4 Reasons You Need a 2025 Annual Plan
Welcome to the UnCloned® insider audio newsletter. My name is Audria Richmond, and I am your marketing and launch strategist. I work directly with my clients to show them how to build unclown brands and launch profitable marketing campaigns. We are the brand that you come to when you want to become or remain the obvious choice of your industry. What's up y'all?
Audria Richmond®:Happy Monday. Welcome back to another uncloned insider audio newsletter. Today, I am gonna come here and be extremely brief, mainly because we have an annual planning workshop to prepare for. And I figured, hey, since we're hosting the 2025 annual planning workshop this Saturday, why don't I talk about why you need an annual plan? So I was like, hey, let me go ahead and dive into that.
Audria Richmond®:Now depending on when you're listening to this audio newsletter, the the the class is free, and the last day that you can sign up for free is on October 16th at midnight EST. So if you listen into this after Wednesday, unfortunately, you're gonna have to pay for the workshop because we pretty much allowed it to be week free for like a week and a half. And so at this point, if you missed it, you missed it and you will have to sign up for it. Right? Now when you do upgrade the VIP, you get the replay and the workbook.
Audria Richmond®:So if you wanna come beyond free and you wanna be able to get the workbook and the replay and all of that, you can upgrade the VIP. All you gotta do to go and sign up is head over to unclonedot shop, that's unclonedot shop to go ahead and sign up for the free 2025 annual planning workshop that's happening on October 19, 2024 at 10 o'clock EST. Alright? Okay. So now that we have that under the wraps and we have that covered, I wanna get into four reasons you need an annual plan.
Audria Richmond®:Because there's so many cool reasons beyond the 4 that I'm gonna give you right now, but this is enough to kinda get you to make a decision on whether or not you're gonna create one for 2025. One of the things that I have noticed from coaching thousands of entrepreneurs, we be all over the place y'all. Can we just be honest? We be all over the place. We be wanting to do the most.
Audria Richmond®:We be having a 1000000 ideas. We be we don't be wanting to focus. It's like but I need y'all to focus. Okay? Because there's always a 1000000 things to do.
Audria Richmond®:Matter of fact, I'm actually in a, challenge program right now about eliminating goals and creating bigger goals and eliminating things that's going to distract you from hitting the main goal. And so you all have to get clear to clear crystal clear on the one thing that you can be dedicated, motivated, and excited about. That doesn't mean you gotta sell one product or service, but like what's the one mission? What's the one vision? What's the one goal that you want to achieve or head towards in order to really grow your business?
Audria Richmond®:Right? And so with that being said, there's four reasons you need an annual plan, a 2025 annual plan. Number 1, it's going to give you clear direction and it's going to allow you to focus on your goals, your priorities, and it's going to prevent distractions. One of the things I love about annual planning, and I don't know if I ever talked about this, but one of the things I love about annual planning is that I get to block out the things that are important to me. Right?
Audria Richmond®:We're gonna talk about how to do this in the workshop, but like I get to block off anything that's extremely important to me, whether it's professional or personal. And the beauty in that is that when the before the next year even come, my calendar is already accounted for because sometimes people plan things at the last minute and they try to include you at the last minute, and I don't be about that life. My year be planned. So if you think you just wanna bombard on my calendar, it's not happening. Right?
Audria Richmond®:And that's how you should be protecting your space, your time, and your calendar. Right? Like, you shouldn't be allowing people to just pop up on your your calendar last minute because they were poor at planning. And so I personally don't like participating in things at the last minute. One is unplanned.
Audria Richmond®:Oftentimes things fall through the crack, and so I love to really be thinking ahead so I can be prepared. It's nothing worse than, you know, having a a campaign or doing something and you all over the place because you're doing good at the last minute. And even though we all do things at the last minute, right, I'm not sitting here like I don't do things at the last minute, but I try not to make a habit out of it. Right? Once it becomes a habit, it's very hard to break, and so you gotta teach yourself how to be disciplined.
Audria Richmond®:Alright? Number 2 is is going to help you manage your resources. So we all have a limited amount of time. We all have money that's limited, and sometimes it's unlimited depending on what that bank do. Okay?
Audria Richmond®:But nevertheless, we all have time, money, and personnel, AKA team members, that we, you know, interact with on a daily basis and we do need to account for that. Next year, how much money you gonna need to launch those marketing campaigns? How much money you need to get into the to the right program and work with the right person to get your thing going? What team members do you need that you know that if you had these dream team members, it would change the game for you. Right?
Audria Richmond®:And so you need to think about those things because as you go into 2025, you wanna be coming to 2025 knowing exactly what you need. Like for us, we need to build a bench between 2550 unclean marketing pros. Like, I know that going into 2025 because our goals are extremely aggressive. We have some really cool initiatives that we wanna do online and offline. And so it's important for us to have that manpower, to be able to facilitate a lot of these ideas and initiatives that we wanna do.
Audria Richmond®:And I'm thinking about that before 2025. So that's what I mean by, like, you need to kinda know who you're gonna need to make certain ideas, you know, come to pass. Alright? Number 3 is financial forecasting. Yes.
Audria Richmond®:I know this is for some people who may not be as familiar with their financials, you know, forecasting is like being able to see what's coming down the pipeline, being able to predict the type of income and things like that that you wanna be able to do. So you wanna be able to forecast your revenue, your expenses, and your cash flow. So you wanna be thinking about your money now. Like, okay. What type of money we're gonna need for this initiative, this project?
Audria Richmond®:Okay. What type of cash flow we wanna see coming into 2025? Okay. What's our revenue goal and how much money we wanna make? So those are the things you wanna be thinking about.
Audria Richmond®:And number 4, which you have to know is my favorite, is marketing and strategy. Right? When I think about small business owners, one of the reasons we stay small is because we don't market. It's not because we have a bad product. It's not because we had a bad service.
Audria Richmond®:It's not because people don't like us. None of that. It's the mere fact that you're not putting yourself in front of as many new people as humanly possible. Alright? So today, right, since I've been on this call well, not this call, but since I've been on this audio newsletter with you all, we have received about 5 leads that's coming from my advertising campaign from running Facebook ads.
Audria Richmond®:So while I'm talking to you, I'm still building my email list. I'm still building my community. My Facebook group is growing. Our book bundles are selling. We've been shipping big book bundles.
Audria Richmond®:And so, again, when you're no. When you know your marketing, right, when you know your marketing strategy, it's very easy for you to be able to, you know, when you have your annual plan, it's very easy to map out your marketing campaigns and your launches. And then also, if you have any new products that you wanna release like us, we have, 2 new services. And I wanna say maybe even 3 new services that we're offering next year. We got one program.
Audria Richmond®:I have, like, maybe 2 event ideas. Actually, we got, like, maybe 5 or 6 things that's new that's coming down the pipeline that plays a role in our overall goal as a brand. So again, you wanna be thinking about all of these things and if you are just like if you've gotten to the end of this and you're just like, oh, girl, I don't know what to do. You need to make sure. Okay?
Audria Richmond®:You need to make sure yet that you are at our 2025 annual planning workshop that's happening on October 19th at 10 o'clock AM. If you can't make it, make sure you upgrade to VIP because I do wanna let you know this, VIP is on sale right now. So VIP is on sale. The obvious choice ticket is on sale. You already know on the day of our workshop, we always go up to regular price.
Audria Richmond®:So please do not wait till the last minute to get enrolled if you know you wanna attend our 2025 ain't planning workshop. Also, it's opportunity for you all to come and ask questions. So hopefully, I will see you there. Okay. So I do wanna let you all know this, be the CEO of your business.
Audria Richmond®:Okay? Be the CEO of your business. If you like, Arjorie, what are you talking about? I literally just did a audio newsletter last Monday called how to embrace being the CEO of your brand. It is amazing if you have not listened to it.
Audria Richmond®:So I want you to come into 2025 embracing being the CEO, and I wanna see you boss up like you know you can. Alright? So anyhoo, let me know your biggest takeaway in our free unclone marketing Facebook group. And if you're not a member yet, you can visit the description section wherever you may be listening to this audio newsletter so you can join us inside of that community. So until next time y'all, let's go live an UnCloned® life and build an UnCloned® brand.
Audria Richmond®:Bye y'all.
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