3 Levels of Leverage for Multiplying Yourself
Welcome to the UnCloned® Insider audio newsletter. My name is Audria Richmond, and I am your marketing and launch strategist. I work directly with my clients to show them how to build uncloned brands and launch profitable marketing campaigns. We are the brand that you come to when you want to become or remain the obvious choice of your industry. Hey, y'all.
Audria Richmond®:What's going on today? We're gonna be talking about the three levels of leverage for multiplying yourself. I'm excited to have this conversation because I originally had this conversation with myself first. And this was some years ago. These were some of the things that I was noticing about, like, multiplying yourself.
Audria Richmond®:Like, I'm on this this this, I guess you could say this journey, if you will, of multiplying myself, and I became obsessed with multiplying myself when I blew up my business. So I wanna tell you a few stories, and then we're gonna get into the three levels of leverage, and then hopefully, you can really walk away more informed around the direction you're heading and what you want to prioritize. And, you know, we did this as a Instagram live, I wanna say last year, and I wanted to kinda test out the concepts and the ideas. And now I feel a little bit more solid around this thought process, and I've made a lot of progress with this thought process. And so I wanna take a moment to actually share this with you.
Audria Richmond®:Alright? Now before I before I came up with this framework, the 3 levels of leverage, the first thing that I realized is that I need help. And I when I when I mean when I say I need help, I was looking at my okay. Let me let me go back. In 2020, I published my book, my 3rd book, Unclown Marketing, How to Challenge the Norms for Profitable Marketing Campaigns.
Audria Richmond®:And that book was designed to really show people that, you know, I am a beast when it comes to marketing and launching, so on and so forth. Right? And so I put the book out there, and it did numbers. When I say did numbers, it did numbers. Like, this was the project that really, really, really put me on the map.
Audria Richmond®:Right? But as a result of it putting me on the map, one of the things that I that I realized is that this was the first time my calendar had reached its capacity. And so let me give you context because normally when I tell this story, I don't think people really mean when I understand what I say my calendar was full. When I say my calendar was full, imagine let's say, we talk a lot about capacity and bandwidth. That's really when I started talking about capacity and bandwidth a lot.
Audria Richmond®:So now we that's a part of our curriculum and our content because a lot of the times, most people don't think about blowing up. For some reason, they don't think about getting you know, blowing up and becoming a big person. For some reason, we have small thinking, and so we make small moves. And so in 2020, it was the 1st year of me running my mastermind. I had about 30 mastermind clients.
Audria Richmond®:Each mastermind client had 6 one on one calls with me throughout the year. They each had their own private channel. They also had their own group channel. We were doing events. I mean, we were doing a lot.
Audria Richmond®:It was a lot. Right? And so I definitely have drastically changed our mastermind from then, but let's just I'm giving you context so you can understand where we were in 2020. So my book is coming out. I'm running a mastermind for the first time, and so I have a lot of clients I'm servicing just through that.
Audria Richmond®:I started once my book came out, people start booking 1 on 1 calls for me like crazy. I started being booked out for VIP days. And if you don't know what a VIP day is, basically a day when you meet with someone and you strategize and plan, with them, anything ranging between 4 to 6 and sometimes even 8 hours. I also do many VIP days, which are like 2 hours. Right?
Audria Richmond®:And so the thing about all of this is that I'm doing that. Right? I'm doing you know, like I said, I've I've launched a book. I got the mastermind. I have, like, you know, I'm I'm putting myself out there.
Audria Richmond®:I got the 1 on 1 calls. I got the VIP days. And then come December of 2020, my calendar has no more space for business. My calendar has no more space for opportunity. And when I say opportunity and and let me also preface this too.
Audria Richmond®:I was speaking about every other week at somebody's virtual event. I was going live on my own platform all the time, and I was conducting my own virtual conferences and launches during that time. Now let me give you context. We did not have a huge team in 2020. Okay?
Audria Richmond®:Majority of lot of this work was done with me in a very, very small team. And so the reason I'm bringing this to your attention is so you can have some kind of context to the headspace I was in during that time. So here I am on one side being extreme extremely excited about this huge milestone and having this huge book launch and all of the publicity and opportunities and everything that came with it. But then on the flip side, feeling extremely burned out because I can't even make more money if I want to. And not only could I not make more money from a capacity perspective, I also couldn't make money because I was just burnt out to a crisp.
Audria Richmond®:And so come 2021, I'm like, what am I gonna do? And, like, what's going on? And so I had my attempt at hiring and so on and so forth. I'm not gonna go that deep into the story, but I wanted to give you context on how we how I came up with this idea of the 3 levels of leverage. Right?
Audria Richmond®:And so after 2020, I go on this this this hunt for for trying to hire and get help. Right? I hired a couple of people. Everything is going good, so on and so forth. Right?
Audria Richmond®:So at the end of 2021 coming into 2022, you know, a lot of people were saying, like, I love the book. I love the book, but, like, I can't really afford a VIP day. Is there a way you can kinda help me launch? Like, I love the book. I wanna apply the book.
Audria Richmond®:I wanna do the book. Right? And so I'm doing all of these VIP days, and I'm just like, I don't really know how to you know, if you ain't gonna book a VIP day, if you ain't gonna buy the book, sis, I don't know what to tell you. You know? Like, you don't wanna join the mastermind, you you know, I didn't have the launch circle back then.
Audria Richmond®:And so I was just like, okay. I need a way to take what I do in a VIP day and put it into a product. And so introducing the uncloned launch systems, the uncloned the uncloned marketing system, which has the uncloned offer system, the uncloned launch system, the uncloned content planning system, and the opportunity hour system. That is the 4 systems that's a part of the uncloned systems marketing systems. Right?
Audria Richmond®:And so I create all of these different planners based on as if I was doing a VIP day with a client. Our flagship products is the offer system and the launch system, and so if you're a part of our community, you know what that is. If you've never bought a product from us, you probably it's foreign to what I'm saying, but just go with me. Alright? So we have the we I spent 2021 developing these planners.
Audria Richmond®:I also spent 2021 trying to hire, right, and really understand what it takes to hire someone. So by the time we get to the end of 2021, we're now moving into our launch, and we're enrolling people to sign up for these systems that's going to officially be in their hands in 2022. In 2022, we launch and it's a crazy success. Right? We ship in I mean, you can go and look at my Instagram and really kinda follow this storyline.
Audria Richmond®:Right? So we we create the planners. We have everything going and all of that. Right? And so my mom passed away in April of 2022.
Audria Richmond®:Shook my whole world. Okay? And it had me thinking like, man, what am I gonna do? Like, I did I'm coming off this high of this major project, but I'm also dealing with this significant loss. How do I balance the 2?
Audria Richmond®:And so that kinda took me into this deep, deep desire to multiply myself. Like, at one point, it was just like, girl, you need to multiply yourself. You know? You got the book. And then now that you got the book, you created the planners to really help people who may not can be a part of these different things.
Audria Richmond®:Okay. Now, you know, you still the one doing all the delivery. I'm still the one doing all the coaching. I'm still doing the one I'm still doing all the speaking and the marketing and the launches, and it's still Audree doing all of these things. And so I became obsessed with learning how do companies multiply themselves?
Audria Richmond®:How do companies get big? Right? Because at this point, the demand is there, but I don't have the the the capacity and the and the bandwidth. And I think a lot of small business owners may not even know what I'm talking about right now unless you're on the other side of this conversation. But for the most part, a lot of people don't know what it's like to be sold out, booked out.
Audria Richmond®:You know? You you at the height you you've reached max capacity, and I want that for you if you have not experienced that. But for me, when I was experiencing it, I was dealing with a lot of emotions and really trying to figure this out. Right? And so I came up with this this concept of 3 levels of leverage.
Audria Richmond®:And I was like, okay. Well, before I do that, let me kinda test a lot of the stuff that I'm working on that I'm using to multiply myself and see if it works. So the the first way that we got this going is I hired someone to work for our organization, and she had curriculum development experience, and then she went on to help us develop quizzes and stuff like that. And so a big part of that became our certification efforts. Right?
Audria Richmond®:And so before the certification program, the uncloned certification went public, we've we were we were internally training our coaches and team members on it first. So our team members are the ones that were going through the quizzes, testing the curriculum, making sure everything is solid and work. And another thing I wanted to see was, can I train some can I take someone who don't is not a part of our company culture? Can I take that person and train them up to be a really good coach? And so we tried that with the person who was helping us with the curriculum.
Audria Richmond®:Her name is Kiara. And so when she came in, she helped us do that. And so she she really was able to let me see that, like, oh, if you train someone and you give them the the good curriculum, like, they could be damn near a mini you. Right? And what I mean by that is they'll be able to support me and help me with delivering on what we said we was gonna give our clients because this is the other thing too.
Audria Richmond®:I have been a part of programs that had coaches, and I didn't like the way coaches were being trained in those programs because the the coaches were kinda like independent contractors who had their own mythology, like their own thought process around how how they wanted to coach you. And not there wasn't a a systematic framework. There wasn't any standards. And so I wanted to be clear around that with our program and how we coach our clients. There is no other curriculum but this way.
Audria Richmond®:Right? And so that became something I really wanted to get behind and be extremely definite about. And so once we we finalize it with our internal team and once I was able to see that, like, hey. I can actually transfer what I know, that became the the cornerstone, if you will, of all of the the certification process. And so we went on to, like, make that a big deal.
Audria Richmond®:And after we, you know, got the certification program and we start training people internally, once Kiara left, we were I was kinda back to square 1, like, okay, well Kiara is not here anymore. I need to go on this, like, you know, I need to hire more people. So I went out and start hiring more people, and as a result of hiring more people, I was able to test the curriculum without Kiara because, you know, I kinda look at Kiara as a, unicorn. You know what I mean? Like, she was coming in guns blazing, reading stuff, learning stuff, and read you know?
Audria Richmond®:But she was also a part of our community, so it did help that she was already a a previous customer. So it helped when she came into the organization because she was familiar with a lot of the things that we were teaching. But now I had a new challenge. How do I take someone who don't know the company culture, who is not currently a customer? How do I train them on our company culture and all of that stuff and bring them in to support us with delivery within the organization?
Audria Richmond®:And so this is when we kinda went on this rampage of hiring coaches. And so we went on and start hiring coaches, and I was able to learn basically, the curriculum helped us identify who can get this and who can't get this. Right? No love lost to the people who who didn't get it or didn't make the cut, but I was very strict in what I was looking for on who was gonna serve our clients. Right?
Audria Richmond®:And so once we started testing it out internally, I knew we had something, but then I had a new challenge. We were planning uncloned launch live, which was August of 2023, and this is huge event. Right? Now before we planned the event, I didn't feel confident in planning the event, and I didn't feel confident in planning the event because, I, you know, I was in this mastermind and I was in this, circle and they were just like, hey, you know, you should you should host an event. I'm just like, hosting the event is not my problem.
Audria Richmond®:Like, I know why I sell out an event. I know what the event would do great. That ain't that ain't what I'm thinking about. What I'm thinking about is who's gonna service these people once they become clients? That was always at the top of my mind.
Audria Richmond®:You will notice that I really care about my clients. I really care about how you all are served. I really care about who is talking to you, who's speaking to you, who's pouring into you. That is very important to me. And so when I was looking at this, I was just like, okay.
Audria Richmond®:I don't wanna put I don't wanna bring people to an event doing something this technical teaching people having lunch, and I'm the only one on stage that's teaching this. I need people on the ground on the ground in in workshop format teaching people. So not only did I need to to, you know, train our coaches on just knowing the content, like knowing the books, knowing the planners and stuff like that, but I had to invent and create new tests. So, like, one of the tests that we do is a product demonstration test. When you become certified or you're you know, whether you come in certified to work for us or if you're becoming certified as a as a student or a client, we have this test that we do called it's like a product demonstration test where you have to take the planner and be prompted and you don't you don't know how you're gonna be prompted, but you gotta know how to navigate the products as if you was working with the client.
Audria Richmond®:And so that's a test that I had to kinda create and develop. And so I'm coming up with all these systems and tools and processes because in my mind, I'm like, I can't go be I can't go be big and I can't multiply if I don't have those key foundational tools and resources. Right? And so once we once we got them trained, now I feel confident coming into UnClone lunch live. And it's safe to say that our event was a success.
Audria Richmond®:We had 2 coaches that were trained by me, and I was able to acknowledge the fact that they actually learned what I told them, and then they were able to support clients during the event. So it was amazing. So now I'm like, I'm feeling confident. I'm feeling confident. I'm feeling confident.
Audria Richmond®:And so I still needed to work out some tweaks with the certification program. So I finally got my certification trademark and certification mark, then I ended up, hiring my certification mentor to really support me with understanding how certifications work, how do testing works, so on and so forth. We finalized everything, and we launched the certification program of April 2024. And so we now have our 1st uncloned marketing pro who is a who is, Ashley Shepherd, and I'm excited about introducing her. Like, I mean, I'm introducing her now, but that's not how I'm gonna officially introduce her.
Audria Richmond®:But, you all know that, like, you know, she's Ashley Shepherd at this point because I've shared it on my social media channels, so on and so forth. But when I tell you she came into the certification program and she owned it, she killed it, and she nailed it, like, I'm so excited. And so now that we have the certification program done, I now feel like I have all my tools. Right? I have the books.
Audria Richmond®:I have the planners. I have the courses. We've demonstrated that this product works in an event environment. We've demonstrated that this works virtually, through having our coaches. And so I'm extremely excited.
Audria Richmond®:I'm like, okay. This is this is it. This is it. And so we got our certification program. So we our toolkit is lit.
Audria Richmond®:That's the best way to put it. Our toolkit is lit. It took us 4 years to create this toolkit, but I'm extremely excited about this toolkit. Now I wanna get into the three levels of leverage for multiplying yourself because I think before I could get into, you know, why you wanna multiply yourself and all of that, you really need to understand why did I even need to do this. Because maybe, hopefully, you may see yourself in this, or if you haven't gotten there yet, you can start prioritizing this.
Audria Richmond®:Because I'm telling you right now, if your offers is fire, if you are fire, and if your marketing is fire and what you have is fire, you're gonna sell out, you're gonna blow up, and people are gonna be ready to do business with you. But when that happens, I don't want I don't want you to be like me and be unprepared. Now I'm not saying that you need to go write a book, create planners, create courses, create the certification program, But what I am saying is you need to figure out what does what does multiplying yourself looks like. And so the three levels of leverage is really taking you through the three phases that you will experience, and then I will tell you how we're currently working on the 3rd level of leverage even though we've mastered 1 and 2. So I know you're like, girl, get to it, tell us then, tell us then.
Audria Richmond®:I got you. I got you. I got you. Alright. So number 1 is knowledge transfer.
Audria Richmond®:Okay? Knowledge transfer is the first level of leverage. Before you can help somebody else, before you can have somebody come in and help you and support you, you have to transfer what you know into a leverageable asset. So if you are a publishing like a pro client or student, you know we talk a lot about the different publishing types and a lot about the different publishing tools. And so one of the things that I want you all to know is that in order for you to get help, you have to create an asset that your people can be trained on.
Audria Richmond®:So for me, that's the book, that's the planners, that's the courses, that's the certification program. Leverageable asset. When I say leverageable asset, this should be an asset that your people can go through and you could do it at scale. There's no limit to it. You shouldn't be doing this 1 on 1.
Audria Richmond®:Like, my people can read the book independent of me. They can go through the course and the and the and the planners independent of me. So when I say leverageable asset, it should not need you to transfer the knowledge. You will need you to to create the asset, but it shouldn't need you to transfer that knowledge once it's out of your head. Okay?
Audria Richmond®:So that's the first level of leverage. Number 2 is delivery. Now when I break down delivery, I want you to understand that delivery has 2 parts. So delivery, you want to think about it like this, who is responsible for sharing, coaching, and advising clients with your leverageable asset? So if I wrote unclone marketing, which I did, and this is a leverageable asset, who is responsible for telling people to go read the book?
Audria Richmond®:Go, this is how you use the book. This is how you use the framework. This is how you create a uncloned launch campaign, blah blah blah blah blah. Right? Like, who is responsible for sharing, coaching, advising clients with the leverageable assets?
Audria Richmond®:Now this is the part I really want you all to to understand. When you get to delivery, delivery primarily would be done by you for as long as you you do it. So what end up happening is people can't scale because they won't do the first level of leverage, which is knowledge transfer. They will not create the leverageable asset. And so because they will not create the leverageable asset, they get stuck in delivery.
Audria Richmond®:So are you starting to see why delivery is so important of you getting the asset first? Because once you have the asset, anybody that you can train can deliver it. It don't have to just be Ardry Richmond anymore. It could be, coach Dio. It can be anybody on our team to go out and put the masses out there and let them know about it.
Audria Richmond®:So when we talk about delivery, right, who is responsible for sharing, coaching, and advising clients with your leverageable assets. Right? Now if you sell a physical product, how do you plan to distribute the level leverageable asset? Delivery has 2 parts. The first part is, how do the person receive the leverageable asset?
Audria Richmond®:And the second part is, who's going to demonstrate and share how to use the leverageable asset? So when you become a uncloned launch circle member, we have a coach and we're gonna hire more coaches to support you with launching. And so it doesn't when you come in, it ain't me, it ain't just Arjorie Richmond. Why? Because I've trained our coaches on how to do a uncloned lunch.
Audria Richmond®:Why? Because I have the uncloned lunch planner. I have the uncloned lunch course. I wrote the book on launching and marketing. So you get my drift.
Audria Richmond®:You have to create the asset first, then you can have delivery. Now this last one, a lot of people typically don't even make it to 2, to be honest, especially 3. So let's talk about 3. 3 is marketing. Who is responsible for marketing the leverageable asset other than the CEO?
Audria Richmond®:Someone on the team should be capable of marketing the company leverageable assets without the CEO. Let me rephrase this. Someone on the team should be capable of marketing the company leverageable assets without the CEO. That's the stage I'm at. I have the coaches.
Audria Richmond®:I know how to knowledge transfer. I know how to train people to deliver our curriculum and content and things like that. I now need someone client facing from a marketing perspective who can do our reels, who can do our YouTube videos, who can do our private podcast, who can help us coauthor and publish a book. Like, who's gonna help us, market our assets? Who's gonna be responsible for running the marketing campaigns and facilitating events and organizing people and so on and so forth?
Audria Richmond®:Right? So when we talk about the 3 levels levels of leverage, some of these these levels you won't even get to until you do step 1. Step 1 is totally knowledge transfer into a leverageable asset and you should be able to create a leverageable asset. Some leverageable assets includes books, courses, any type of product where you can create a one time somebody can watch, learn, and then transfer what they've learned to someone else, which is ultimately multiplying yourself. So I'm gonna go over the 3 levels of leverage one more time.
Audria Richmond®:So the first one is knowledge transfer. Transfer what you know into a leverageable asset. The second one is delivery. Who is responsible for sharing, coaching, advising clients with the leverageable asset? If you sell a physical product, how do you plan to distribute the leverageable asset?
Audria Richmond®:Delivery has 2 parts. The first part is, how do the person receive this leverageable asset? And the second part is, who is responsible and and is going to demonstrate how to you utilize the leverageable asset? And then the third level of leverage is marketing. Who is responsible for marketing the leverageable assets other than the CEO?
Audria Richmond®:Someone on the team should be capable of marketing the company leverageable assets without the CEO. I noticed it was an advanced, audio newsletter, but, you know, I'm done having baby conversations. And so I really want to invite you all to join us. Tap in. We would love to work with you.
Audria Richmond®:We would love to support you. If you are looking to partner with an organization who actually cares about you, your brand, and what you stand for, I really, really, really wanna get to know you. So reply back to this email, you know, that you received to listen to this audio newsletter or you can send us an email at info at unclownemarketing.com and let us know what you need support with and how we can help you. So I really do hope that you enjoyed this audio newsletter. Please let me know your biggest takeaway inside of our unclown marketing free Facebook group.
Audria Richmond®:And if you're not a member, please visit the description section wherever you may be listening to this audio newsletter. So until next time y'all, let's go live an UnCloned® life and build an UnCloned® brand. Bye y'all.
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