that. Right? So I know a quite a few business owners that no matter how they're feeling is coming out. And I think if you are a person that likes to create based on mood, I'm one of those people. One of the things you may wanna get better at, especially if you find yourself not make you know, staying to those commitments.
Audria Richmond®:So let's say you decided you wanted to make something every single Monday, but for some reason, you don't get to it. Right? Or you when you do get to it, it's like, oh my god. Why I just didn't do this already? Why didn't it plan?
Audria Richmond®:Blah blah blah. Well, the best way to get over that is just playing. I know that sound like, oh, okay. It's not rocket science. Right?
Audria Richmond®:So just plan and batch it. I think for me, especially as I'm becoming more busy and really wanted to have more time, you know, to have fun, if you will. I'm gonna start batching out some of these audio newsletters and have them in the queue. That way I'm not doing them, you know, live every single Monday. Right?
Audria Richmond®:Because, like, today when you're getting it, you're giddy you get it every day I mean, every Monday. But as you notice, if you go back and look at the the times we send it, sometimes we send in the morning, sometimes we send it, early afternoon, sometimes we send it late afternoon like we're gonna do today. So just keep in mind though, I'd rather see you consistent than trying to keep up with a time. And then once you get consistent, then you start keeping up with a time. But if you're able to do both, then do both.
Audria Richmond®:But, anyhoo, that's number 1. Number 1 is send a daily, weekly emails, ideally a newsletter. Now number 2, go live daily or weekly. The reason I'm saying go live daily is that there's a lot of YouTubers, and Instagram people who go live every single day and they make money every single day or they get, they be they're able to build brand awareness and build, and cultivate community. So don't underestimate that, like, every time you go live, you gotta be selling something.
Audria Richmond®:No. Sometimes your people just wanna see you. They wanna connect with you. They want to ask you questions. They wanna see, you know, tap in and really, be a part of what you have.
Audria Richmond®:So don't be afraid to go live daily or weekly. I'm not gonna get into the intricacies on, you know, whether or not you do or don't, but what I will say is that going live is probably the number one underestimated marketing tool that we have today. It to me, you know, if you can keep up a good cadence of going live, whether it's daily or weekly, you really can reduce your ad spend, especially if you, spend money on ads. And if you're not using anything to amplify your brand, then the next best way is to go live either daily or weekly. Number 3, create content with a clear call to action.
Audria Richmond®:Let me give you an example of what I mean by this. So your content has to have a goal. I know oftentimes when people are, you know, growing their brand and and putting themselves out there, oftentimes, they are they forget that they're creating content for a goal. Even if you're creating a content to get followers, it has a goal. Right?
Audria Richmond®:Even if you're creating a content for somebody to leave a comment, that has a goal. Whenever you're creating content, make sure you have a goal. Ideally, you want a goal that's directly tied to whatever your company is focused on. Right? So if you know for a fact you want to enroll people, for instance, if you want people to buy your book every every time, you know, every time you make a post, even though your post may not be be about a book, you can write your core caption and then put it put a PS and say, hey, PS, by the way, if you want my book typed, blah blah blah, and check.
Audria Richmond®:Right? Or in the comments. So don't underestimate that you can always tie your goal to your piece of content, as long as it's relevant. Right? And even if it's not relevant, you can always add it as a PS.
Audria Richmond®:So create content with a clear call to action. That's number 3. Number 4 is booking and conducting 1 on 1 calls. The beauty in 1 on 1 calls is that you get to talk to your prospects and get to know about them. We we had a total of 5 calls.
Audria Richmond®:We closed 4 of the 5. And and this is the thing about it. Right? When you're doing your sales calls, right, we would have had a we would have had a 100% success rate with our sales calls, but we ended up having a call, and that particular person wasn't able to enroll. But, nevertheless, when you're doing your calls, and this is so important, make sure you are vetting people before you get on the phone.
Audria Richmond®:Right? I don't really like getting on the phone with people or having meeting with people unless I can feel it in my spirit that this is about to be something. If people sound a little hesitant or if they sound like they're not really ready or whatever the case may be, I got plenty of content that gets you ready. I got books. We got a free Facebook group.
Audria Richmond®:I got free videos on YouTube. You got plenty of ways to kinda figure me out and see if you you vibe with me. Right? By the time we get on a sales call, like, 9 times out of 10, you've already done your due diligence. I've already done my due diligence, and we're just a vibe checking at this point.
Audria Richmond®:Right? So that's the beauty in booking and conducting 1 on 1 calls. Like, when you're doing when you're booking 1 on 1 calls, it's not just about how many people can I get on my calendar, but how many qualified people can I get on my calendar? Alright? That's number 4.
Audria Richmond®:Number 5 is conducting deal making meetings Online or offline. So you may be thinking that like, well, what's the difference between booking and conducting 1 on 1 calls and doing deal making meetings? Deal making meetings is that we're coming together to talk about structuring a custom deal. 9 times out of 10, this is not a a stock call. What I what do I mean by that?
Audria Richmond®:You're not necessarily getting on the phone to try to sell somebody something that's in your product suite. You're typically having a deal making meeting because you all are coming together to create a customized experience where there's going to be a need for a custom proposal and contract. Right? And typically, what happens with these deal making meetings is that you all are coming together to see how partnership would be mutually beneficial. Right?
Audria Richmond®:And so think of it like, hey. I'm gonna go meet with this brand because I may want them to do sponsorship for my company. Or I'm meeting with this person because we're thinking about collaborating on co creating a product or service, an event, or an experience. So deal making meetings is essentially what it is. Now the difference between that and 1 on 1 calls, 1 on 1 calls is really just to kinda get people over the hoop to help them make a decision on something that's already predefined.
Audria Richmond®:The deal making meeting on the other hand is where you're coming together to meet with someone to cocreate an experience that's mutually beneficial to to each person. Hopefully, that makes sense. Alright? So that's number 5, conducting deal making meetings online or offline. Number 6 is conducting opportunity hour.
Audria Richmond®:You may not know what that is, but it's essentially our trademark process. And, essentially, what opportunity hour is, every single day for 1 hour, you are pitching yourself in 5 categories that we teach when it comes to, you know, pitching yourself for opportunities. If you have any of our uncloned marketing systems, you already have access to what those 5 categories are. So I'm not gonna get into the to the details or the weeds of that. But essentially you dedicating 1 hour every single day to pitch yourself.
Audria Richmond®:That's essentially what opportunity hour is. Number 7 is running evergreen ads for lead generation. Every single day, do you have something that's marketing for you? The beauty in, evergreen ads for lead generation is that could you have an automated webinar going every day? Could you be driving traffic to people to go and download a PDF or an ebook or some mini audio training or some mini video?
Audria Richmond®:Anything that's going to allow you to attract. Well, 1, to attract whoever it is that you want to work with. Ideally, your target audience. Right? And so if you know for a fact that you are a food coach, right, a holistic food coach, then 9 times out of 10, do you have, like, some easy, like, hey.
Audria Richmond®:How to transition from, you know, everyday cooking to to becoming a vegan or, like, how to become a vegan with these 6 easy recipes. Like, the only person who's gonna opt in for something like that are your is your target audience. Right? So keep in mind that, like, if you can have something running in the background every single day where people are coming to your page and you're at least adding 10 to 15 people on your email list every single day, now we're cooking with grease. Right?
Audria Richmond®:And the beauty about this and the reason I say evergreen ads is because the whole point of the ad is to get in front of new people. Now if you're able to negotiate a partnership, with someone where they're able to put your lead magnet, that's integrated with their marketing efforts, that could work. An example of that would be, I'm probably going a little bit advanced here, but like if you've ever received a package in the mail and I'll give you an example. So for instance, I order from, Victoria's Secret. Right?
Audria Richmond®:Like some lingerie or whatever. And in that package would be like, you know, here's a card to try out this new wine company or something like that. That company is generating leads because I didn't buy from them. I bought from Victoria's Secret. But because I'm a Victoria's Secret customer, they were able to leverage that relationship to put their offer in front of me.
Audria Richmond®:And it was typically an offer to lead gen. So, like, hey. Come and, you know, do this free trial for this or come and do this free thing for that. Hopefully, that makes sense, but that's essentially what I'm saying here. And then number 8 is follow-up with leads in your pipeline.
Audria Richmond®:Do you follow-up with people who have previously reached out and maybe was interested in some formal season, but then now you can revisit them for this season? Like, how often and how frequently do you follow-up with people who was previously interested? Maybe they the deal didn't move forward for whatever reason. Are you able to go back to them and retouch up on those leads at least every quarter? Right?
Audria Richmond®:Like, hey. You recently you you know, you reached out to me in x y z around x y z. Are you currently looking for someone now? Right? If so, I would love to hop on a call with you.
Audria Richmond®:And then number 9 is networking online and offline. Where can you go as a business owner where you can go and rub shoulders with some new people? And, honestly, y'all, the quicker you can get out your circle of people, if you could stop going to the same old events everybody else is going to, that's how you're going to really diversify your network. Is for me personally, I'm not attending, a lot of industry event where my friends are gonna go or maybe even, you know, I'm personally trying to stay away from events where it's like, you know, all of the who's who's gonna be there. We're 9 times out of 10.
Audria Richmond®:They're not trying to do business with me or I'm not trying to do business with them. So there's no need for me to show up in that environment and waste my time just for the sake of saying, oh, I'm going to this event just to have something blocked off on my calendar. I'd rather turn that into a revenue generating activity for myself. So instead of being stuck in a conference room, you know, over the course of a weekend, could I replace that time with my own event over the course of a weekend or workshop or q and a session or something? You know what I'm saying?
Audria Richmond®:Or can I go speak and be on somebody's stage, as opposed to being in the conference seat, if you know what I mean? So when we talk about networking online and offline, it's more about where you're networking than networking. I'd rather you be strategic and network in the right rooms than to be in any room that does not feed you or get you what you need. So, hopefully, you found value today with the 9 things you can do to market your business daily. I'm gonna go over the list really quick.
Audria Richmond®:Number 1 is send daily, weekly emails, ideally a newsletter. Number 2, go live daily or weekly, whatever you have the bandwidth or the capacity for. Number 3, create content with clear call to actions. Make sure you tell people what to do. Number 4, booking and conducting 1 on 1 calls.
Audria Richmond®:Number 5, conducting deal making meetings online or offline. Number 6, conducting opportunity hour, which is our trademark process. You can conduct opportunity hour every single day in your business for at least 1 hour. Number 7, running evergreen ads for lead generation. Number 8, following up with leads in your pipeline.
Audria Richmond®:And number 9, networking online or offline. Hopefully, you can do 1, if not all 9 of these things and get your brand popping. Alright? So let me know your biggest takeaway inside of our free uncloned marketing Facebook group. If you're not a member, you can visit the description section wherever you may be listening to this audio.
Audria Richmond®:Until next time, y'all. Let's go live an UnCloned® life and build an UnCloned® brand. Bye y'all.
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