5 Marketing Strategies That Still Work in 2024
Welcome to the UnCloned® insider audio newsletter. My name is Arjira Richmond, and I am your marketing and launch strategist. I work directly with my clients to teach them how to build uncloned brands and launch profitable marketing campaigns. We are the brand that you come to when you want to become the obvious choice of your industry. Welcome, everyone.
Audria Richmond®:How are you doing? Hopefully, everything is going great in your world. We're gonna jump right into today's topic, which is 5 marketing strategies that are still working in 2024. So I know that we are in 2024, and it's pretty early to be in 2020 4. But a lot of the strategies that we're gonna be speaking about are strategies that we have actually utilized, this entire year.
Audria Richmond®:So we're about 2 weeks into 2024, at the time year, as well as the last month, of being in this year as well as the last month, of 2023, we're able to kinda see a lot of these marketing trends that are still working, and we're kinda pulling back on things that just don't work anymore. And so, hopefully, today, you walk away with 5 strategies that you can deploy into your business. Now one thing I will say is that some of them are easy, and some of them are going to require a little bit of effort. So, you know, when we go over these strategies, I will try to speak to the complexity of these things. So if you're looking for easy, some of these things will be easy, but the things that always make anything complicated is being more strategic.
Audria Richmond®:So I'm gonna be talking about how you can be more strategic and how you can get more out of it. Alright? So let's get into it. So number 1, lunches. Now as you know, as the lunch queen, I love lunches.
Audria Richmond®:Okay? I love lunches for so many reasons. If you've been a part of our community, you know that lunches is the fastest way to grow your business, to build your email list. I know a lot of people say, well, I can't launch because I don't have any money. Well, that's why you would launch, to make money.
Audria Richmond®:Another thing that I hear people say is that I can't launch because I don't have a big email list where you launch to grow your email list. So there's a lot of misconceptions around launching, when it comes to growing your business, but I'm here to say that lunches still work. So what is a lunch? A lunch, just in the most simplest way because I could give you a more technical one. I could give you one that I've defined before.
Audria Richmond®:But the when I think about a launch, it's just a marketing event. Okay? We call it in a launch circle a launch style. So you basically put together a marketing event to invite people in to introduce them to your product service event or experience. That's essentially what a lunch is.
Audria Richmond®:I like to take I like to think about lunches as attention parties. I like to think about lunches as marketing parties. Like, you being able to bring people together for the sole purpose of, 1, there's 3 there's 3 benefits to to, launching. Right? That I think a lot of people don't understand.
Audria Richmond®:There's obviously way more, but the top 3. Right? The top 3 is 1. You get to cultivate community. So if you're one of those people who are like, hey.
Audria Richmond®:I wanna kinda, you know, build a community. I wanna build a culture of people around my brand. You know, I wanna grow my social media channels. I wanna grow my, Facebook group. I wanna grow my text message list, my email list, or whatever.
Audria Richmond®:Like, you need to have a community and you can't cultivate a community if people don't know you, if they haven't got chance to really experience you. That's another reason why you wanna launch is because it gives people an opportunity to experience you. They get to see your teaching style. They get to see, why you care about your products if you're in a if you're a product based bank brand. You know, why did you create this product?
Audria Richmond®:Why is it important now? You know, what's the story behind, what's your story? What's the story behind the product? What's the story behind the service? Like, we gotta spend more time allowing people to get to know us because we don't spend enough time allowing people to get to know us and then, you know, it does it doesn't allow for people to make a really good executive decision on whether or not they wanna buy your product or service.
Audria Richmond®:So number 1, it cultivates a community. Number 2, it allows you to build brand awareness. When we talk about brand awareness, I think a lot of the times, people think that, like, it's reserved for bigger companies. Like, I have to be Coca Cola. I have to be some brand that's been around over a 100 years.
Audria Richmond®:And the truth of the matter is, why don't you see yourself in a bigger light? Why don't you want to be known, at that level? When people say your brand name, you wanna be remembered. Right? And that's one of the reasons why when you launch, you get to build brand awareness.
Audria Richmond®:Every time you get your brand in front of new people, you get an opportunity to introduce yourself, your brand, your products, and your services. So that's the beauty in that's one of the beauties in built in, launching as well. And number 3, you get to generate sales. Who don't wanna make money? Every time we launch, we make money.
Audria Richmond®:Now I can't sit here and say, okay. We hit every single revenue goal that we wanna hit, but nevertheless, we've you know, I can't really count a time where we didn't make some kind of money. Right? So every time you launch, you supposed to, right, if you do your launch process correctly, especially the way we teach it inside the uncloned lunch circle. But if you're launching properly, you should generate sales.
Audria Richmond®:Alright? So that's number 1. That's the first marketing strategy that still work in 2024. Number 2, content with a strong trackable CTA. CTA stands for call to action.
Audria Richmond®:Now we're all posting content, and kudos for you and me. But if you cannot track the effectiveness of your content and let me say this, I know it's gonna step on a few people toes, but I'm not talking about views. I'm not talking about going viral. I'm not talking about any of that. I'm more so talking about if your goal this month is to get more calls, are you telling people in your content to book a call?
Audria Richmond®:If your if your goal this month is to sell, you know, $5,000 worth of your ebook, are you telling people to get the ebook? I think a lot of the times, we assume that especially if you're marketing on, like, Instagram or any other social media platform, you are assuming that people are just gonna remember, oh, let me click the link in their bio. Right? And go and look at what they have going on. And I think to to assume that is kinda silly because you have to tell people what to do.
Audria Richmond®:So let me give you some examples of what this looks like. So this could look like using a tool like Minichat where you're telling people to type in a particular keyword. That still works. Right? And how do I know that works?
Audria Richmond®:That's why I said when you're posting content, a trackable, CTA. So my call to action in a lot of my post is, like, you know, for some of the recent campaigns we're doing right now is, like, type course or type, insider or type strength. Like, those are different keywords that I have attached to certain pieces of content that drives people to join our email list or to engage with our marketing. So a lot of the times when you're posting content, you really gotta know, like, am I being effective? Is this working?
Audria Richmond®:And the only way you know if it's working is if the goal you have is being achieved. I know that sounds like, okay, Audria, that's simple, but if you're not hitting your goals, you know who you are. Right? If you said this month that, like, hey, I want more people to DM me so I can start the conversation. Are you telling people to DM you?
Audria Richmond®:If you know you want more calls, are you telling people to book a call? If you know that you want more people to join your course or your program, are you telling people how to do that? Stop assuming that people know what you mean or they're going to magically remember to go engage with your marketing. You have to tell people what to do. Now, I understand that we have some content creators who are all about, you know, going viral or is all about, you know, how how many more followers I can get and how many views I can get.
Audria Richmond®:This content that I'm producing right now is for CEOs who wanna generate sales. I'm not talking about going viral. I'm not talking about trending. I'm talking about you being able to hit your revenue goals that you set for this year. And the only way to hit your goals is to actually track your marketing efforts.
Audria Richmond®:So I'm not saying that you have to have, some call to action on every single post, but I'm also gonna say it doesn't hurt. And what I mean by that is you can have a a trackable call to action that's not always selling. A good example of that is whenever I go live on Instagram, I always tell you know, if I post a replay on my page, I will always say, type replay to let me know you watched this. That triggers a message to them that just thank them for watching the replay. I'm not selling them on anything or anything.
Audria Richmond®:The only 2 things I say in that message is like, hey. Thanks so much for requesting access to the replay. By the way, join our email list so you don't miss out on what we have going on or join our text mobile club. That's I'm literally telling them like, hey. If you like this, you wanna be in the loop.
Audria Richmond®:And the way you be in the loop on more content like this is to join our email list or our SMS list. So make sure that the content that you produce this year has a trackable way for you to know that it's effective, that it worked. Alright? Now the third strategy, I love this strategy. It's actually been a strategy that's been working for multiple years.
Audria Richmond®:The same thing with launches, the same thing with content. It's just you notice that there's a strategy to each one of these things that I'm saying right now. Now with live streaming, I know a lot of people are still like, I'm afraid to go live. I don't wanna go live. Why don't you wanna go live?
Audria Richmond®:If you can save time, like, for instance, if it takes you to produce let's let's say it takes you about, I don't know, 2 hours to plan a really epic reel, like a Instagram reel. Why wouldn't you spend that same 2 hours to just go live and talk about what you're gonna talk about? I'm not saying don't create the real, but what I'm saying is how much more effective would it be if you could gather people together who's already who already raised their hand and said they wanna engage with your brand to to come on livestream with you and watch you teach something or watch you demonstrate, your product or service. So I think it's good to have a healthy mix of content that you post on your page, but utilize live streaming. There are so many things that you can do on live streaming.
Audria Richmond®:And pick the platform that makes sense for you. So that could be Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitch. There are so many platforms that you can go live on. Right? I know there's also some community platforms that allow you to go live in there.
Audria Richmond®:So utilize these platforms to the max of their capability. Because if you can go live and generate sales today, like, right now in this moment, why not? Right? I can't you know, every time I go live, we get leads or sales. Leads or sales.
Audria Richmond®:When I say leads, that means people get off the live and join our email list. When I say sales, I can see sales coming through while I'm on livestream. So you know, again, like I said, this is really like I really want you all to really focus on tracking your efforts. Because another thing is this one thing to say I post every single day. But if you post in every day and you're not generating sales, leads, followers, DMs, calls or opportunities, then you are essentially wasting your time.
Audria Richmond®:Right? And I'm a be honest with you. Some of us, you know, I'm not talking about everybody, but it's a good portion of you all who cannot afford to keep wasting your time on things that don't drive revenue. And why am I talking about revenue a lot? Why am I talking about money a lot?
Audria Richmond®:One, you if you if you're feeling a little icky about me talking about money, then you need to reestablish your relationship. You need to, like, create a new relationship around money because you cannot be in business and expect it to work without driving revenue. So you would notice that a lot of these tactics and a lot of these strategies that I'm talking about is all about driving revenue. Alright? So we talked about launches.
Audria Richmond®:We talked about content with a strong trackable CTA. We talked about live streaming on your favorite platform. The next 2 are a little bit I wouldn't say advanced, like, for launches for sure is advanced. Content, that's pretty easy. A lot of people do content, but they're doing content wrong because they're they're not tracking their efforts and they're not making money from their content.
Audria Richmond®:They're being relevant by creating it, but they're not driving revenue. Now, obviously, that's not everybody. I know someone is listening to this and, like, I make money with my content. I'm not talking to you. I'm more so talking to the people who are not generating revenue as a result of creating content and making sure that you have a mechanism in place to be able to track, the energy and effort that you put into that.
Audria Richmond®:So, like, if I post a reel today and I post 5 reels this week, of the 5 reels, did I get, leads, followers, money, calls, DMs, opportunities? What did I get as a result of that, and are you tracking it? That's really what I want you to take away from that key point is, are you tracking your efforts of doing that? Now the next 2, I'm not gonna say it's hard, but it is it is gonna require a little bit more effort. So one on one calls.
Audria Richmond®:Right? One on one calls is hands down the easiest thing to do, especially if you don't have anything to sell right now. Like, if you like, I don't have a course yet, I don't have a membership platform, I don't have an ebook, I don't have a digital product, I don't have a physical product. Whatever the case may be, 1 on 1 calls is great. Especially, if you have expertise to get people on the phone to get to know them.
Audria Richmond®:Even if you sell physical products, getting your clients to raise their hand and get on the phone to be able to talk to someone is not just great for market research, but it gives you an opportunity to have a pulse on your people. Like, what's going on? What are they struggling with? What are they what do they need? What is the common thread that I have found from, like, talking to all of these people on the call?
Audria Richmond®:So for instance, we recently gave everyone who upgraded to the obvious choice bundle when we did the 2024 annual planning workshop. Some of those people went on to book basically got a 1 on 1 call as a result of that. Right? We review their annual planning. We kinda co create it in real time.
Audria Richmond®:The beauty in that that session those sessions was I was able to kinda see where are people getting stuck when it comes to their annual plan. How is it that some people are very clear around what they want and some aren't? Right? We were able to kinda, look at some trends, and then it allowed me to be like, oh, we need to teach more on this topic. We need to create a product around this topic.
Audria Richmond®:And then, again, if you're not talking to your people, there's no way for you to be able to know what's working for them, what's not working for them, and it allows you to not know what you what what to create for them. So one on one calls are a great way to know your audience needs. It allow you to understand firsthand how your product or service can support them with their goals and it allows them it allows you to be able to get the feedback you need to see even if you let's say you sell a physical product and it's not selling the way you want to sell. You can always get people on the phone to do market research. But on the flip side, let's say that you sell physical products and you wanna use 1 on 1 calls to get your stuff sold in stores or retail.
Audria Richmond®:That's another way to use 1 on 1 calls if you sell physical products. Obviously, if you sell services, you can have people book a call with you to do a coaching call, a consulting call with you. You can get people on the phone. You can have somebody walk through something with someone. You could do a tech call with someone, like, whatever you know how to do, whatever skill you have, you can turn into a 1 on 1 call, then it could be extremely lucrative.
Audria Richmond®:Right? Now it's not as leverageable as I would like because you're working with people 1 on 1. However, it is it it can be very, lucrative, especially if you set it up properly. Alright? So that's 1 on 1 cost.
Audria Richmond®:Now number 5, alright, is automated or live private tours of your product or service. So, again, the tour thing is great because think about a place that you toured and then you eventually was a part of it. Right? So, like, one of the things that we do, especially when we launch, we have a prerecorded video that breaks down, like, what the launch circle is, how it works, what's included, how much it costs, a walk through of the portal, the song, so forth. Right?
Audria Richmond®:That's a great way for people to be able to watch that video, and it's already prerecorded. So it's highly leverageable. I can send it as a I can send it 1 on 1. I can play it live with the group. There's a lot of ways for me to leverage that live prerecorded training.
Audria Richmond®:Right? I mean, that prerecorded tour. Another thing that we've done is we prerecorded, information about the uncloned Mastermind. So whenever someone reaches out and they're like, hey. You know, how do I learn more about the uncloned Mastermind?
Audria Richmond®:We get to send them that video, and they get to learn more about the Mastermind. And I I don't have to necessarily use, my time to book a call with that person. They can watch the video and make an make a decision. So it can work a lot of ways when you think about your your, service tour or a product tour. If you sell a product, can you demonstrate to your people how to use your product?
Audria Richmond®:So let's say you sell a hairline, a hairline. Right? Like, you sell this HER care line, or let's say you sell, like, you know, a candle line or a soap line or some type of thing where it's a set. It would be great if you could do a video showing people how to use your products. Right?
Audria Richmond®:If you know that you let's just say you develop a soap, for an example, but you know that in order for people to really benefit from using this soap, they really need to use the oil. Well, have you ever talked to them in a systematic way for them to know that, no, when you when you get through using the you know, when you get through taking a bath, you should also, you know, utilize the oil, or when you get out the shower, you should also use the oil. Like, you are assuming that people, when they come to your website, they're gonna assume to buy those things. Another way to get people to buy all of those things in one wap is putting together as a bundle. But, again, by having a product tour or product demonstration allows you people to get to know how and when to utilize this product.
Audria Richmond®:Right? Especially if you're in the ecommerce space. If you're in the service space, the way you can do that is let's say you're selling coaching or consulting. You could prerecord a video introducing yourself and some of the case studies you've been able to get with your clients and how you can work directly with them to help them get a result and talk about some of your latest wins. If you are selling, a a coaching program or a course or a membership platform, you could do, like, a walk through video explaining, you know, what the product's about, who it's for, how it works, so on and so forth.
Audria Richmond®:And, obviously, if you sell physical products, you can demonstrate your product on camera, allowing people to see how it works. They can see the packaging. You can even do an a full blown, unboxing experience. So think about, you know, what can you demo? How can you take people on a journey?
Audria Richmond®:How can you get them as close as humanly possible to owning the thing? Right? That's the beauty in product tours and demos. So having and the the cool thing about these product tours and demos is that it can be live or it can be automated. You can get the best of both worlds by choosing either or.
Audria Richmond®:And we've done both, and they both work perfectly. Now I know this was a lot. However, you have 5 marketing strategies that I know for sure. Right? That we've generated money from all of these things that still work in 2024.
Audria Richmond®:Let's go over that one more time. Number 1 is lunches. If you don't know how to launch, I highly recommend that you grab, my book from our shop, this unclone dot shop, and get the book, Uncloned Marketing, or join the Uncloned Launch Circle. And you can join the Uncloned Launch Circle by visiting unclonedlaunchcircle, dot com. If we are closed, right, you go to the site and the wait list is up.
Audria Richmond®:You can always shoot us a DM on social media and just say, hey. I listened to this audio. I wanna join the launch circle. I see that it's closed. I need to get in.
Audria Richmond®:You can always request that way. So if you don't know launches, I highly recommend you get my book, Uncloned Marketing, How to Challenge the Norms with Profitable Marketing Campaigns, or join the uncloned launch circle where we can walk you through the launch process end to end and you get the uncloned launch system. So that's launches. That's number 1. Number 2, content with a strong trackable CTA.
Audria Richmond®:When you're creating content, make sure you have a tracking mechanism in place for you to know if that content worked. So your CTA, your call to action could be something like, hey. Book a call with me. Send me a DM if you're interested in buying x y z. Click the link in the bio by using, you know, by buying x y z.
Audria Richmond®:Use coupon code at checkout. Type x y z in the comments below, and we'll send you the link. Those are all ways for you to be able to track and know if it's effective. And, again, you need to be tracking it daily to be able to say, okay. I posted 3 reels.
Audria Richmond®:I told people to book a call with me, and I no one has booked a call yet. Okay. Let me do it on day 2. Do do it happen the same way on day 2? Day 2, I did 3 reels.
Audria Richmond®:I told people to book a call, and I didn't book a call. Why aren't people booking a call? Because it's one thing for somebody to like your post and keep scrolling. Right? There's a lot of people who just like and go.
Audria Richmond®:But are you having people to actually consume your content and engage with your content by leaving comments and in in, you know, engaging with your post? So keep that in mind. So content with a strong, trackable, CTA, call to action. And then live streaming on your favorite social media platform. You can go live on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitch.
Audria Richmond®:It doesn't matter. There are so many formats and ways for you to be able to live stream. And if you are a uncloned lunch circle member, there's actually a full blown training on how to live stream to generate sales. 1 on 1 calls. One on 1 calls is a great way to obviously generate revenue, but it's also a great way to get to know your audience to help you develop products and services for the future.
Audria Richmond®:Right? And or to be able to learn why aren't people buying my stuff. And I know that's not gonna be the easiest conversation to have, but at least you're not shooting in the dark and not knowing why people are not buying your products or services. And then the last one is automated or live private tours for of your product or service. So think about products, product demos, and and live tours.
Audria Richmond®:So a tour could be a walk through of your course, a walk through of your program. If you sell a service, it could be a introduction to you and how you work with your clients, featuring testimonials. If you are like a hairstylist, as an example, you could put together a, introduction, like a video that introduce who you are. You could talk about some of your best hair tips and then show people a gallery or portfolio, like a little quick slideshow, like a one minute slideshow of your best hairstyles. And then at the end, you tell people, like, how to book a call you know, book a session with you to get their hair done.
Audria Richmond®:But, again, there's so many ways you all could utilize this, but the cool thing about the tours is that it can be automated or it can be live. Totally up to you. So I know that's a lot, but hopefully, you have a lot of ways that you can cover the 2024 guns blazing and coming for what's yours. Alright? Now, let me know your biggest takeaway inside of our free Unclown Marketing Facebook group.
Audria Richmond®:And if you're not a member, you can visit the description wherever you may be listening to this audio, where's the link to join us in our free Facebook group. I would like to thank you so much for taking the time out to listen to this week's audio newsletter. Until next time y'all, let's go live an UnCloned® life and build an UnCloned® brand. Bye y'all.
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